The Scientist I read about was Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng was a Chinese mathematician, astronomer, and geographer. He was also a cartographer, artist, poet, statesman, and a literary scholar from the Henan Province, Nanyang in China. He is well-known for Chinese inventions in which he invented. Zhang hang was born at 78 CE in a town located north of the modern Henn Province, Nanyang City. He died in 139 CE at Luoyang, China. Zhang Heng came from a distinguished family that isn't affluent. When Zhang Heng was 10 years old, his father died, from then on, his mother and grandfather took care of him. Zhang grew up surrounded by literature and learning, he became a good writer at the age of twelve. As a person who is full of curiosity, He wishes
Shen Fu was a Chinese writer and art dealer who lived during the Qing Dynasty. He had a very strong love for his wife Chen Yun and she is the inspiration for his book “Six Records of a Floating Life”, which vividly describes their life and love together. Shen Fu discusses the happiness that he found in marriage to his cousin Yun, in his first chapter, “Joys of the Wedding Chamber”. He then goes into detail, and is even reminiscent, about enjoying the little things and his experiences with them in the second part of his book, “Pleasure of Leisure”. Next Shen Fu talks about the adversities that he and Yun have to experience, in their sometimes-trying
This book started with Wang Lung introducing himself and how his life is like. He lived with his father mostly because his father was really sick and Wang Lung had to take care of him. His father was a traditional and moral man. He did not approve many things that went on in the house. Later on, he went to the house of the Huang’s and got a slave to be his wife. Her name was O-Lan. O-Lan was a slave and she was treated really terribly most of her life, even when she married Wang Lung. Together they had 5 children: three boys and two girls, each with very different characteristics.
Son of the Revolution is a unique novel because it describes the author’s personal experiences. Liang Heng writes this with his wife, Judith Sharpiro, about his involvements growing up in communist China during the chaos of the Cultural Revolution. Judith Sharpiro, an American, helped Liang Heng write and publish this novel in 1983, a period of intense relations between America and China. This was prior to the 1984 Summer Olympics, hosted in Los Angeles, California, where China returned to the games for the first time since 1952. Additionally, Ronald Regan, who viewed Communism as a dangerous ideology, was president during this period. Through the use of misery anecdotes, Liang Heng and Judith Shapiro argue in the Son of the Revolution that the average Chinese individual no longer agrees with the Communist ideology and is of no threat to other
Known for her notable achievements in memoirs and fiction, Maxine Hong Kingston published China Men: a literature composed of stories about Chinese men in her family. One story distinguishes the heroic journey of grandfather Ah Goong. Ah Goong worked to build the railroad, but was driven out when it was completed in 1869; he then became a homeless wanderer in San Francisco. Upon hearing this fact, Kingston’s family called him Fleaman as “they did not understand his accomplishments as an American ancestor, a holding, homing ancestor of this place” (Kingston 151). What Kingston actually meant by Ah Goong being “an American ancestor” was that he had many accomplishments, but those achievements weren’t communicated to Kingston’s family. To support this claim, I will talk about how Ah Goong’s accomplishments were silenced by photography and by unfortunate circumstances.
Julie Otsuka is an author who is known widely as one of the most important people in modern American literature. Simply because she knows how’s to choose her characters in her books and-and the way they use their power. She has written some most popular historical fiction books there is. .One of her stories “ When the emperor was divine” is a short story with simple sentences , with some adjectives here and there , but a lot of people like her story mainly because of here characters .As you read this book you can see some of the powerful characters she uses. The narrator of the story is a little boy , he begins the story off daydreaming of his dad and all the things that they used to do. Everything he sees goes into the great reserve of things
The relationship between father and son changes over time, and molds along with the people in encapsulates. As in real life, the father and son who inhabit Li-Young Lee’s poem “A Story” experience sudden changes within their relationship as the time passes on. The son’s cries for a story that slowly change into adult conversations throughout the poem indicate that with maturity and age comes both understanding and hostility.
The Sun of the Revolution by Liang Heng, is intriguing and vivid, and gives us a complex and compelling perspective on Chines culture during a confusing time period. We get the opportunity to learn the story of a young man with a promising future, but an unpleasant childhood. Liang Heng was exposed to every aspect of the Cultural Revolution in China, and shares his experiences with us, since the book is written from Liang perspective, we do not have a biased opinion from an elite member in the Chinese society nor the poor we get an honest opinion from the People’s Republic of China. Liang only had the fortunate opportunity of expressing these events due his relationship with his wife, An American woman whom helps him write the book. When
A third narrative thread is created by stringing together the stories of young Chinese students, both men and women. Their optimistic visions of the future contrast poignantly with the stories of Chen Mengjia and Polat, who expose more of the dark side of China especially the Cultural Revolution. Chen Mengjia committed suicide during the Cultural Revolution. Hessler (2006) interviews an old man about the issue of personal responsibility and political activism and reveals the deeply conflicted nature
Described as utopian in nature, the Chinese culture is often in pursuit for the perfect individual, a harmonious and structured society where the citizens as a whole create the ideal culture. In a collection of short stories entitled The Bridegroom, author Ha Jin documents this aspect of reality in homeland China. Primarily for the purposes of instruction and satirical verse, Ha Jin, shows how people are trying to find themselves in a society that focuses on the ‘whole’ of the country rather than the individual. He is able to interconnect this theme of individualism through four major stories in the book while presenting ‘Chineseness’ or satire of fictional verse as a way to focus on the changes throughout China
The main character of the novel, Wang Lung, was a poor young peasant who lived with his father. He worked everyday in the fields harvesting goods and he enjoyed
As Pu Yi grows up he was free to do whatever he wants, living the life of an emperor but was locked up in the Forbidden City deprived of the modern customs. Guided by the British Tutor, Reginald Johnston, Pu Yi became so captivated to foreigners and believed of them as the wisest and most civilized. Thus made him interested in Western things, and came up with his English name “Henry”. He was married at 18 with two wives, Wen Hsiu and Wan Jung.
For the bulk of the mid- to late-20th Century, Eileen Chang’s name and literary prowess fell into obscurity as a result of events related to the Cultural Revolution and her own reclusion. In C.T. Hsia’s A History of Modern Chinese Fiction, he praised Chang for her use of "rich imagery" and "profound exploration of human nature.” In his book, he also claimed Chang to be “the best and most important writer” of mid-twentieth century China. Hsia’s remarks and Ang Lee’s film adaptation of her novella, Lust, Caution, have helped to bring Chang’s name back onto the literary scene.
For the pathos, Jia Jiang is always illustrating his perspectives through all kinds of stories and these stories are primarily his real experiences. For instance, Jia Jiang talked a story about one of his first grade teacher’s game, the kids got gifts if receiving the compliments from the other classmates. However, he was first rejected and he was only 6 years old. Because he introduces his own interesting experience to
In the essay Tan writes about her mother’s English and its influence. Learning a language can be very difficult because not only you have to learn the language, but you also must learn vocabulary and having to cope with a different culture. Tan’s mother is a great illustration of this adjustment to English-based American culture while in some cases proceed to think in Chinese ways. Tan to begin with thought that her mother’s English is “broken”, but she then realized that her mother’s English reflects a blend of diverse societies, and she really benefits from this blend of both Chinese and American societies through her distributed making, appearing to as a one of a kind class of Chinese American composing both in this paper and her other books. when I carefully read through this essay.
The novel, “Mao’s Last Dancer”, was written by Li Cunxin. It tells his riveting tale of growing up in a poor family of six boys, living in a village in China under Mao’s reign. It goes on to share his eventual defection to the United States as an artistic dancer. His childhood was filled with both hardships and joys. But both helped him to grow as a resilient person to achieve once-thought impossible goals.