I. Intro paragraph
a. Background , lightening and powers
b. The life of two gods that are associated with one of the same powers are Zeus and Thor. The gods were created to rule their town. Coming from two different backgrounds they have similarities as well as differences among each other. Things that makes them the same and also makes them difference are their background, lightening and powers.
II. Body Paragraph One
a. Zeus and Thor are two mythological King of Gods from two different background cultures.
b. Zeus, from Greek mythology and Thor, from Norse mythology. Greek mythology is the body of myths that belong to the Ancient Greek. Norse mythology is a religion that Vikings believe in, Better known as Scandinavians.
c. From their marriages to their relationships hips with
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Zeus is a controlling god that controls lightning and thunder from the sky at his command. Known as the ruler, he usually only comes to Earth to impregnate women, and to protect his loved ones. Thor the mighty warrior that uses his hammer to create lightening. Thor uses his power of lighting Riding through the sky slaying Giants.
c. With the power of lightning Zeus and Thor was both strong honorable men of their neighborhood.
IV. Body Paragraph Three
a. The two king of gods aren’t limited to one talent, although their greatest power is lightening. They also have others powers that set them apart from each other.
b. Zeus lightning bolt can also be used to control the weather. He uses the thunderbolt to create dangerous storms during fights. Thor have a heavyweight chariot that's driven across the sky by his two hefty goats. Thor's other power was that when he gets hungry he could eat the goats and his hammer Mjolnir had the ability to resurrect the animals as long as the bones were present and not damaged.
c. Their variety of powers give them the ability to protect and guard their loved ones.
Zeus is the God of the sky, lightening, order law, and justice. He was the youngest son of Kronos and Rhea, and rose to power and became the ruler of all the Gods on Mount Olympus. Since Zeus was the most powerful God on Mount Olympus he had many different partners, which resulted in many different kids. Leto is the kid to the Titans Coues and Pheobe, she grew up to be the Goddess of Motherhood for the Titans. Leto lived on Mount Olympus where she met Zeus and they ended up falling in love.
Select two myths, each from a different culture, in which the divine role appears. Identify the divinity names and cultures in columns A and B.
With his shield, Aegua, he was believed to be the god able to create any of the Phenomena that the greeks had seen in the sky. He was considered to be the ruler of the realms of the sky and air, and controlled anything that happened within them. Because he was the ruler of the sky, and had helped free the Cyclops, they rewarded him with the thunder bolt, a powerful weapon that allowed him to hurl lightning bolts at anything or anyone he desired. He was known to have a short temper, and to throw lightning at anyone who made him angry, particularly liers and oath breakers. He also used it on anyone who fell in love with his wife, even though he had many affairs. He is generally thought of as “wise, fair, just, merciful, and prudent. He was also unpredictable – nobody was able to guess the decisions he would make”(greekgodsandgoddesses.net). He tried to protect people from wrongdoing, punishing those who did, and is also the god of hospitality and quests, ready to fix any wrong done to a stranger. His main symbol is the lightening bolt, as it is his favorite weapon, but he has also been represented as an eagle, as it sees all, much like him from Mount Olympus, a bull to
Isaiah Lee Mrs Allen 7th hour Mythology Essay Myths are how the world works and are passed down from generation to generation, And the purpose of telling myths is to shape cultures and beliefs. One similarity in myths is the Gods in their stories. This is possible because they share something and tell you how the world works. I will be talking about the resemblance between each of these myths. One such similarity is how they both have the sky God in “Gilgamesh”, “Anansi and the sky God stories”, and “Quetzalcoatl wins music for Earth”.
Beginning around 700 B.C., stories by Homer and other Greek poets told of the lives of powerful gods who involved themselves in human affairs. Supreme among these gods was Zeus, but to the Romans he was known as Jupiter. Zeus was the supreme god and ruler of Olympus. He was known by many titles: Lord of the Sky, the Cloud- gatherer, the Rain-god, and Zeus the Thunderer. All of which are the most popular names dating back to ancient Greek history and mythology.
To begin the comparison of the two myths, one must look at both the similarities and the differences. To write the myth both poets need help from the Gods, however, the Gods just appear to Hesiod, thus making the Gods in control and the Gods are asked to help by Ovid, thus putting
Zeus, most likely the most renowned god of all gods, the mighty god of lightning has taken part in some of the most widely known myths of all times. Zeus has taken part in many Greek and Roman myths alike, either as Zeus or as his Roman counterpart of Jupiter. Unlike most gods in mythology though, Zeus is the main character in almost all of the myths he is mentioned in. Whether the myth is about his epic clash against the Titans, his fight against the Giants or even about his extramarital affairs, Zeus always seems to come out of these conflicts unaffected and triumphant. When examining Zeus’ character though, it is important to note that Zeus is a god that exhibits human characteristics throughout most of his myths. Growth is one of the
Similarities and differences between our 2 favorite heroes. There are three things that are so similar to both stories is that they both got the strength that can lift many heavy things cause they're so powerful. They both got some evil guy who wants to rule and conquer their planet but they have to first kill the sons of governor Hercules and
Zeus’ main mean to destruction was a thunderbolt which he would heave at whoever displeased him or disregarded his rules. Zeus was always keen on people being honest and keeping oath, and if anyone didn’t he would take it upon himself to make sure they payed for what they did, although Zeus broke his own oath by being infamously known for having many affairs, and many wives. Although his sister Hera always remained his queen. The God's main weapon to destruction was a large lightning bolt. He would launch the lightning bolt at anyone who did so much as ridicule them, which would most likely result in their death.
Hundreds of years ago people did not have the technology to explain different forces of nature. They created gods, each with separate powers, to rule their domains. Some of the gods were merciful, some were wicked, and others were merely servants of more powerful gods. Looking at the gods, it is easy to tell what the civilization most valued. I am going to look at the Greek and the Norse gods to compare what was most important to their societies.
Rollo May once said, “A myth is a way of making sense in a senseless world. Myths are narrative patterns that give significance to our existence (“Rollo May Quotes”). In most ancient cultures, mythology served the purpose of explaining unknown information about natural disasters, origins of the world, among others. Many religions worshiped various deities and, occasionally, each deity played an important role in one or more specific part of an individual’s life; for example, some religions worshiped gods of war or fertility. In the Norse Mythology, Odin, Thor, and Loki are notorious because of their constant presence in most of the myths.
Together the Gods went to war against Cronus and the Titans for ten years, and Cronus was defeated. Having beaten the old gods, Zeus made himself supreme god of the Olympians and most powerful god. The brothers drew straws for domains of the Universe and therefore were divided into three parts. Poseidon became the god of the sea, Zeus became the king of gods, the sky, and heaven and earth and Hades became the god of the underworld.
In Norse mythology, Thor is known as the God of Thunder. The Vikings believed that the sound of thunder was caused by Thor. In the Norse myth, Thor and his mighty hammer, Miolnir, take on the destructive giants. It is said that every crack of thunder is Thor dropping his hammer down. (The Encyclopedia of Ancient Myths and Culture 449-455)
Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. They were a part of religion in ancient Greece. Modern scholars refer to, and study, the myths, in an attempt to throw light on the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece, its civilization, and to gain understanding of the nature of myth-making itself.
lightning was understood to be a possession of the Greek god, Zeus. However, later man