
Essay Effects Of Technology On Children

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In today’s world Technology is everywhere. We use computers for almost everything in everyday life, including “babysitting” our children. Computers can have both positive and negative effects on children, while some of the negative effects on health and development are unseen. As adults, we understand the physical world around us and the concepts inside computer programs. Children, on the other hand, need to learn this with traditional play and outdoor activities. Adults, over about 30, know the world without computers. Our younger generations are starting to use computers at very a young age. They are maturing in a world of instant answers and satisfaction. The first …show more content…

Technology has also made it possible to attend school online, which for working adult. This is a great advantage to be able to continue education on a tight schedule. Even, as older students and adults, we need to pay attention to the information accessed and the time we spend on the computer. “The American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents to limit time spent with media and to emphasize alternate activities and physical play”. (Subrahmanyam, Kraut, Greenfield, Gross 2000 p 140) Computers have become an important part of everyday life and people will grow more dependent on them as technology progresses. Technology is not a cure for schools, but can be part of the improvement for learning as long as it is used correctly, with caution, awareness and well supervision. This can help children benefit from computers while avoiding the possible problems. Technology will continue to enhance and stimulate learning, but further studies and research, on what is beneficial and its effects are needed.

101 English
Effects of Technology on Children
DeBell, M., Chapman, C. (2006). Computer and Internet use by students in 2003 (NCES 2006-065). U.S. Department of Education. Washington, D.C: National Center for Education Statistics. This study was conducted by U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. “This report uses data from the October 2003 Current Population Survey (CPS)

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