Personal Statement of Zainab Aldossary
While in grade school, my teachers always asked what I wanted to become in future, and I always answered, “To be great person.” With the passage of time, I got knowledge and skill background. After that, some people around me posited that I would change my career goals due to the complexities in studies and academic frustrations; however, I did not break. Instead, I found strength and relevance in my objectives, leading to my accomplishments in advancing my education to university levels.
To maintained, nothing drives my reflection of life more deep than a review of my academic and personal life. I reevaluate my objectives in making a difference in the society, which is my long-term goal. This reflection
People live their lives with many transitions, good or bad they provide us with experiences and knowledge. The life experiences we endure provide insight and wisdom to share with others. In life we are continuously looking for fulfilling experiences such as happiness, success, love or contentment. The thing people tend to forget is that these experiences that bring happiness is a basic mood or emotion not a purpose or an endpoint. Reflection provides self-awareness by improving oneself can present a sense of purpose that provides direction to how we live our life. There are moments of reflection that focus on the
Over the course of the last 5 months I have experienced many challenges that have presented to me in a wide variety of ways, some of which presented themselves based on my acts of poor judgment, and others I enacted on my own behalf. Throughout this period of time I have set many goals both academic and personal based on my challenges which have allowed me to stay focused and driven to be successful. Having an opportunity for personal reflection I have learned many things about myself and how I function, learn, and perform which as allowed me to grow mentally, personally, and spiritually. I now know and have gained a better understanding for how I think and feel, and how the decisions that I make on a daily basis shape my future. It is important for me to pay attention to how my actions have affected myself and those around me in that past and consider it as I move through life in the future.
When someone has a goal in life what will someone do to achieve it. I think a good fundamental building block is having a strong moral character. That you will do anything in your being of power to achieve that goal. Even if it means pushing through things that most people don’t want to do. For that is something I struggle with everyday for school. My goal for this year is to get all straight A’s though that is not easy task. Cause everyday after school my afternoons consist of homework, studying, and practicing my flute for band. There is one man who understood this way of thinking very well and was an inspiration to many while he was alive and even still to this day even after him passing away is still an inspiration. This him is called John Wooden, John Wooden was a self motivating man who knew what he wanted and had the plan to achieve it by any means possible he never let his circumstances in his childhood
Growing up the main question a child is asked is, “What do you want to be when you grow up? “ , and most kids respond saying a doctor, lawyer, or a cop. In reality not everyone sticks to their first idea, and it’s slim that they actual start working in the chosen career. In my case, I have always wanted to work as a social worker or a therapist, but I realized it wasn’t in my budget. Therefore, I have decided; as well as, grew interest in being a dental assistant for a pediatric office.
The goal that I established to address the element of weakness will address the need for an increase in individual student planning, specifically related to career readiness and success as well as post-secondary options. This goal addresses the attributes of a SMART goal in the following ways: Specific – I will develop and implement three classroom guidance lessons that cover the importance of career planning, the different career paths,
Considering lifetime goals, many people are unsure on how to prepare. They will either center around areas with no direction or only concern themselves with the subject with which they would like to be a professional in. This way they can find their passion or learn more about it. Since I was little, somewhere within deep myself, I have always strived to become someone who will be able to help others. The way I have come to realize how I can achieve this is to become a veterinarian. I will be able to help people who are unable to help the ones they love, their animals.
Little kids everywhere have imagined what they will become as they grow up; a doctor, a musician, a teacher. As an eighth grader, I’ve been given the opportunity to look in-depth at what careers I should consider. Through surveys I’ve learned about my more prominent skills, which has led me to the discovery of paths I should take as I draw closer to high school. As I continue to see my results and take a deeper look at my possible plan for the future, I hope to learn more about myself, discovering a career choice I haven’t considered before, and end up with a better understanding of who I want to be.
In the grand picture of life, I will forever be a student; learning and adapting through my growth process. There is an apparent need for change based on the current state of affairs in the world. The onus for the required change does not fall on others, but instead on individuals. “Be the change you wish to see in the world” is a common quote referenced to Mahatma Gandhi. Although, not his exact words, the paraphrasing holds the same sentiment: our individual improvement holds the capability to inspire others in their own improvement - change.
Without dreams and goals, success is hard to achieve. In grade school, I decided to become something in the medical field because I wished to help people
In expanding upon who I am and the important influences that have helped me become
For this reflection, you are encouraged to step outside of your comfort zone, dig deep, and be honest with yourself. Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers. Therefore, you will not be graded on specific content in your journal. You will be assessed on the depth of your reflection, so take this opportunity to inspire personal thought and ideas. Note: This journal template has two parts that you need to complete.
One of the crucial moments in my life was the decision I had to take; as to what I was going to do next in life. Having completed my Advanced Level in 2013, I realized that it was not the end of my career as a student. I needed strong academic foundation along with other soft skills to meet the challenges and survive in this commercial world as a successful individual. In view of these thoughts, I was unable to make a firm decision as to what my career direction would be. After a month or so of various discussions with my parents, friends and other learned people I was able to reason out the best choice for me.
To achieve success in education and career one must be dedicated and committed to our goals. You must have a clear objective what the goals are and have the proper plan to accomplish your success. Dedication with the proper approach will certainly bring success both in your education and career goals. Just wishing your goals will not bring you success, you must have a desire, the eagerness and driving force to be successful. You must make sacrifices and have a plan in mind. The first part of the plan is to create a goal for you. After that, you need to set a time frame to accomplish the task, then everyday work toward it. You must put in a great effort and work hard to create success in your education and career paths and once you achieve it you must create an environment to maintain it.
To bring my life into perspective, I must first take the time to explain what areas of my life I will be covering. I will be explicating on the social inheritance that has positioned me in my life. Also, I will be giving a detailed description of my life’s role models which I have followed closely, while trying to closely mimic their successes and divert myself away from their failures by experience and observations. Next, I will be describing the practices that I have explored while receiving internal goods and or skills acquired. Fourthly, I will be expounding on my long range goals (telos) which I am striving to reach, and the quest which brings purpose and meaning to my life’s overall direction. Lastly, I
My Career Plan The future is uncertain for me, but it is important to develop a career plan that will provide financial support and personal fulfillment over the course of my professional life. To make this transition from school to a professional career, I am going to plan a plan that will help me stay focused and motivated in meeting my goals and objectives. In the next paragraphs, I will explain my ten-year plan for my