Concept Analysis Hope Background on Hope Identification on the Concept of Hope Defining hope can be equivocal and yet it is commonly associated with a particular experience. Hope reflects an individuals moral values, it is required for human survival; hope is often needed when there is a sense of uncertainty for the future (Tanis & DiNapoli, 2008). In healthcare, hope is described as one of the most important concepts associated with spirituality; without it everything else seems to loose its value. Therefore, hope instigates positive adjustment during the dynamic process of recovery (Tutton, Seers, & Langstaff, 2009). Purpose of Concept Analysis Concept analysis highlights the importance of providing meaning and …show more content…
In healthcare, most research conducted on hope is done to determine if hope is an experience that can be provided or awakened in a patient (Tutton, Seers, & Langstaff, 2009). A defining attribute of hope from these definitions is that, a positive mindset is required before hope can happen, hope is individualized based on experience and it can be kindled in others. Social Context and Values Hope is evident when a person desires to avoid the feeling of despair and emotion that is associated with an uncertain future. Hope also enables a person to overcome difficult stages of their life; it gives the power of endurance and adaptability. In older adults, the values of past experiences are used to sustain their hope. Before nurses can give hope to their patients, it is important to understand what hope is and how to incorporate it in across the life span. Having a positive mindset alleviates emotional and physical pain and makes the recovery process a much pleasant one. Cases and Theoretical Definition Exemplar case: Kathy is a married 45-year old mother of one and she has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Kathy has always been a positive person in every situation and is quite known at her church for her smile and uplifting words of encouragement. Kathy’s husband and teenage daughter came to visit her at the hospital and were initially shocked and saddened by her sickly appearance. Her husband
As the health care system continues to change and the population of patient with chronic conditions transforms in the health care industry, the leaders of nursing much be able to adapt and change as well. Advance practice nurses are on the forefront and leaders of the patient health care. In addition to the challenges being faced with the current Affordable Health Care Act, the advance practice nurse must be willing to lead and take a stand for the betterment of the patient overall health and condition. As this writer reflects on the personal strengths, positivity, self-assurance, and relator are personality traits needed as an advance practice nurse. In the personal strength positivity, there is encouragement with individuals to believe within themselves and attempts to pull out their inner strength. This personal strength can be utilized with patients who are struggling to lose weight or being newly diagnosed with an illness, This writer can encourage the patient to believe within themselves and help create health care plans to assist the patient with changing their lifestyle.
material into smaller amounts of information to help her avoid feeling overwhelmed” (p. 63). This compares to my point in being hopeful. I was hopeful for my dad to get better and to get through his condition, as Beatty had hoped her patient (Lauren) would get through her challenge about being overwhelmed with her child. I believe nurses did to maintain a hopeful and optimistic attitude to support their
How do stroke survivors (or others with a chronic illness) and health care providers remain hopeful and “realistic”? What values are involved in maintaining hope while being realistic?
Project HOPE was a community-based pilot program intended to break the cycle of prostitution, by treating both prostitutes and the persons who solicit prostitutes also known as Johns. (OPPAGA report: Project HOPE helped break the cycle of prostitution and solicitation, but had implementation problems, 2004). The program was to provide intake, drug screening, psychological assessments, case management and other essential referrals in order to curb prostitution. The referrals would require additional resources and community outreach. Legislatures recognized that in order to effectively control prostitution their efforts would need to also incorporate and treat those who solicit
“Raising Hope” aired in 2010 receiving 3.1 million views, opening with a chance encounter with a wanted felon that leads to the conception of a child later named Hope. As it turns out Hope was a very fitting name as that is it exactly what it seems to give the quirky family. It developed a loyal fan base as people fell in love with the Chances’ and people of Natesville. “Raising Hope” made a good TV comedy because of its talented cast, realistic family, and edgy humor.
The sources of Hope, meaning, comfort, Organized religion, Personal spirituality, and Effects on medical care (HOPE) Questions is another spiritual assessment tool. It was “developed as a teaching tool to help medical students incorporate a spiritual assessment into the medical interview” (Anadarajah & Hight, 2001). The open ended questions allow for a discussion of a patient’s spiritual resources and concerns. The Hope Questions address the basic areas of a formal spiritual assessment. H pertains to patients
for the patients, using “self-determination”, to make them feel as if they have a place in their
According to Morse et al. (2006), “A deeper understanding of hope is tested based on the work and place in the theoretical framework and nursing context.” Several authors, in different studies within the nursing domain,
Welcome to life. Understanding everything, every single little girl and boy. Learning just like every other kid. Experiencing life for what it is, But you know you're going to die within one year of living. Some who are lucky to experience the life they have. Faith is growing up and learning how to be a mature woman. Faith was a one of a kind girl. Faith was not sure of what was happening to herself, but I'm sure her parents did not want her to know what was going on as well. For others life is more difficult if you have a medical condition, anxiety, or even if you have family problems. Everyone has a different lifestyle. As Faith has life going pretty well for her. She was born into a family with two parents who loved her with all of their
The emotion of hope is important because life is uncertain. Factors such as wealth, education and opportunity may play a role in dividing people into different social categories, but no amount of privilege or advantage can shield a person from disappointment, pain, loss or death. These are universal adversities for all humankind. The word hope can be defined in different ways. Many religious people think of hope as a virtue, along with faith and love. Survivors of trauma often credit hope as the inspiration that kept them going. A realists may say that hope is nothing more than wishful thinking. No matter how it is defined, whether it is a belief or a feeling, hope is the idea of something bigger than oneself. The application of hope can
To conclude the dissection and interpretation of this text, it is really important to analyze the ideological message of it.
Hope creates a God’s presence and help us persevere in difficult situations. This allows us to channel hope to patients and that they are not alone, God will always be there for them. Patients who lose hope tend to be self-destructive and have no goals in life, this can be detrimental to patient health recover.
A nurse does this by not blocking hope from her own experience or the experience of the patient. This allows the unexpected to happen at
Hope is surprisingly difficult to define and may be expressed in many ways. Overall, I feel that a good definition for hope would be that it is an optimistic and expectant desire that emerges from a stressor. It is a coping mechanism deeply rooted in motivation. It is the opposite of despair and fear as well as the influence that keeps us from succumbing to them. Hope can be identified as a means of perseverance as well as perseverance itself. Hope is the ability to detect even the smallest amount of light in the darkest of places.
The Optimistic Attitude that’s based on the mind for the expectations of positive outcomes that’s related on events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large. I believe it’s the fundamental belief of everyone that’s meant for good or great. Hope is based on the positivity that people think in their life like if “they do good things then good comes back”.