
Zehner's Analysis

Decent Essays

students by giving the answer. Teachers are quick to take the pencil from a student’s hand and say, “Here, let me show you.” Meaning well, we interfere with students owning their thinking and learning.”
I want to see students succeed and prevent them from struggling. A student should never be embarrassed in class and struggling often leads to feelings of diminished self-worth. Zehner points out a critical error that must be acknowledged. As an educator I am a person of compassion and therefore out of concern am going to be naturally inclined to rescue a struggling student. By stepping in to help this student, I am actually committing a crime against them in robbing them the opportunity to learn and grow. My good intensions may …show more content…

Suggesting that I want all my students to struggle may frighten my students and administrators alike. Without laying the groundwork for an environment of inclusion and connectedness within the classroom, a struggling student may be inclined to give up.
Zehner (2009) encourages, “Building a road takes time. But once it is built, drivers from all over use it to go wherever they want to. Teaching kids to be lifelong learners does not happen overnight. We must lay the groundwork for students to explore their thinking and to ask questions about why, how, and where these skills can be used throughout their lives.”
Students are desperate for these skills. Often asking why do I need to learn blank (insert subject matter here)? How will learning that subject help me in the future? Teaching students to think is a lifelong skill. The principles of metacognition teach us to think about our thinking and how we arrived at a particular answer. Unequivocally this is a lifelong skill and often a dividing factor between those who succeed and those who do not. Getting students to buy into learning to think and why it is important will be a life changer for so many students. Providing students an opportunity to learn to think is helping build a bridge for them to cross over into productive and successful members of

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