Case Example D
The main legal issues that have come about from this case are very important for many reasons. Zoom Car Company is being sued on part of Daniel Boone for them to pay for his medical expenses resulting from being dragged from his car and being beaten. The reason behind this is his compass that was installed in his car by Zoom Car Company was faulty which lead him in the wrong direction where he got lost and ended up in a horrible situation. Daniel Boone is suing for his medical bills to be paid by the company of the faulty feature the car offered when it was bought. Who should be responsible for Daniel Boone’s medical bills? As the plaintiff he argues that Zoom Car Company should be responsible for his medical bills
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The defendant’s argument is they shouldn’t be responsible for Daniel Boone’s incident because Corrigan Rulers were the ones who manufactured the compass and they should be held responsible for the cost of medical bills and for any other damages. Zoom Car Company believes it is a superseding event, “the defendant isn’t liable for injuries caused by such events for which he or she is not responsible” (108). Which would mean the company can only be held responsible for the faulty compass that was installed in the car not the actions that took place after the fact of where he ended up. It is also possible that Daniel didn’t know how to use the compass, which would result in him being held accountable under these circumstances. Nothing is certain on who is responsible for the compass to not work effectively. If there is sufficient proof of the compass not working when the car was purchased it will put them at fault. But if the plaintiff, Daniel Boone, somehow broke the compass after the purchase of the car then he could be held responsible for his actions and would therefore have to pay for his medical bills. “ For a seller to be held strictly liable, the product it sells must reach the consumer or user “without substantial change” in its condition (129).” If the company, Corrigan Rulers, can somehow prove that the compass was in perfect condition when delivered to Zoom Car Company they will no longer be held responsible for the medical bills. If I was the judge on
The Plaintiff, Keller, sued the defendant, DeLong. DeLong was driving Kellers car at Tyngsboro, Massachusetts at approximately 11:40p.m. on April 14, 1963, DeLong collided with a utility pole at the side of the highway. The Trial Court ruled that the sole cause of the accident was the fact that the defendant dozed off to sleep and did not awaken in time to avoid collision with the pole. The driver showed no sign he was going to fall asleep. Defendant, Carl DeLong, suddenly and unexpectedly dozed at the time of the occurrence of the accident. Defendant, DeLong, was not found negligent. Vacated; reversed, affirming trial court’s judgment.
and injuring the Plaintiff with no warning, breaching the reasonably established agreement how the Plaintiff was to help only with Transporting of said Household items, with the Plaintiff’s Truck and Trailer only. Defendant Benny Hans Sorensen’s Negligent instructions and the Defendant Gaden Griffin’s Negligent Actions caused the Plaintiff’s Permanent Damages, adding injury to the Plaintiff’s existing Disability, with no care and lack of consideration of Plaintiff’s injury, especially immediately after the Plaintiff’s injury while the Plaintiff was moaning and complaining about how heavy the said 330 lbs Appliance was and walking in circles and holding his back, neck, and shoulder. The Defendants’ gross actions and negligent actions
It was found that no, Good Year Tire & Rubber Company was not responsible for the “other cost and losses” of the Plaintiffs. Good Year was not obligated to pay the Plaintiffs since there was no agreement made for payment. The error that was found was bought to Good Year’s attention but the attorneys failed to agree on the correct amount.
Case Background: Mendez driving minivan w/ 6 passengers when tire made by Cooper Tire lost its tread. Mendez lost control 4 passengers were killed. Tire was punctured by a nail. Survivors sued Cooper for product defect and jury awarded over $11 million in damages; appeals court affirmed. Cooper appealed
Another problem adopting Roomis is that their ally in US Natex is unreliable as there were often delays and is not very efficient in carrying out the operation. Not being able to supply goods on time affects the goodwill relationship which the company has with its customers which can cause the company its market share. Once the company loses its market share then it will be difficult to regain it back. Also company policy of maintaining low inventory levels to free up capital would require a very efficient supply chain system to maintain the production process flow. So Roomis needs to revamp itself in terms of service levels to meet customer expectation and RMM has to figure out a way to do so.
In the case of Branham v. Ford Motor Co., the Plaintiff brought the case against Hale, the driver, and Ford because the company failed to test the seat-belt sleeve, even though he did not "seriously pursue the claim against Hale" (Reed, Pagnattaro, Cahoy, Shedd & Morehead, 2012). The case against Ford was based on "two product liability claims: one for not testing the seat belt and the other a design defect claim related to the vehicles tendency to rollover" (Reed, Pagnattaro, Cahoy, Shedd & Morehead, 2012). Branham alleged in his case that "Ford was negligent and strictly liable in failing to effectively test the
The plaintiffs, A. V. Blount, Jr., Walter J. Hughes, Norman N. Jones, Girardeau Alexander, E. C. Noel, III, and F. E. Davis, are medical doctors (practitioners) licensed to practice and practicing medicine in the City of Greensboro, North Carolina.
CarMax is one of the largest new and previously owned automotive company in the United States. Being an automotive company they can target two large audience persona or also known as buyers persona. The first persona is either male or female ranging from 18-70 in age who wants a nice and affordable new/previously owned vehicle. Also, the audience wants to have a stress free experience while shopping for a car. When someone is looking or even thinking about getting a new car they do a fair amount of research. For instants best place to buy a car, research about the car they are interested in, or just get an idea on where to start when looking. It is not a simple choice for the audience to get a car, so they have an open persona to learn. Because they want to learn about the information of
Mr. Daniel Boone purchased a vehicle from Zoom Car Company with a compass on the dashboard for easy navigation. Unfortunately, the compass was faulty and led Mr. Boone to a high crime area where he was dragged from his car and severely beaten. Who should be responsible for Mr. Boone’s medical bills? Did Zoom Car Company know the equipment was faulty and kept the information from the purchaser? Did Corrigan Rulers Compasses and Slide Rules, Inc. know there was an issue with the product? If so, did they recall the product? If they recalled the product, why didn 't Zoom Car Company take out the compass? Did Zoom Car Company install the equipment correctly? Why didn’t Mr. Boone notice he was going into a high crime area?
On March 1, 2005, I went to the 3rd District Matheson Court House in the down town area and sat in on a few small claims court cases. I wanted to do this because I had never been to an actual court proceeding and I have been interested in seeing one live instead of on television. I am going to write about the three different cases that I sat in on, what the conflict was, what the outcome was and what I learned from each one.
Mustang Resources Ltd., (ASX: MUS) (“Mustang” or “the Company”) is a gemstone explorer and developer company, headquartered at Sydney, Australia. The Company’s shares are traded on the Australian stock exchange. Mustang is presently focused on developing its flagship project namely, the Montepuez Ruby Project which is located at Northern Mozambique in Africa. In addition, the Company holds ownership interests in the Balama Graphite Project and the Save River Diamond Project, both are located in Mozambique. The flagship Montepuez Ruby Project is situated just eight kilometers northwest of Gemfields PLC (LN: GEM), the world’s largest ruby deposit holder. The Montepuez Ruby Project remains on schedule and is expected to start bulk sampling in
Issue: One day, Kelly Mala went to Crown Bay Marina to buy some fuel for his boat, so he asked a Crown Bay Marina’s attendant to watch his boat while he purchased fuel. However, when he returned, mala saw his boat’s tank was overflowing and fuel was spilling into the boat and into the water. Then Mala began cleaning up the fuel, but as he pulled away from the marina, his boat’s engine caught fire and exploded. Mala was thrown into the water and severely burning. His boat was unsalvageable. Therefore, Kelly Mala sued Crown Bay Marina after his boat exploded.
Both Ford and GM completely abide by NYSE corporate governance standards, as they are domestic US companies. Ford and GM are required to strictly follow NYSE corporate governance standards. Toyota is permitted to follow certain corporate governance practices complying with Japanese laws and regulations, the NYSE has ruled that Toyota is exempt from certain NYSE corporate governance requirements. A significant difference in Toyota’s corporate governance structure is that the company currently does not have any directors that can be deemed as independent directors. Another major difference is that unlike domestic US companies Toyota is not required to have shareholder approval of equity compensation plans,
On being involved in a car accident a person may suffer damages and injuries for which they are entitled to compensation. Filing a lawsuit in the court of law can claim these compensations. However, in today's world, passing through the court system without knowledge of how it works can be lengthy, exasperating, and a real challenge. Often, not knowing the legal procedures or not knowing the legal formalities and details, which relate to an accident case, may lessen the chances of winning such a lawsuit. Claiming compensation or filing a lawsuit also requires the filing of certain necessary documentation, which can often lead to frustration and irritation. In order to avoid such hassles it is always advisable to hire the services of a qualified lawyer who is an expert in dealing with legalities arising out of car accidents. With an increase in the number of motorcars plying in the US, car accidents have become extremely common. This has led
1) The buyer decision process of traditional Porsche customers relies on the motivations that determine these people to select this brand. Their purchasing decision process is based on the exclusivity of the brand that is connected with the car owner. In their opinion, by purchasing a Porsche, traditional customers purchase the exclusivity and luxury associated with the brand. These customers want to purchase a car that reflects their social status and their financial power. In addition to this, they are not interested in the utility of the car, but in the characteristics that differentiate it from utility cars. These traditional buyers are rather interested in their feeling while driving a Porsche in comparison with the size, price, or fuel economy of the car.