
animal rights Essay

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Humans have rights that are either natural rights or earned rights. Natural rights are rights that every person is born with and keeps throughout his life.
Some of these rights include freedom of speech, the right to an attorney, and other common sense rights. Some people believe that animals do not have souls; therefore, they do not have any rights (Regan 104). On the other hand, there are earned rights like the rights given to hunters. Hunters have the right to hunt as long as they do not break any laws while doing so. For instance, they should not hunt out of season or hunt extinct animals. Also, hunters are always trying to find a new hunting buddy, so they are trying to convert a non-hunter into a …show more content…

“If the inherent value of humans means that they have the right to be treated with respect, then the same applies to animals” (“Animals are Equal to Humans”).
Also, they do not like the idea of animals being hurt in any way. “Because animals do not have a life after they die, we should do everything in our power to ensure that this, their only life, is as long and good as possible” (Regan
104). So regardless, animals have rights, but exactly how many rights do they have? Animals’ rights are different from human rights. Although animals can not talk, some humans speak up for the rights of animals. These humans are sometimes known as animal rights activists. Some of these people hold protests to make their points. People may think that protests never happen, especially the ones that end up in a brawl. “According to a list compiled by the
Foundation for Biomedical Research, at least 37 demonstrations were planned by groups in 15 states for World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week” (Holden). “A new law could send animal rights activists in Britain to jail for up to five years if they cross the line between peaceful protest and harassment” (Vogel).
Also, according to a statement by the government, illegal protests include those that are outside of people’s homes the cause alarm, harassment, or distress to the residents (Vogel). They believe that humans

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