
development psychology Essay

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Development psychology is concerned with the different stages that an individual must go through throughout their lifetime. During these life stages, individuals are forced to face issues, make decisions, and psychosocially develop. Thomas and Laura are two individuals in different life stages that are facing important issues. There are forced to use their fluid intelligence, go through transitions, and cope with gender schema. As these individuals progression through these various stages they are grow mature and gaining real life experience that will help them through out their life.
Thomas is a 23-year-old Puerto Rican male. His parents were both born in their native country of Puerto Rican. Thomas, however, was the first in his family …show more content…

She was born in Moscow but moved to the United States when she was about 4 years old. She lives in a family with three other siblings. She is the youngest of three girls, and has one older brother. Laura is currently in high school. She is a very good student that has been on the Honor Roll for many years. She is also extremely athletic and is the best player on her basketball team. She loves playing, watching and participating in anything that has to do with basketball. Laura’s major current issues in life revolve around her future plans. Laura is planning to get her driver license soon, however, she is very nervous and feels she might not do well on the test. To help her prepare, her older brother is giving her some driving lessons. Her driver test is coming soon and hopeful she will be able to pull it off and pass. Laura also wants to go to college but does not know where to go and what to study. She has always dreamt of playing college basketball, but has been teased by her sister’s about this dream. Her sister claim that she does not have the ability and that even if she did basketball is a male sport. This has made Laura uncertain about many things in her future. To help her choose an appropriate school she is seeking the advise of family, friends, and teachers. She also plans to visit several colleges and universities and become well informed before making her

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