
case study 1

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Rachel Pepe June 19th 2015 Microbiology Case Study #1 1. The social structure and behavior of chimps in their communities or troops suggest many questions. What research questions might Dr. Hahn and her associates ask? Research questions Dr. Hahn and her associates may ask would include things about how the chimp’s interact and communicate, about their diet affecting behavior and if different groups do things differently? 2. Choose one of the research questions from above and consider it in more detail. Based upon the question, what would be a reasonable hypothesis? Does their diet affect the behavior of the chimps? Diets will not always be the same between other groups, which also means behaviors wouldn’t be the same either. …show more content…

The researchers are engaged in field, or basic, science. They are studying the virus and collecting data in order to more fully understand the virus: knowledge for the sake of understanding. What value do you place in this type of research? Explain your thoughts. This type of research is very valuable. This type of research is the most accurate and best way to fully understand the virus. It may be time consuming but it is the best way to study the virus. 1. Define evolution. There are many parameters and conditions that need to be in place in order for evolution to occur. One such parameter is that the population trait in question must be variable. i.e., there will be variations of a trait found in the population. What are some additional parameters and conditions necessary for evolution to take place? Evolution: the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth. Other conditions necessary for evolution would include mutation, gene flow, and non-random mating 2. Define microevolution. How does a selective agent lead to microevolution within a population? Microevolution: evolutionary change within a species or small group of organisms, especially over a short period. Basically, microevolution studies small changes in alleles that occur within a population. Over time, these small

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