
Yy's Appendectomy Research Paper

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Y.Y. is 71-year-old female born on November 27th in 1944. She was divorced in 1993 and lives on her own. The source of the information stated is Y.Y, who seemed to be a reliable source. Y.Y reports to have no present complaints or illnesses and states she is currently not taking any type of medications. Y.Y. states she has previously had gallstones and an umbilical hernia. She believes her past and present general state of health is “within an acceptable range”. She denies having any childhood diseases. She repots she received the measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A&B, and polio vaccines. She does not get an annual flu shot and can not remember if she ever received a tetanus-diphtheria or varicella vaccine. Y.Y. states that she got an appendectomy …show more content…

was born in Pleven, Bulgaria and immigrated to the United States December of 1989. She finished college in Bulgaria with a Bachelor's Degree of Biology. Y.Y. is Caucasian and of a Bulgarian ethnicity. She is divorced. Y.Y. was a high school biology teacher in Bulgaria for 21 years. After she immigrated to the U.S. she became a certified nurse assistant for around 15 years and retired at the age of 63. Some things she enjoys doing includes reading, traveling, watching movies, spending time with her family and friends, and going around to different art events. She states her quality of sleep is “good” (additional information about sleep and physical activity in different section). Y.Y. has smoked cigarettes since the age of 20 and still currently smokes around a pack in 2-3 days, except for while she was pregnant and breastfeeding. She denies the use of any recreational or other drugs and denies drinking alcohol. She states she travels aboard often, has traveled to different countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America. Significant life events for Y.Y. were the birth of her two …show more content…

drives here 2001 Mitsubishi Galant at least 3 times a week for about 15 miles. She has a valid drivers license and gets it renewed as needed. She states she always wears her seatbelt. She has not been in any accidents or had any car violations in the past year. According to the Hendrich Fall Risk Model Assessment Y.Y. is at low risk for falling; scoring a 0 on the assessment (Hendrich, 2007). She reports her small apartment to have proper lighting, not being fully accessible by wheelchair due to a flight of stairs, no hazards objects, no bathroom mats or bars. She denies falling within the last year. As she gets older in age she might have to get an apartment on the first floor and use bathroom mats and handle bars. Y.Y. feel secure in her apartment. She does not have a doorman. She has security alarms and fire detectors. She trusts most of her

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