
Zootopia Research Paper

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Zootopia, the recent Disney movie that had accumulated $73.7 million during their opening weekend, has captured the hearts of kids and adults around the world. The movie is known for its funny scenes and the adorable relationship the two main characters share. Disney has been known for planting “easter eggs” in their movies, which are references to other movies or TV shows. DISNEY SEQUELS One of the more noticeable Easter eggs would be the bootlegged Disney sequels sold on the streets by Duke Weaselton, who happens to be an Easter egg himself by his name and by how the same actor voiced Duke of Weselton in Frozen. The knock-off zoologized DVDS are similar to actual Disney movie hits, such as Big Hero 6, Tangled, and Wreck-It Ralph, as well …show more content…

Chief Bogo tells Judy, “Life’s not like a cartoon musical where you sing a little song and dreams magically come true, so let it go!” Director Byron Howard stated, “Obviously, it was so funny to have Idris Elba read that line, because he did it with such relish. He really loved that.” MICKEY MOUSE Disney is also known for always including Mickey Mouse in each of their movies. In this movie, a stuffed animal Mickey Mouse pops up, tucked away in a passing stroller during one of the scenes that involved Nick’s schemes. MOVIE AND ACTOR REFERENCES Kristen Bell, who was the voice of Anna in Frozen, is known for her huge obsession of sloths. So, the directors decided to choose her to have a cameo role as the female sloth Priscilla. Another time would be during the time that Judy and Nick were investigating the lab, they meet two sheep who happened to be named Walter and Jesse, which are the names of the men in Breaking Bad. Another interesting fact about those who play the voices in Zootopia is that those are the voices of Judy Hopps and the Frantic Pig that comes out to yell at her about the robbery. Ginnifer Goodwin, who voices as Judy Hopps, plays Snow White in the hit TV series Once Upon A Time. Josh Dallas, who is voice of that pig, also happens to play Prince Charming in Once Upon A Time, and is also Goodwin’s real-life

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