
exit analysis

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Finance and Resources Committee, 18 July 2013 Exit Interview Report 2012-2013 Executive summary and recommendations All employees who leave employment at the HCPC are encouraged to take part in a confidential exit interview. An annual exit interview report is considered by EMT and a summary of trends provided to the Finance and Resources Committee for information. Decision This paper is for information only. No decision is required. Resource implications None Financial implications None Appendices Appendix 1 – Employee Exit Interview Report 2012/2013 Date of paper 5 July 2013 Date 2012-07-26 Ver. a Dept/Cmte F&R Doc Type PPR Title Executive summary action points list private meeting Finance and …show more content…

2 Enhanced job opportunity The HCPC is able to offer a high volume of opportunities for internal promotions and job changes, but inevitably these opportunities will not be suitable for all individuals. In the financial year 2012/2013, 29 out of 77 appointments made (37.6%) went to internal candidates. In the previous financial year 16 out of 39 appointments made (41%) went to internal candidates. Salary This is the first time for a number of years that salary has figured prominently in employees’ reasons for leaving. This factor will be kept under review, to see if it indicates a significant trend in financial year 2013/14. The average pay rise received at the HCPC from April 2013 was slightly higher than in previous years. This may assist to some extent in retaining employees, although views amongst HR professionals on the effectiveness of increasing pay in order to reduce employee turnover are mixed. Other factors influencing decisions to leave The ‘lack of challenge’ and lack of advancement factors were mentioned by similar percentages of leavers last year. The two employees who left due to commuting problems were former GSCC employees who were travelling to the HCPC from Rugby on a daily basis. There were

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