Congress members ' websites compare and contrast in many ways. Each and every one of their websites are very formal, yet can be politically different depending on whose you view. For instance, when viewing a democratic congressman 's website its further on the left side of the political spectrum. Whereas a republican 's website would be on the far right of the spectrum. After viewing the websites of Congressmen Mark Kirk, John Boozman, and Danny K. Davis, it is clear that they disagree on important issues and have different ways of interpreting information to the public. Congressman Mark Kirk 's website is the most eye appealing to its viewers. His information is the most organized out of the three congressman chosen and is …show more content…
He uses research in order to get his point across and it shows that he does know what he is talking about. When Congressman Davis speaks about Senior Issues he uses percentages and history in order to back up his political opinion. He states that “three fourths of the African American seniors rely on social security for at least half their income.” He also bashes the Bush Administration to back up his opinion. He talks about the future of social security and where it might end up. Using trustees opinions it states that it will never be solved and the African American community will never get out of the poverty they are in. Congressman Boozman is a very strong believer in the second amendment. He states, “These are the words to the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, and words that I have taken an oath to uphold.” He doesn 't provide too much information just his opinions on the issue. However, he does show his support on the issues by listing the committees and groups he is involved in, in order to keep the second amendment rights. He has introduced the Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement in the 111th Congress, which allows citizens to carry their firearms across the country. All three congressmen provide their personal information to their constituents. Each congressmen has a tab that leads you to their personal biographies. Both congressman Kirk and Boozman have a tab named
The name of my chosen state-level legislator is Royce West, and he is the Texas State Senator for District 23. He is African-American and his religious affiliation is Baptist. He belongs to the Democratic Party; therefore, he shares my preferred party preference. Senator Royce West has been in office since January of 1993, so he has been in office for a total of 24 years.
16.What Michigan politician became nationally famous as the "Conscience of the Senate" in the 1960s and 1970s because of his leadership in shaping
Everywhere you look or go, there are no smoking signs and laws that are put in place to prevent one from smoking , whether it’s the restaurants, schools, government buildings or one’s own home. In fact it’s one of the most controversial topics discussed in today’s society and although they have been put in place to protect the health of everyone, many smokers believe that smoking laws are unconstitutional. The United State is made up of three branches of government. They are legislative, Executive, and Judicial branch. Each branch has an important job to do, the legislative make the laws, the executive
2. Some important qualities for a successful member of congress to have are to respect for each other and work together. That’s what Tip O’Neill says that’s what congress is all about.
can also be impeached, put on trial, and if found guilty of crime or misdemeanor, he/she is prosecuted and punished (Garzik, 2004). However, the King of Great Britain cannot be impeached or tried. Unless a crisis involving national revolution occurs, then he becomes amenable. According to the arguments provided by Lee, there are flaws in the manner in which a president should be replaced in the event that he leaves office (The Federalist Papers Project, 2015). The idea of the president holding office for four years does not take into account such issues as death, resignation, and inability. In this case, Lee poses the question of who should take over as acting president (The Federalist Papers Project, 2015). When it comes to passing bills, the president of the U.S. has the authority to return bills even after it passes the two branches of the legislature (Garzik, 2004). The president is thus said to have a qualified negative. Conversely, the British sovereign has absolute negative regarding acts of the two
I learned volumes about government from State Senator Paul Bailey. He helped teach me how to write, propose, defend, and pass a bill. There is no other experience where a high school student can talk to an actual legislator about his ideas, or to learn so much about the process of passing a bill.
The top three American Political Parties; the Democratic National Committee, The Grand Old Party or Republican Party, and the Libertarian Party, each have websites that promote their party to Americans. Each of these websites provide information about the party, and give options for involvement. These websites vary in design, content, and organization. Each website contributes to American politics by providing each party’s supporters with information on the party, providing polls and surveys, and the websites all give individuals multiple options to support whichever party they choose.
“You make it less probable that a majority of the whole will have a common motive to invade the rights of other citizens; or if such a common motive exists, it will be more difficult for all who feel it to discover their own strength, and to act in unison with each other. Besides other impediments, it may be remarked that, where there is a consciousness of unjust or dishonorable purposes, communication is always checked by distrust in proportion to the number whose concurrence is necessary.”
Suman Shrestha Prof Sherry Sharifian 09/28/2017 Texas state senate The district number is 23 and my representative is the senator Royce West.
1 My Texas State Senate District is 16 and Don Huffines is the republican senator for Texas senate district 16. 2 My Texas State House District is 115 and Matt Rinaldi is the Texas house representatives for district 115.
to stay on point and manages to sound very scientific. One of the main ways he does this is by
o Social Security has made a difference in the lives of African Americans o Without Social Security, the poverty rate for elderly African American beneficiaries would increase from 21 percent to 60 percent. o Social Security is the only source of retirement income for 37 percent of elderly African Americans. o African Americans face different situations when it comes to retirement.o Social Security is race neutral – individuals who are in identical life situations are treated the same. People, however, are rarely in identical situations. African Americans tend to have lower earnings than whites and less pension coverage. Therefore, Social Security benefits are disproportionately important to them.o African Americans have lower life expectancies than whites. The average African American male currently aged 65 can expect to live to about age 79,
Aging! We all do it every day, but have you ever thought how it is going to affect the rest of your life or more importantly your career? Aging isn’t something that we get to choose if we participate in, however working is, and aging may affect that choice. Right now, I want you to think about the age of sixty-five. What words pop into your head when you think of someone sixty-five? I’d imagine some of the words you thought of were retired, old, fragile, slow, as well as many others. Those words right there all help to explain the many concerns that one’s employer may have when hiring someone that is of the older population. When we think of the older population in the work force we don’t necessarily think of positive things, instead we think of things. When we think of this population in the workforce we generally think of lower production rates and higher costs. These can create issues among the older population, as employers must consider all the possibilities when hiring someone. We know that more people in the older population are continuing to try to continue their careers, but why? How hard is it for them to continue? What changes have made it easier? How are the younger and middle aged populations perceiving them in the work place? This are only some of the many question surrounding the increase of aged workers.
Since their declaration of independence, America had incorporated many aspects of Great Britain’s culture; one of those aspects include the death penalty, which began in 1608 at the time of the Jamestown executions. The death penalty, a topic discussed since it began, includes death by electric shock, gas chamber, hanging, firing squad, and, most commonly used, lethal injection. In 2014, it took an Arizona man two hours and fifteen times the normal amount of medicine to die with lethal injection. Knowing that the outcome of the death penalty may cause immense pain, the use of the death penalty should be illegal in all states throughout the United States.
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