Mythology Assessment Essay: Zeus and Hades
Greek mythology is the research of stories and legends created by the ancient Greeks. Being a part of the religion in ancient Greece, it tells the myths of gods and goddesses, as well as human heroes. Modern scholars have used Greek mythology to study the myths, in an attempt to shed light on the religious and political institutions of ancient Greece, alongside its civilization. Modern scholars have also used it to gain understanding of the nature of myth-making itself. One of the first and significant gods from the mythology is Zeus, who was the almighty of the sky and all its phenomena, and the ruler of the Olympian gods. Hades is another significant god (also being one of the first) from the mythology,
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He overthrew his father Cronus (and the rest of the Titans) by tricking him to drink a potion, became the leader of all the Greek gods after winning a draw against his brothers, dated a lot of women, including his sister Hera (whom he married eventually), severely punished the worst villains of myth for their negative acts, and protected everyone from any danger. Hades has also made some great achievements as well. He became one of the “big three” of the Greek world, helped his siblings fight against the Titans, successfully kidnapped Persephone to marry her, and then became Demeter's enemy for kidnapping her daughter. Although both Zeus and Hades were successful at what they've done, they’ve also committed sins that could’ve gotten them in a lot of trouble.
Zeus' personality seems to swift with every myth one reads. At times, he was wise and came up with clever ideas. Other times, he can be easily tricked. He also tends to get angry whenever he makes decisions. Zeus has had rather a (psychologically) damaging personality. Hades’ personality, on the other hand, was more dark and morbid. The other gods and humans didn't seem to like him due to him being greedy and selfish. He didn't seem to mind, though, because he lacked emotions. Hades was more rude and stubborn than Zeus was, although both gods did have their aggressive
Greek gods, the basis of Greek culture and religion, are the center of Greeks’ superstitions and ways to worship. These relate to the god’s origin and their deeds in their myths. Gods can either show jealousy, courage, or kindness to mortals and other gods, so Greeks label the gods based on their qualities. In most circumstances, the Greeks decide whether to worship or despise a god only by whom or what they rule over. For example, Greeks show reluctance in worshipping Hades, the Lord of the Underworld. Greeks hold celebrations and festivities to earn favor from the gods. Greek gods can either have a positive or a negative impact on Greek culture. Most people believe that Hades, an important god in Greek culture, has a negative impact on
Hades was the son of Cronus and Rhea; like Zeus and Poseidon. After Cronus was defeated by his(Hades) brothers, the realms of the world were divided amongst him and his brothers. Hades was the ruler of the underworld. Him and Persephone, his queen and whom he abducted, ruled the underworld together. Hades’ personality wasn't very distinct throughout history, though he was described as “stern and pitiless”(editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica).
“The supreme deity of Greek mythology has his lusty, tempestuous story recast in engaging fashion by Stone”(ProQuest). Zeus was thought of as the father of gods and men. While he did not make them, he protected them, and therefore was considered a father to them. He ruled over the sky and air, and controlled everything that happened in his domains from his throne on Mount Olympus. To gain his throne, he overthrew his father, Cronos, with the help of his siblings, and then dividing up the realms between him and his two elder brothers. Zeus became lord of the sky and rain, Poseidon took the title lord of the sea, and Hades became ruler of the underworld. He then banished his father to the shadowy Tartarus in the underworld. Zeus was the most
His most famous story is about the time he wanted a wife so he kidnapped the daughter of Demeter, Persephone which upset Demeter the goddess of the harvest. When Demeter found out she started a famine. When the other gods pleaded for her to stop, she refused and would not stop until Persephone was returned. Hades relented, but first feed Persephone a cursed pomegranate that causes her to be chained to Hades which makes her return yearly. Which causes winter because Demeter gets upset about Persephone.
Many people believed that Hades was a bad person since he ruled the underworld, but actually way Hades the son of Cronus and Rhea, the god of the underworld, the riches god of all, and the husband of Persephone. Hades background, along with his strengths and weakness, along with the stories and enemies will affect the way people see and tell people who hades actually really is. First Main Topic Headline ( Hades background) Hades, also known as Pluto the son of Cronos and Rhea two Titans who once ruled the world. The two Titans had other children; Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, Hera, and Zeus. Most people think Hades was the oldest child, but Hades was actually the twin to Demeter.
Hades is the Greek God and ruler of the Underworld. He is often associated with wealth and agriculture. He is also the son of Cronus and Rhea and the third most powerful Greek god. Unlike his two brothers, his realm cannot be seen by anyone living. The Greeks believe that his name, Hades, means “The Unseen One.” He is the only god that does not live on Mount Olympus; he has his own glittering palace made of pure gold and gems in the Underworld. The Greeks believe that when mortals
Hades is the god of the underworld, he starts a war with the Titans to fought Zeus. Hades causes a lot of war with Zeus and the other gods and goddess. On the 18th year of Hercules birthday the stars match up in a line, and Hades will get the titans out of the underground where Zeus locked them up. It was a godly kingdom, it was never ugly nor boring.
Hades: Hades was the brother of Zeus and Poseidon, and the son of Cronus. After the overthrow of their father, he lost and became the lord of the underworld and the ruler of the dead. The Greeks called him Plouton, due to the precious metals mined from the earth, therefore, Hades also became the god of wealth. He preferred the underworld much more, so it was rare for him to leave his kingdom. Hades’ weapon was a pitchfork, which he used to create earthquakes.
I am talking about Hades, the God of the Underworld in Greek mythology. Hades isn’t the bad guy people say he is becauses of his background, treatment of others, and the people he rules over. Hades was not evil as he had been depicted, but rather he pushes away others. After Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus defeated their father along with the other titans. They all received a major part of the world.
and he is actually a hero. The first reason on why Hades is benevolent is because he is misunderstood. On the Website it said that Hades s just passive and that he is only harsh when other people try to leave the underworld or when people try to cheat deat. This explains that Hades is passive, missunderstood and is only harsh when people try to cheat death or try to leave the underworld.
Argument Writing Greek Mythology. Hades a greedy god with his greatest concern being to increase the number of his subjects. Hades is benevolent because he wasn’t actually evil and was one of the heroes of Greek myths. Hades is benevolent because he wasn’t actually evil. In passion Hades wasn’t actually evil because he was altruistic and passive bringing balance to the human world.
Hades, the evil genius, is out to seek revenge on the other Gods because he feels he is unappreciated and powerless, compared to his all mighty brother Zeus and other family members. At the beginning of Hercules, Hades was simply a mistreated God who Zeus had selfishly forced to be the God of the Underworld; a dreadful, miserable place where souls go to suffer. Hades rarely has an important role in the lives of the other Gods, who spend their time living on Olympus; a wonderful and lively kingdom. Hades is jealous of the fortune of the other gods living on Olympus. He states, “but unlike you gods lounging about up here...I regrettably have a full-time gig...that you, by the way, so charitably bestowed on me” Hades is the ruler of the underworld, as he calls it, a dark and gloomy place, as well as, always full of dead people. So he feels he has been treated unfair and deserves more. Unfortunately there is no way to change this fact, unless you are Hades of course. Hades, being the evil genius he is, has a plan to take revenge on the Gods. In this plan he intends to destroy Olympus and rule the Gods forever. Because Hades is less fortunate than the other Gods, he is very overlooked by them. He feels that he has been put in a place where he cannot truly be a
Demeter is very angry at Zeus for giving Persephone to Hades to be his wife and queen of the underworld in the Hymn and Zeus is playing the role of someone who is powerful that has made a mistake. To rectify his mistake, Zeus tries to appease Demeter by sending Iris to try to talk some sense into her. The next step he takes is to send all of the gods to her, but she is not able to be consoled. Following these attempts, Zeus decided to send Hermes to the underworld to tell Hades to send Persephone back to them (Nagy: 314-39) While Zeus is playing the forgetful god that is trying to rectify his mistake, he is also playing the powerful god that Zeus is famously known to be as he himself never actually goes on any of the journeys to see Demeter or Hades. Rather than going himself, he displays his power by sending everyone else to do his errands. The only gods in the story that even make decisions on their own are Zeus, Demeter, Hades, and Hekate, but Zeus is shown controlling all of the other gods. Even Hades is being controlled by Zeus to some degree when Zeus sends Hermes to the underworld to tell Hades to allow Persephone to come back to them. In Hesiod’s Theogony, Zeus is given the title of being the most important god, as well as a king of the gods. Zeus’s defining line in Theogony is when he is
The mythological character and God, Zeus, is portrayed in many ways, by many different people. Hesiod describes Zeus as being relentless in his fury. When he gets mad he unleashes all of his power. If his brother Hades wasn’t in charge of the Underworld, he’d make all of Hell break loose. For example, in Hesiod’s Theogony, which is about when Zeus defeated his father, Cronus, he says, “Then Zeus did not hold back any longer, but now immediately his heart was filled with strength and he showed clearly all his force.” (Morford and Lenardon 85) He tends to treat others, mortals and immortals, very unfairly. Two mortals could do the same exact type of sacrilege towards him, and depending on how he felt that day, he would take two very different approaches to how he would treat them. He also doesn’t take any threats towards him very lightly at all. If anyone ever threatens him, he normally punishes them very severely, if he doesn’t destroy them completely. Hesiod’s approach to Zeus’ behavior is overdramatic, and makes it seem more extreme than it probably would’ve been.
In The Iliad, the Olympian Gods were depicted as a group of individuals who were still completely vulnerable to mistake and harm despite their great power. Zeus was one, if not the biggest and most powerful God among all other Gods. Known as the King of the Gods, Zeus was a mighty, dominant, and seemingly supreme God, despite his tendency to show surprising silliness and sometimes, the lack of wisdom through his choices, especially when it came to love affairs, which eventually led to many problems that could have been prevented. Zeus, in The Iliad, Zeus is a representation of how ancient Gods were just normal humans equipped with a great degree of power and capabilities, but they have the tendency to show humanly behavior and mistakes.