30050 Applications for Economics Management and Finance
Applied research project and report
“Man is by nature a Political Animal”
III. DATA DESCRIPTION: Dependent variable and Independent variables
IV. MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS: Factor, Regression and ANOVA Analysis
The purpose of this project is to analyze what stimulates individual’s “Interest in politics”. Indeed politics, either directly or indirectly, shapes community’s every day life. It is of capital importance as it affects individual’s welfare and well-being. After gathering the required data from
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2. Quickly obtained
3. Generally high data quality
1. Format
2. Data definitions (scope)
3. Uncertainties about data quality
We should also remember to take into consideration social desirability bias: the tendency of respondents to answer questions in a way they think will be viewed favorably by others, which may influence the reliability of our findings.
i. Dependent variable
The dependent variable chosen is “Interest in Politics”, a numeric ordinal variable. We had to invert the scale so that larger values of Y imply higher interest in politics, in line with the other variable’s scale. It now ranges from 1 (“not at all interested) to 4 (“very interested”). With respect to the initial data screening, we checked the presence of missing values in our dependent variable. As shown in the table, the percentage of missing data is not significant in relation to our threshold of 5% considered to be the general rule of thumb.
ii. Independent variable
While describing the independent variables chosen, we have to consider that some are latent nature, meaning that the underlying concepts cannot be measured directly. In order to create a meaningful value for said variables, we carried out a factor analysis with the aim of extracting two factors. In our analysis we also included 3 dummy variables, one single variable and the usual control variables. A brief
David Colander defines economics as "the study of how human beings coordinate their wants and desires, given the decision-making mechanisms, social customs, and political realities of the society” (Colander, 2010, p. 4). Coordination in this definition refers to production content, method, recipients, and even quantity. To think like an economist one must analyze every situation by comparing the costs and benefits and make any decisions based on those findings (Colander, 2010). The study of microeconomics zeroes in on the individual and analyzes how economic forces affect the choices he or she makes.
Manifest Destiny is a term used for the attitude that was prevalent during the 19th century. It was the idea that Americans were destined by God to govern the American continent. There were many country-splitting issues caused by Manifest Destiny. One of the major consequences of Manifest Destiny was the removal of Native Americans. This meant that Native American land would be expanded on, the government officials of the United States then also had tensions between all of their bordering states and countries, such as Mexico. Another effect of Manifest Destiny includes the expansion of land. Not only that but scholars also argue that Manifest Destiny ultimately resulted in the civil war.
Since 1997, Oregonians have had the opportunity to die through physician-assisted death (PAD). PAD is when a lethal drug is prescribed to a patient, by a physician, for the purpose of suicide. The patient must be able to take the dosage on his or her own, without any assistance from a medical provider or another person. Once the drug has been ingested, it will take five minutes for the patient to become unconscious and thirty minutes for the patient to die (Munson). Since Oregon’s law in 1997, four other states have passed similar legislation, while several other states have attempted.
From these premises, Medvic structures his argument into chapters that examines the causes, manifestations, and consequences of the disrepute that affects politicians. After an argumentation of the initial question, in which will highlight them into major critical to the figure of the professional of the political, the author explains the causes of anti-politics sentiment. Therefore serves both the dimension public of the activity political as to those factors more linked with the private lives of politicians. Within these two great explanatory blocks, fixed attention on a wide range of issues as the role of institutional
Gross Domestic Product, also known as GDP, is defined as the dollar value of all final goods and service produced within the border of a country during a specific period of time, typically in one year. GDP measures the value for the whole country, and it also changes quickly. We can take a look at the trends of US GDP in the website of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Social workers are interested and concerned with the experiences of people he or she assists or work with, and this makes qualitative research so important. This research method provide social workers with a better understanding of issues and situations. Qualitative research inform social workers about the best way to help people who are in need of assistance. Qualitative research is useful for social workers to obtain knowledge in complex or sensitive situations for example workplace bullying. Many issues in the social working profession fall within the
Have you ever thought about why you have the political beliefs and values you do? Where did they come from? Are they simply your own ideas and experiences or have you been influenced by others in your thinking? This process by which individuals acquire their political beliefs and attitudes is called political socialization. In another words, Political socialization is a concept where the study of the developmental processes by which children and adolescents acquire political cognition, attitudes and behaviors. What people think and how they come to think it is of critical importance to the stability of the government. The beliefs and values of the people are the basis for a society's political culture and that culture defines the
This section of the paper consists of three main parts. First, the research questions that will be addressed, the expected hypotheses and an identification of independent and dependent variables. Second, the supporting literature for the hypotheses is discussed. Third, a conceptualization (definition) and operationalization (measurement) of each independent and dependent variable. Research Questions
Social desirability bias relates to the idea that someone participating in a study may answer a question based on their idea of what someone conducing the study may want to hear, as opposed to their genuine response to the questions asked. A limitation of this study is due to the nature of the yes/no questionnaire, with regards to the experimenter being in the room with the participant. As with studies of this nature, social desirability bias is a factor to be aware of when interpreting these results. (Harrison, 2014)
In order to develop a connection to an issue, it is necessary to be informed about how certain issues affect a student’s everyday life. This would constitute as one of the topics that would be discussed in the mandatory elections class. Additionally, the student’s would be informed about the election process, educated about the stances each candidate takes, and become knowledgeable about the main issues that are taking place around us and knowledgeable about the issues that the
The author, V. O. Key, states the results of a survey that shows that voters tend to vote for people who vote for candidates that will help them financially. He also states that people tend to vote for a certain party’s candidate because of their ties to the party. Key then declares that one can predict a person’s vote based on their personality and attributes. Key also shows that although these behaviors show strangeness, the voters have great importance to politics. Key says that the voters’ behavior has importance as it helps candidates discover the nature of the voters’ interests to try gain an advantage. Finally, Key states that voters behave as well as possible, considering the possibilities of other
Gross Domestic Product (or known as GDP), is defined as, “aggregate output as the dollar value of all final goods and services produced within the borders of a country during a specific period of time, typically a year” (McConnell, Brue, & Flynn, 2012). This measures the value of the output in monetary terms, and you can check current trends of the GDP by taking a look at the Bureau of Economic Analysis website. Today, we are taking a look at the “Release Highlights” link to check the most current trends within the GDP.
Talking about Government and Politics is one of the topics that will have something always to talk about. We can talk about government and politics in many ways and create a lot of discussion to talk related to them. Government and Politics is a list that will never end and you can keep talking about that days, weeks, months or even years. For example, we can compare and contrast the different agents of political socialization and the effect they have on the political learning, or we can even describe and evaluate party organization at the local, state and even national levels and determine the recent trends in the distribution of party powers. As well other topics related with government and politics can the relationship between political parties and government or to describe the major influences on one’s political socialization, and how this comes about. All this are great examples to talk about with the community that are really into the government and politics.
In the United States, minimum wage has remained at a low number for several years. Minimum wage is defined as the lowest possible income that an employer can legally pay an employee. This ensures that all people are fairly paid and not defrauded by companies or businesses. Minimum wage is considered a price floor and the minimum wage laws determine the lowest price possible that any employer must pay for labor. In an economic model, the quantity of supplied is greater than the quantity demanded and the minimum wage is above equilibrium price and quantity. Minimum wage prevents labor supplied and labor demanded from moving
From the time I was a little girl I was always interested in politics. At the age of four I began attending school board meeting with my grandfather, by the time I turned 10 I frequented city hall meeting so often most of the Aldermen knew me by name. My love for politics carried over into my college carrier, but as I sat in American Government, national security, and political philosophy, nothing grasped my attention as much as the subject matter of state and local government. Growing up I understood the impact of state and local government, but some how still fell into the common notion that the federal government holds all the power. After the course my passion for politics on a state level grew, I participated in the Tennessee State Intercollege Legislature, and had the opportunity t to experience first hand how senate and house committees work. With state and local government I just scratch the surface of how municipals work, with this course I hope to further my understanding on how urban municipals operate as well as increase my political savvy and literacy. In addition to what I hope to lean in a more educational sense, I hope to in prove on my time management. This is not a physical class, but I will have to stay as focused and detected to this class just as much as I do the others.