Eventually, many of Iraq's Sunnis turned against al-Qaeda, and with significant assistance from US forces largely defeated them. Zarqawi was killed in a 2006 US airstrike. By the end of 2008, it looked like Iraq might have a real chance at recovering from the US-launched war. But then Iraq's own prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, committed a series of terrible errors. He allowed corruption and authoritarianism to deepen, persecuting political opponents. He reorganized the government to privilege Shias and marginalize Sunnis. When Sunni communities rose up in protest, he put them down brutally. Maliki also gutted the Iraqi army, removing many experienced senior officers and replacing them with cronies. This happened as the US, under a deal negotiated
The lack of clear and well thought strategy in addition to the lack of knowledge and understanding of the Iraqi people lead to the failure in Iraq, which materialized in the form of ISIS.
Not only has Obama ended the war in Iraq, he also ordered the last set of troops to leave on December 18, 2011.Obama eliminated the terrorist leader and Al Queda member, Osama Bin Laden in 2011("Obamas Top 50 Accomplishments"). The United States image has been improved and favorable
Iraqi laws have seen constant changes. Many old laws have been replaced by a new legislation, and other laws have been amended; first by the US Civil Administrator Paul Bremer, and later by the government of Iraq. And this happened after the fall of Saddam Hussain`s regime and the occupation of Iraq by the American and the British forces on 9th April 2003.
When the United States seized control over Iraq, many Iraqi citizens were left without a job. As a result of this widespread unemployment, recruitment for Muslim extremist groups thrived. Lt. General Michael Flynn, a key figure of the War, has admitted “As brutal as Saddam Hussein was, it was a mistake to just eliminate him.” Flynn went on to say. “The same is true for Moammar Gadhafi and for Libya, which is now a failed state. The historic lesson is that it was a strategic failure to go into Iraq. History will not be and should not be kind with that
…The U.S. began the Iraq war with the goal of ridding the region of a tyrannical government that didn’t protect its people. However, a decade later, at the conclusion of the U.S. military mission in Iraq, the people are perhaps worse off than they were before the
This along with the issues that had hindered certain aspects, the mission continued on. The ability to infiltrate a country and accomplish a mission behind enemy lines with little to no support as well as operate with an Army that supports their mission was a leading cause for the success. The enemy was confirmed, the existence of Al-Qaeda operating in Iraq was presented, as well as the chemical weapons being created by Al Qaeda and Ansar Al-Islam were reported. What happened after was up to the policy makers and the consumers on the other end of the intelligence cycle. The connection between Saddam and Al-Qaeda that had lead a great deal of bias was not confirmed, but with knowledge from the Iraq Survey Group report after the invasion as to how Saddam ran his government, the possibility of the two being collusion is one that couldn’t necessarily be true.(CIA 2004,Vol
forces at a hideout in Abbottabad, Pakistan. In June 2011, President Barack Obama announced the beginning of large-scale troop withdrawals from Afghanistan, with a final withdrawal of U.S. forces tentatively scheduled for 2014. Many people throughout the world (though not all) are in agreement that the world is a better place without Saddam Hussein. In losing Hussein, the Iraqis gained freedom of expression. Due to us fighting the war they are slowly turning into a democracy. Iraq could eventually serve as an example of democratic transition for other nations in the Middle East. However, it’s too soon to measure the benefits of the Iraq war. It remains to be seen how history will judge America’s involvement in Iraq. The war against Iraq was a war that needed to be fought. If we fought more ruthlessly it would of been over sooner. In October 2002, a National Intelligence Estimate stated that Iraq possessed “weapons of mass destruction,” or WMD. On March 19, 2003, with the support of Congress and the majority of Americans, the U.S. military began bombing Baghdad in a campaign titled “Shock and Awe.” The result was 189,000: Direct war deaths, which doesn't include the hundreds of thousands more that died due to war-related hardships. 4,488: U.S. service personnel killed directly.32,223: Troops injured (not including
The Iraq war was occurred in 2003 between Iraq and the Unites States. The United States invaded Iraq and overthrew Saddam Hussein despite not being backed by the United Nations because they claimed that Iraq had a WMD program and were linked to Al-Qaeda. However, no WMD program nor any direct links to Al-Qaeda were found. After the United States had occupied Iraq for a few months, Islamic extremist groups were founded. The United States goal of overthrowing Hussein was accomplished, but this was the incorrect time to overthrow him, as Islamic terrorist groups came in his place. The short-term effects of the Iraq war were the formation of AQI and the increased tensions between Shi’a and Sunni Muslims. The main long-term effect the Iraq War was an increase in worldwide distrust towards the United States. In conclusion, the Iraq War destabilized the Middle East by going against the UN security council and attacking Iraq, then finding neither a WMD program, nor links to Al-Qaeda, which were the reasons they invaded
Soon after the invasion, Hussein went into hiding. American and coalition forces were able to take control of Iraq's major cities in three weeks, without many casualties. On May 1, 2003 President Bush declared an end to major combat in Iraq, although guerrilla war continued in Iraq in the years that followed and thousands of coalition soldiers and civilians were killed.
Salvador Dali once said, “Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings”. This is can related to Macbeth. However, in Macbeth’s case ambition without good supporters is like giving a dagger to a murderer, literally. Macbeth was just a normal royal until he was given the prophecy that he would soon be king, even though the King was still alive. Macbeth wanted to be king, but he knew that with the current king still alive and with heirs that it would be a long time before he gained the title of king.
The Iraq War, also known as the Second Persian Gulf War or Gulf War 2, started in March 2003 with the combined invasion of Iraq by the United States and Great Britain. President George Bush urged the invasion of Iraq for two reasons. First, the vulnerability of the United States following the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Secondly, the belief in Iraq producing weapons of mass destruction and their support for terrorist groups in the region. In the early stages of the invasion, Iraqi troops did not stand a chance against the invading countries. Iraqi military forces were forced to flee or surrender which allowed for a relatively easy takeover of the country. With his county being completely dominated by allied forces, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein went into hiding. He was later found in December 2003, and was turned over to country officials. After being convicted of crimes against humanity, he was executed in 2006. With over 39,000 soldiers remaining in Iraq by the start of Barack Obama’s presidency, the new commander of chief of the United States announced they would be leaving the country upon by the end of 2011 (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2015).
When one thinks of Iraq war, the two key players are perceived to be George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein. As leaders of the opposing sides, they are also perceived as the decision makers. In the individual and sub group levels of analysis, toppling of the Hussein’s regime in Iraq was a success. This success
Creating foster empathy in the game to support educational or activist programming is the key method and goal [3]. In this they allow player to enact the role and to have a perspective of other people. This method is used to develop empathy in the player. Empathy improves people’s attitudes and behaviors towards other individuals or groups, while a lack of empathy is associated with more negative attitudes and behaviors. The positive effect of empathy is motivating a person to be more social with other people.
Civilizations are a lot different now than they were in 800 B.C. Since then, history is still being recorded. Things are still being discovered and found from the earliest of days in these foreign communities. From the few things that we know from their past we have developed ideas and inferred what life in Ancient Greece might have been like.