
Zambia And The Health Of Its Citizens Essay

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The purpose of this paper is to report on the situation in Malawi and the health of its citizens. Information gathered from several peer reviewed sources will be assessed in order to draw conclusions on the strengths and weaknesses of Malawi as a country. After a conclusion is drawn, depending on whether Malawi has been identified as a country with a strong economy and health system, or a country with a weak economy and health system, suggestions will be made for improvements. The type of suggestions made will vary depending on the situation in the country. For example, if Malawi is found to be in a healthy living situation by the end of the paper minimal suggestions will be made as to how the country can improve. If however, the country is found to be lacking severely on provision of necessities such as health service and a stable economy, then a more detailed list of improvement strategies will suggested for the benfit of the country and its citizens. Key metrics like the quality of health services, the economy, health issues, lifestyle corruption and so on will be assessed for the purpose of this paper.

Country Background.
Economy: High inflation rates have continued to deter Malawi’s economic growth, therefore prolonging poverty which leads the government to tighten fiscal and monetary policies. Malawi’s lack of ability to meet basic social and economic needs of an urban population, explains why the country 's health situation is in desperate requirement of reform. Data

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