Билет 3. 1 Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:
Macroeconomics provides us with a bird 's-eye view of a country 's economic landscape. Instead of looking at the behavior of individual businesses and consumers—called microeconomics—the goal of macroeconomics is to look at overall economic trends such as employment levels, economic growth, balance of payments, and inflation. The study of the world economy, for example, is essentially a macroeconomic survey.
Just as the speed of an engine is regulated by its supply of fuel, macroeconomics is influenced mainly by monetary policy, which controls a nation 's money supply, and fiscal policy, which controls a government 's revenue and spending. Control over an
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Денежно-кредитная политика является, по существу, игра в угадайку. Нет ни одной статистики, которая сказала бы нам, насколько быстро экономика растет, и нет ничего, что говорит нам о том, как быстро экономика будет реагировать на изменения, которые могут занять несколько месяцев или лет, чтобы произойти. Центральные банки стараются одним глазом следить за инфляцией, являющейся результатом перегрева экономики, а другим глазом следить за безработицей, являющейся результатом снижения темпов экономического развития.
Экономика в целом также может контролироваться путем регулирования налоговой политики, государственных доходов и расходов. Хотя в стране денежная масса контролируется центральными банками, государственные расходы также значительно влияют на экономический рост страны. Также как экономическое здоровье семья находится под влиянием доходов и привычек тратить деньги родителей, экономическое здоровье страны находится под влиянием государственной налогово-бюджетной политик, таких как налогообложение, расходы, и государственных заимствований.
К лучшему или к худшему, основные экономические факторы в нашей повседневной жизни, такие как инфляция и безработица, в первую очередь, являются результатом макроэкономических решений.
True or false?
1. Macroeconomics controls individual spendings.
The social and economic grievances in Russia throughout the 1900s were, to a moderate degree, the result of Tsar Nicolas II's failure to address the difficulties confronting society and the economy; nonetheless, the concerns had long-term causes that began before his reign. This can be seen through the unfair worker conditions, overcrowding housing which were created before Tsar Nicholas’s time which wasn’t a result of him, and the continued discrimination against the Jewish race and antisemitic views as well the economic issues of the failure of World War 1 which Tsar Nicholas II caused. Tsar Nicholas presided over the Russian Empire, which was overrun by various social issues, this along with his autocratic rule which to some extent caused
Auty, Robert, and Dimitri Obolensky. 1976. "An Introduction to Russian History (Companion to Russian Studies;1)." Brisol, Great Britain : Cambridge University Press Ltd.
In this text Phillip Barbour examines the life and death of the First False Tsar Dmitri in an attempt to find his true identity. Barbour uses extensive primary sources to describe the events of Tsar Dmitri’s life, both from Russian and non-Russian sources. While Barbour is not able to conclusively identify Dmitri’s true identity he does provide a comprehensive understanding of his life. While Barbour tends to rely on outdated historiography, this text will be a good source for a general understanding of how Dmitri gained and lost power and the social, political, and cultural mechanism behind his
For many decades, Russia was isolated from other part of the world politically and geographically. During the First World War, Russia’s industrialization was progressing fairly, as they implemented an education reform program to promote literacy among people. The program would have been successful if it was continued without obstacles. They also implemented a program named Stolypin in order to modernize the agriculture, which was bringing successful changes to the country; however, the Stolypin program was not completed because of problems such as War, the absent of a proper parliament institutions ,the corruption and excess of power among the secret police. Ethnicity in Russia groups was also among the problems as the Russian empire was becoming anarchical and it was getting difficult to maintain it due to pressure form the population who felt that their basic need were not being responded while the monarchy was having an extravagant lifestyle (Kennan,1). By 1917, most Russian were now convinced about the fact that Czar Nicholas II was not good enough to help revive the economy in Russia. Also, Corruption in the government was still untouched and the king had already dissolved the Duma because they did not agree to his will. The economy was still backward, without jobs, frustrated people were tired of the conditions that they lived
In Ivan the Terrible’s correspondence to Andrei Kurbsky, the letters are a call and response style in regards to the concept of Russian identity in Muscovite Rus. Prince Kurbsky initiates the conversation criticizing Ivan’s methodology within his rule. The author notes on Ivan’s “fierce persecution” of his own people, positing that the tsar himself is turning from the very foundations of Russian society: the Orthodox faith. However, despite notions of truth in
The last Tsar Nicholas II ascended the throne in 1894 and was faced with a country that was trying to free itself from its autocratic regime. The serfs had recently been emancipated, the industry and economy was just starting to develop and opposition to the Tsar was building up. Russia was still behind Europe in terms of the political regime, the social conditions and the economy. Nicholas II who was a weak and very influenced by his mother and his wife had to deal with Russia’s troubles during his reign. In order to ascertain how successfully Russia dealt with its problems by 1914, this essay will examine the October Manifesto and the split of the opposition, how the Tsar became more reactionary after the 1905 revolution, Stolypin’s
In 1917 the Russian Empire plunged. Not long after, Chechnya’s declaration for independence failed, they
From the middle of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century, anecdotes were very popular in Russian culture. The most well-used anecdotes had to do with peasants and ethnic minorities which the audience found funny. In the work, Entertaining Tsarist Russia edited by James von Geldern and Louise McReynolds, one is given examples of the anecdotes used during this time period. These stories are more stereotypical of those they are portraying, which in Russian culture was humorous. The anecdotes used in this work, although meant to be funny, shows the underlying social problems in Russia at this time.
women were perceived in Russian society. Also I am going to write about how the efforts of
During Russia’s transition to communism in the early 20th century, conflict and unease permeated every part of life. Nothing was stable and very little of what the Bolsheviks had fought for had come to fruition by the time the USSR disbanded in 1991. The “classless society”, which was to work together for the prosperity of everyone, never became a reality. In the end, the majority of Russia’s 20th century was an utter failure on a grand scale. However, there were many amazing products of the system do to the great importance of education in Russian culture. Priceless novels were written, timeless movies were made, and great scientific endeavors were realized despite the rigid control placed upon Russian persons by the government. In
Through the USSR rule, a great number of imperial autocracy aspects of its forms of governance, social and economic reforms were reproduced such as central control and nationalism policies, for example, Russification. However, there is a debate if Stalinism was a continuation of Tsarist autocracy due to differences between two regimes as the Bolshevik government categorically refused to be defined as an empire; contrastingly, its leaders saw imperialism as the policy adopted in capitalist states which have been viewed as competitors and enemies which bring a contradictory argument. This essay will argue that although in theory, the differences between Imperialism and Communism were colossal, a leading argument about Russia, famously defended
This source also shows how restricted the spread of ideas were even in the early 1800’s due to serfdoms encumbrance on institutions like education. Serfdom, and all its inherent complications, had continually prevented Russia from ever truly becoming a modern and in some sense a European
Government interface is highly demanded to ensure a nation’s economy is able to prosper, recover or sustain as a result to enable stability. Macroeconomics is exhibited in several ways when decisions making skills are engaged to promote prosperity of a nation. For example, the analyzing of the CPI and GDP to help determine a reasonable minimum wage whereas affecting all businesses and
Chubarov, Alexander. The Fragile Empire: A History of Imperial Russia. The Continuum Publishing Company, 15 March, 2001
В статье был проведен анализ развития международного туризма в современных условиях мировой экономики. Также автор рассмотрел страны по уровню конкурентоспособности страны в сфере туризма, количества посещений и полученный доход.