
domestic violence act in Uk

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Domestic Violence Act in UK
Domestic can be defined in many ways but the simplest meaning is ‘involving the home or family’ whereas violence means an ‘act of aggression as one against a person who resist’. In addition, violence does not relate to relationship problem or issue but is social context of reflection of a man overruling woman. It happens to all walks of people in life despite of age, sex, race, assets and cartography. Notwithstanding, scoop by both male and female endure hurts during intimate relationship, domestic violence is greatly impact by both gender.
Before the existence of the Acts and provision protecting the victim from the abuser many victims had suffer severe injury physically and mentally some had resulted death …show more content…

Non- molestation order
In section 42 of the family law Act 1996 prohibits one (respondent) from molesting another person who is associated with the respondent include partners and former partners, family relations (including in-law), people who live(d) together, and, people who have children together. For instances forbids the abuser from threatening physical violence, intimidating, harassing, pestering. There is section requesting immediate protection against a child under s 44 of the Children Act 1989. This act may be made for a period of 6-12 months and an arrest can be made if the abuser breaches the order. The victim can however, a non-molestation order which is made in other family cases is terminated as the effect if those trials are withdrawn or dismissed.
Occupation Order
In section 33- 41 11governs the domicile of the victim and gives them the home rights such as restrain the rights to occupy or visit, force the abuser to move out of the house, avoid the abuser from coming into the house and a 100 meter protection length from the house. As this section can regulates for 6-12 months depending on the courts order. There is also an emergency order in this section which can apply within the last 1week.
Magistrates Interpret Order Strictly and Reluctantly To Apply Ouster Clause
In section 18 states the ground for magistrates court to give jurisdiction as according to the Domestic Proceeding and Magistrate Courts Act

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