American Culture and Society Overview ·The 4th largest in the world in size (after Russia, Canada, and China) ·The 3rd largest in the world in population (after China and India) ·Of all the states, Alaska is the largest, and Rhode Island the smallest ·The Rockies, the backbone of the North American Continent, the Continental Divide ·The Mississippi, the longest river in US ·The most important lakes: the Five Great Lakes (Lake Superior, the largest fresh water lake in the world; Lake Michigan, the only one entirely in the U.S.; Lake Huron; Lake Eire; Lake Ontario) ·Chicago, the largest and busiest port, and the largest industrial and commercial center on the Great Lakes ·Detroit, automobile capital of the world; ·Honolulu, …show more content…
Constitution ensured freedom for the nearly four million African Americans 联邦州AL 亚拉巴馬州 · AK 阿拉斯加州 · AZ 亞利桑那州 · AR 阿肯色州 · CA 加利福尼亞州 · CO 科羅拉多州 · CT 康涅狄格州 · DE 特拉华州 · FL 佛羅里達州 · GA 佐治亞州 · HI 夏威夷州 · ID 爱达荷州 · IL 伊利诺伊州 · IN 印第安纳州 · IA 艾奥瓦州 · KS 堪薩斯州 · KY 肯塔基州 · LA 路易斯安那州 · ME 缅因州 · MD 马里兰州 · MA 马萨诸塞州 · MI 密歇根州 · MN 明尼蘇達州 · MS 密西西比州 · MO 密蘇里州 · MT 蒙大拿州 · NE 內布拉斯加州 · NV 内華達州 · NH 新罕布什尔州 · NJ 紐澤西州 · NM 新墨西哥州 · NY 纽约州 · NC 北卡羅来纳州 · ND 北達科他州 · OH 俄亥俄州 · OK 俄克拉荷馬州 · OR 俄勒冈州 · PA 賓夕法尼亞州 · RI 羅得島州 · SC 南卡羅来纳州 · SD 南達科他州 · TN 田纳西州 · TX 得克薩斯州 · UT 猶他州 · VT 佛蒙特州 · VA 弗吉尼亞州 · WA 華盛頓州 · WV 西弗吉尼亞州 · WI 威斯康星州 · WY 懷俄明州 联邦特区DC 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区 海外属地AS 美屬薩摩亞 · 貝克島 · GU 關島 · 豪蘭島 · 賈維斯島 · 约翰斯顿环礁 · 金曼礁 · 中途島 · 納弗沙島 · MP 北马里亚纳群岛 · 巴尔米拉环礁 · PR 波多黎各 · VI 美屬维尔京群島 · 威克島 World Wars & Cold War ·In 1917, the
The five Great Lakes (Lake Erie. Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario. And Lake Superior) in North America are the largest group of freshwater lakes in the world.
According to cultural anthropologist Edward Burnett Tylor, culture is a “complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” In other words, culture is a concept that social organizations practice in order to explain certain phenomena in nature whether through mythology, rituals, art, music, and language. However, as explained by Ethan Watters in “The Mega Marketing of Depression in Japan,” culture is not permanent, since it has the ability, and more than ever in the present society, to “move across boundaries of race, culture, class, and nation” (Watters 519). In addition, as demonstrated by Oliver Sacks in the articled called “The Mind’s Eye: What the Blind See,” it is a mistake to think that individuals are bound to behave in a way that culture told them to behave. Instead, individuals are free to create his or her own unique experience of interpreting the world. We might consider the “reality” that we live in to be fiction to the extent that we are willing to use different faculties and analyze what we are witnessing; this gives us the power, as individuals, to think and search for each of us’s unique interpretation of reality. .
Prince George’s Annual Traditional POW Wow is an event put on by the Prince George Friendship Centre, it takes place at the Carrie Jane Gray Park. It is rich in energy and historical popular culture. Hosting the powwow is a way of ensuring the rich heritage of the aboriginal people is preserved. The word Pow Wow, or pau wau, means a gathering of people coming together to trade. Explorers misinterpreted the ceremony of medicine men dancing, thinking all natives gathered to sing and dance in this manner.
As I grew it up, I trusted my parents to tell me what was right. I tried to live up to their expectations, so I can be the good daughter. I was raised playing soccer, a sport I did not even like; I followed through and tried to get better so I could earn the scholarship. Although culture does affect the way people view at the world, there’s a limit. At the end of the day, you just have yourself.
With more than twenty percent of the world's surface freshwater, the Great Lakes are extremely vital for many reasons ("The Great Lakes - Sustain Our Great Lakes"). The Great Lakes are a series of interconnected freshwater lakes. They are located in Northeastern North America, between the border of the United States and Canada ("All About the Great Lakes"). The Great Lakes are very important for natural resources, habitats, and for scientific reasons. They have a large variety of plant and animal life. Unfortunately, humans have a negative impact on this environment.
Many people have different views on culture and what it includes. I think culture is a mix of many things that become a norm for a group of people over a long period of time. I think that culture is a mix of music, food, traditions, and relationships. Cultures also bring together a group of people who hold the same values and beliefs, an example of this would be any religion. Culture affects all areas of a person’s life as it affects the way they view people, make relationships, make decisions and in general how they live their life. While most cultures have existed for many years, they are not static. Many traditions are held to but there are still changes as more generations are joining and the older ones are passing away.
Culture is the similarities between people in a population based on their race, sex, religion, beliefs or values. Through culture we establish acceptable norms; norms are society-based beliefs on how people should behave. A folkway is a norm that is considered to be everyday behavior. Folkways are more society approved than right versus wrong. Members of society that break a folkway do not often times have serious consequences; however, there are usually some less serious negative sanctions like eye rolling or vulgar communication. Internationalization are behaviors or customs that are e a norm around the world; for example, one could say that saying please and thank you is a internationalized custom. Generalized other is how you see or think people react to you, which proves useful in the deviant experiment because it revolves around my perception of others. All of these terms play a role in my experience because they all relate to the way people react to change in society that is different from normal behavior and give a general explanation to the behavior of people in society. By understanding basic terms for sociology, it makes it easier to apply these concepts to basic folkways.
There is an old saying in China: "two thousand years of history to see the city of xi 'an, one thousand years of history to see Beijing, one hundred years of history to see Shanghai."As the epitome of modern Chinese history, Shanghai has grown into a modern international metropolis.In the rapid economic development, Shanghai has not abandoned the traditional Chinese characteristics of the Shanghai culture, but instead has integrated the traditional folk customs and urban customs perfect.The bustling Shanghai is full of its unique cultural charm, and its internationalization, modernization, and time-style labels are also attracting more and more people.
The concept of culture is something that defines many aspects of one’s life. From physical objects to different ways of thinking, culture adds significance to human life and makes groups of people distinct from one another. Culture is essentially a group of people who come together with similar interests and points of view. According to the Center for Advanced Language Acquisition of the University of Minnesota, “culture is defined as the shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding that are learned through a process of socialization.” From a more sociological perspective, culture is a way in which people come together in order to fulfill their needs. These shared patterns and ideas identify the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of another group.” Culture is one of the things that sets the United States apart from the rest of the world. Not that the rest of the world is not cultural, but the circumstance here is different. Many people of different cultural backroads come to this country in search of a better life. As a consequence, the United States has become a place where many cultures merge together like a colossal pot soup.
A person culture can influence the way he/she views the world because it shapes how a person thinks and what a person does.A person view can inform by their culture because they are taught to think and see a certain way, like some culture they think when you do good, you get good in return and when you do bad, you get bad in return, it make us view situation different in our daily life.
the coast of California to China floating on either side of Hawaii and swirling beneath the
I am enjoying the class so far and like the fact that some of my classmates are willing to openly express their opinions of the readings, both positive and negative. Taseem brings a cultural perspective she is willing to share. Even when others do not share, there is knowledge to be gained, as it drives my curiosity to understand those who are different than me.
There is an old saying in China: "two thousand years of history to see the city of xi 'an, one thousand years of history to see Beijing, one hundred years of history to see Shanghai."As the epitome of modern Chinese history, Shanghai has grown into a modern international metropolis.In the rapid economic development, Shanghai has not abandoned the traditional Chinese characteristics of the Shanghai culture, but instead has integrated the traditional folk customs and urban customs perfect.The bustling Shanghai is full of its unique cultural charm, and its internationalization, modernization, and time-style labels are also attracting more and more people.
Culture can be defined in many ways due to the fact that everyone can have their own distinct and traditional beliefs and values. “ Culture is fluid, it is not a static entity which one takes out of the box on occasion. It is with us daily” (Cultural Handout). Someone’s culture is set as the characteristics of the group practices in language, religion, types of food, social traits and habits, and the distinct arts and music. There are a variety of different cultures for example, Western Culture, Eastern Culture, Latin Culture, Middle Eastern Culture, and African Culture. All of these different cultures have their own ideas, values, and individualism, laws that are implied, civil rights, and even technology. In our, “ Culture Handout” culture is defined as the tool of the mind, “ it is an individual’s way seeing and interacting within the world. It encompasses one’s values systems, beliefs, and perceptions of the world around them. Race, socio-economic class gender, sexual orientation, ability, geographic location, age, religion language, etc. all impact the formation of culture, but these various context are not culture” (Cultural Handout).
The term culture itself, is very broad. It is defined in many different ways by many different people around the world. Culture includes all the aspects from your everyday life. Most people don’t know it, but everything you do is part of your culture; it is a tradition. Culture consists of things such as clothes, family, food, and religion, all the way to recreation, gender roles, music, and art. However, when you enter a new type of environment with your own cultural heritage, it forces you to adapt and change. With this, a person’s culture consistently informs the way we view the world and others. This is especially true when people’s cultural traditions are confronted with a new culture and environment.