Rachel Pepe June 19th 2015 Microbiology Case Study #1 1. The social structure and behavior of chimps in their communities or troops suggest many questions. What research questions might Dr. Hahn and her associates ask? Research questions Dr. Hahn and her associates may ask would include things about how the chimp’s interact and communicate, about their diet affecting behavior and if different groups do things differently? 2. Choose one of the research questions from above and consider it in more detail. Based upon the question, what would be a reasonable hypothesis? Does their diet affect the behavior of the chimps? Diets will not always be the same between other groups, which also means behaviors wouldn’t be the same either. …show more content…
The researchers are engaged in field, or basic, science. They are studying the virus and collecting data in order to more fully understand the virus: knowledge for the sake of understanding. What value do you place in this type of research? Explain your thoughts. This type of research is very valuable. This type of research is the most accurate and best way to fully understand the virus. It may be time consuming but it is the best way to study the virus. 1. Define evolution. There are many parameters and conditions that need to be in place in order for evolution to occur. One such parameter is that the population trait in question must be variable. i.e., there will be variations of a trait found in the population. What are some additional parameters and conditions necessary for evolution to take place? Evolution: the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth. Other conditions necessary for evolution would include mutation, gene flow, and non-random mating 2. Define microevolution. How does a selective agent lead to microevolution within a population? Microevolution: evolutionary change within a species or small group of organisms, especially over a short period. Basically, microevolution studies small changes in alleles that occur within a population. Over time, these small
For instance, among the two hours of observation, the lemurs were huddling together without any grooming or other socializing behaviors. This might be attributed to the colder temperature in Madison than that in their native habitation, Madagascar, even with the help of the temperature controlling system in the zoo (though whether this is true or not would need more data collection to testify). The well-known sunbathing behavior of ring-tailed lemurs was also absent during my observation, and this might be due to their lack of access to sunlight in such an environment. Moreover, there are still many uncertain factors that were not included in the results such as the age of the primates, which might have attributed to long amount of time the primates spent resting. Further data would be needed to get a better understand of the differences in behavior between the captive ring-tailed lemurs and their wild
This anthropologist wants to know more about the lifestyle of our human ancestors and is studying modern primates ( chimpanzees) for clues to the past. What aspect of these chimps' lives is LEAST likely to interest her?
Evolution - a change in the number of times specific genes that codes for specific characteristics occur within an interbreeding population over a period of time.
(67) Evolution is defined as the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
Define evolution? A slow change of something into better form. The word evolution means change, and the process of evolution reflects this definition as it applies to populations of organisms. Biological populations are groups of individuals of the same species that are sub-divided from other populations by geography and are somewhat independent of other groups. Biological evolution, then, is a change in the characteristics of a biological population that occurs over the course of generations. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are inherited via genes. Changes that may take place in populations due only to short-term changes in their environment are not
This research would aid zookeepers in determining the necessary and effective measures that would improve the lives of their contained animals (Welty, "300 Days"). When chimpanzees are being contained in zoos, it is necessary that they receive proper care and habitat. The Chimpanzoo Project's main objective was to reveal that wild chimpanzees do not undergo behavioral changes that would be caused by being placed in a peculiar environment, therefore setting an example of how captive chimps should be treated. By enlisting the help of many people across the world to document the behaviors of chimps, Goodall demonstrated the importance of mimicking a natural environment for captive animals so as to not interrupt the normal processes of chimp's everyday lives (Welty, "300 Days"). Goodall raised awareness that the main purpose of keeping zoos was being conflicted with the way that some chimps were being carelessly treated. Animals that are placed in zoos should capture the wonder of nature, and bring the unknown actions of wildlife to the minds of people. However, when chimps' habitats in zoos are not similar to their natural environments, their actions do not reflect those that would be executed in a normal environment, defeating the purpose of containing wild animals to show their antics to curious onlookers. Goodall's initiatives inspired members of society to learn more about the needs of their chimps, in turn enabling zookeepers to maintain more suitable habitats for their chimpanzees as they become aware of how their original exhibit was harming the
Overtime, a population may grow, develop and interact with its environment. During that interaction, different mechanism such as evolution may occur. Evolution which is the change in allele within
Evolution is the process of a gradual change in a species over time. Results take place from a change in the genetic material of an organism, being passed on from one generation to the next. Darwin proposed that evolution takes place through natural selection. Throughout many generations, the adjustment of genes is occurring based on factors that’ll help species survive. Organisms with specific, active & valuable traits are most fit to survive in an environment that changes. From there, those traits are passed on to their offspring, giving them the advantages to a higher survival rate.
Evolution is known as the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth. This means that organisms that are alive today came from an ancestor that was previously on the earth before us however, scientists think that we changed and became “similar” because two species in the same gene pool produced a fertile offspring. There are eight main ideas of Evolution.The main ideas of evolution are Natural Selection, Genetics, Origins Of Life, Fossil Record, Radiometric Dating, Cosmology, and Ethical Implication. Natural Selection has always been in the population, it was not man made or created. Natural Selection in short, is that species that are
The hypothesis included three topics to test, facial sex cues, whole body integration, and gender construct. Some hypothesis questions included whether the chimpanzees could detect a chimp from another chimp, provide individual recognition and sexual recognition, and test visual kin recognition through facial similarities.
Evolution is the theory that all living things form an ancient ancestor. Evolution is the process in which species have changed over time. Evolution mostly occurs when adapting to an environment. It happens when the gene is passed or inherited to future generations. When the mutation is passed on, the change helps living organism to survive and reproduce. Some offspring receive characteristics that are more successful at surviving. These characteristics can change over time and create a new species, while the previous becomes
Evolution is the process by which a population shows heritable genetic changes over a period of time. Hypothetically, a unique bird adapted to the rainforest and passed on those traits to the next generation. This bird lacks feathers, swims, and uses its extra sharp beak in order to survive in a rainy, humid, and tropical environment with other animals.
Evolution is the process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth. According to Charles Darwin’s theory, evolution can occur by means of natural selection. It is the process whereby species become adapted to their environment over generations.
Evolution is when a species changes, or adapts over multiple generations. For example, humans evolved from apes, we needed to be smarter to survive in the wild, so we evolved, and got smarter, and now we are on top of the food chain.
Evolution is a theory. It can refer to either a process or an organizing principle. Evolution is change. The process of evolution reflects on the definition as it applies to the population of organisms. A group of individuals of the same species that are subdivided from other populations is called biological population. A change in biological population is biological evolution. This change occurs over a course of generations. The evaluation changes are inherited by genes. Short-term changes are not evolutionary. Differential survival and reproduction of individuals in a population it's called Natural Selections. Brought about the evolution change. it is the process population adapted to their changes they're changing