
Zippo Observation

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While talking to mom I was observing Zippo. He is a very smart boy and has a lot of stims (self stimulation). The one that I notice right away is numbers. He has a fixation on numbers. He showed me different ways to calculate numbers on his calculator and even showed me how to say “hi” with the numbers on the calculator. He also has a huge stim in calendars. As we know calendars have numbers. There are calendars all over the house and he even makes his own calendars. Below is an example of one of his stims: Mom stated at each year of his life from age two he had different stims. At age 2 it was numbers, shapes and letters. Age 3 was math, multiplication (knew his times table to 13), and thought himself 4 different languages (Spanish, French, Mandarin, and German). This was only basic language for each group. Age 4 was still math and reading. Age 5 till now is US geography, and maps. Mom did say every time he mastered a stim he completely stop learning about it and move on to another stim. Academically this child is above average. He has no issues in learning when it comes to school. He actually enjoys school due to all the learning he can gain and can satisfy his stims. Mom has said the …show more content…

Lev Vygotsky is another theorist that believed cognitive development is based off of social development. Children learn from their environment and the social factors that affect them on a daily basis. Zippo mom has proven this theory by getting her son involve in different social groups and expose her son to different places. This allows Zippo to learn, grow and accept transition when it comes to change in his routine. Mom has seen improvement in his transitions because of introducing her son to his environment and socially gets him involve in different events. Zippo has learned a lot from his environment. For example, traveling allows him to learn about

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