Understanding the importance of effective communication in management
Use a model of the communication cycle to explain why it is relevant for effective communication in management.
You are then required to provide relevant examples to explain the importance of selecting an appropriate tone and language and level of formality in management communications, and to devise suitable criteria to assess and make a judgment on the effectiveness of verbal and written communication methods within your area of the organization.
Communication passes through different type of elements which is called “communication cycles” each element has to be taken into consideration carefully when it is required to make an effective communication or when
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Type of the feedback varies from one to another depending on the message.
Below are some relevant examples that are importance of selecting an appropriate tone and language and level of formality in management communication at my organization.
Body Language
As we know that there are verbal and non-verbal communication methods and one of the non-verbal communication methods that I use in my office is body language. It is important to use the correct body language because you have people from different countries and they share different cultures and traditions. Body language can be face expression, eye contacts, hand shaking, head and body movement and gestures as well there are more but these are some of it.
When I communicate with other my body language varies depending upon whom I am taking with suppose I am in an important meeting with the senior management a difficult question is raised to me I cannot start biting my nail which will give them a feedback that I am not confidence of what I am doing or not prepared well. But some time when I meet with my vendors and they have not done what I asked for I change the expression of my face in a way that they feel I am not happy with their work. Also, sometime when I am in a meeting with other department staff and one person is very angry I try to smile and explain the things to him to calm him down. So, according to my knowledge and experience body language takes place
Michael Argyle (1972) looks at the cycle of communication which involves six stages this is about sending receiving and the decoding of messages between individual and also groups.
Communication is one of the most important parts of any relationship. Business relationships are no different. Having effective business communication or not having effective business communication can positively or negatively impact the success of an entire organization. Unfortunately, there are many barriers that can obstruct effective business communication. Those barriers come in four different categories. Those categories are personal barriers, physical barriers, sematic barriers and process barriers. A manager must know how to work around the communication barriers and use his or her communication skills to keep business operations going smoothly and to make improvements to the
Body language can say a great deal more than the words we use. There are three main types of body language that you need to think about as part of your speaking and listening skills - eye contact, body position and gesture and movement.
When using verbal communication in a business setting you should carefully plan. Be sure to know what purpose you have – whether you are informing people, providing a guide on something, persuading people of something, giving instructions, etc. With this in mind, be sure to be well informed on the topic in question as verbal communication opens up to questioning from others and you should be able to provide any relevant information. Also be sure to consider how what you are saying may affect those you are saying it to and consider this in your presentation of information. Then you need to deliver your content – be sure to make any greetings required and ensure people are settled and comfortable leading to open communication from all. Be sure
Describe how to use different methods of communication to ensure that the work carried out is productive.
They say a picture paints a thousand words, and the same can be said for Body language. Body language definitely plays a big role in influencing communication, by observing body language alone it makes it easy for you toidentify whether somebody shows interest or puts value in what you are saying. It also allows you to make pre judgements about an individual. For instance an audience or an individual can perceive a speaker/someone as arrogant based on the body language he makes and not the content. Making body language a priority for effective communication.
I found the Amy Cuddy Ted Talk as a very interesting video. It goes into great detail on different ways to communicate with other people more efficiently. The main spect she focused on was body language, she stated it should be more than half of what you focus on in communicating. I never knew how important body language is to communication, I always thought your voice and tone is the most important part of communication. But it turns out body language actually has a greater impact in speaking with others and can help with a person's energy and confidence.
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 Demonstrate how to establish the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication Demonstrate a range of communication methods and styles to meet individual needs Demonstrate how to respond to an individual’s reactions when communicating explain how people from different backgrounds may use and/or interpret communication methods in
Describe how to use different methods of communication to ensure that the work carried out is productive.
Effective communication is vital to the smooth running of a business and various methods of communication are used within a business environment to achieve this. Each form has various benefits to communicate effectively to their designated target audience. When communication is carried out properly it means the sender and receiver both correctly obtain the same information. Each
I am originally from Puerto Rico, which is a country in which communication is an integral part of society. The cultural norm of the Puerto Rican culture is to speak up when necessary and communicate clearly if we want things to be done. At the same time, I believe that in order to produce results, the manner in which communicating takes place, is an extremely important component. My culture also showed me how the emotions used when communicating, such as the use of the hands and body language, will dictate the tone and flow of the communication. The literature suggests that the majority (as much as 76%) of the message we gibe to another person during conversations is carried by non-verbal or para-verbal communication. Thus, we must be very careful and strategic in our use o non-verbal communication (Van Acker, 1997).
This assignment will start by discussing two well-known theories known as ‘the cycle of communication’ by Michael Argyle and ‘the stages of communication’ by Bruce Tuckman. Firstly, it will look at Michael Argyle’s ‘The cycle of communication’.
Communication is the conveyance and flow of ideas from one person to another. The exchange of information takes place through letters, words, symbols and nonverbal behaviors. It involves the transmission of ideas from the sender to the receiver. Communication is effective only if the receiver fully understands the transmitted information. Many problems and failures occur in organizations due to poor communication. Objective and goals fail due to misunderstandings in the organization. Effective communication provides a chain of understanding to all participants in the organizational framework. It promotes the flow of information both vertically and horizontally.
The communication process is on going activity that consists of 3 essential models, Communication as Action, Transaction Interaction.