This is required the legal to review. In general, what they are asking are comments practice per the safety agency and company requirement. However, I suggest to find way to enter clause, comment or follow to protect ZTE from overcharges such as (Company, ZTE must be notified by Sprint and validate all programs that associate for the recall and cost. ZTE should have the opportunity to provide solution or carry some of these recall program internally to be manage by ZTE resources. Company will have option to implement any immediate corrective action SPRINT deems necessary to protect its End Customers and employees. Sprint will give Company 5 working days to provide corrective action or containment, If Company fail to provide such reasonable
1. Give all personnel a written update to this policy as soon as it is updated
SC received vm from Andy at Marx Medical stated that the Pa’s grab bars was successfully installed but when he attempted to bill for the service he was informed by Promise that the provider code was incorrect. SC reviewed the service order and did not see any problem in the service order so the SC placed a call to the provider and enquired about the billing issue but when the SC called the receptionist stated that Andy was not there yet and when he gets there she will have him call the SC. The SC left contact information and awaits Andy’s call. The SC will f/u with SCS about the about matter. 11:21-11:30
This policy was created in the best interest of McBride Financial Services, its customers, and its employees. Though we cannot ensure that all will adhere to this new policy, we will rely on proper training and the consequences spelled out in our non-compliance agreement to aid in ensuring maximum safety to our customers and company. The measures mentioned above are just a few of the precautions that are being implemented. Ideally, this policy will enhance McBride's ability to provide its customers with the utmost satisfaction.
Proposed actions a company may take to avoid tort liability and litigation are vital to organizations. Proposed actions a company may take to avoid product liability risk may be a way out of liability issues. Assessing methods for managing legal risk arising from domestic and international regulatory matters is the best way to beat business torts. an integral aspect of a business liability practice is to take ongoing proactive measures through direct collaboration to avoid lawsuits before they are filed. Seeking advice from government authorities, specialists and risk-management consultants is a technique buinsess should use. It is in
Nuware Inc. is being analyzed in this situation because a large institutional client of the research firm Wyburn Malone is looking to enter an equity position in Nuware Inc. In making their decision, Wyburn Malone has been asked to restate the statements of Nuware Inc. Due to the apparent earnings growth displayed by the company, even in a period of difficult business, Nuware has become a strong investment opportunity. As with all Wyburn Malone’s research projects, the focus of this analysis centres on determining whether Nuware management has utilized over aggressive or too conservative accounting practices, resulting in earnings that are not real in nature.
The risks that face an organization are going to always be present. However, an incident response plan outlines procedures for handling security incidents that occur within the organization and for correcting and documenting the security issue in a timely manner. The incident response team is trained to effectively implement the incident response plan. By containing an attack, and limiting the amount of time that an attack is allowed to continue, further risks to the organization can be mitigated.
This is something that requires immediate attention with thought and consideration before it creates a negative impact on the delivery of the service.
I will reassure the service user and explain to them that their safety is most important and it’s my duty of care to inform the manager.
b) What contingency plans will you have in place for any issues that may arise?
| |* Any breach should be dealt with promptly in accordance with the procedures |
MATTEL TOYS RECALL CASE STUDY Product recall: On August 14, 2007, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in cooperation with Mattel announced five different recalls of Mattel's toys. On September 4, Mattel announced three more recalls. Some were due to the use of lead paint, while others were due to small magnets coming loose. On August 2, 2007, Mattel's Fisher-‐Price subsidiary recalled almost one million Chinese-‐made toys, including the
1. Do you believe that Mattel acted in a socially responsible and ethical manner with regard to the safety of its toys? Why or Why not? What should or could Mattel have done differently, if anything?
Lenovo Group Ltd. (Lenovo) is a Chinese multinational technology corporation that founded in Beijing in 1984. Specifically, Lenovo is one of the top enterprises that produces and sells consumer electronics and computer hardware, with a focus on producing personal computer (PC). Currently, the headquarter of Lenovo is in Beijing, China, with a second headquarter that located in Morrisville, North Carolina, United States. As a multinational enterprise, Lenovo currently have operations in more than sixty countries and has its products sold almost all over the world.1 Becoming a multinational enterprise especially making it to the top of the industry is not an easy thing for any company due to numerous predictable and unforeseen challenges. However, Lenovo has successfully expanded its business and reached to the top. Therefore, the present paper aims to analyze Lenovo’s operational/managerial strategies and provide a better sense of what has Lenovo done for reaching to the current position in the global market.
Motorola, famous amongst mobile phones, and one of the top cellular phone companies in the world till late 1990, later it was captured by the company Nokia. While writing this case we have thrown light on the challenges and problems faced by Motorola around 2006-2007. One of the ideas incorporated in order to recapture the market in the year 2006 was to slash the prices of almost all the cell phones which impacted the returns of the company. Motorola did announce in the year 2007 that they will revive shortly and would have the market share back.