Firearms in America In America there are two strong sides that are for and against the owning of firearms. I will refer to the side that is for firearms as the pro-gun side and antigun side for those who oppose firearms. In this paper I will discuss how firearms affect our lives here in America. I will inform you what a firearm is and how they are used. I will discuss whether owning a firearm is ever morally permissible. I hope that by the end of this paper that you will be able make your own decision on this topic and join the side that you think is right. In this paper I would like to analyze how firearm affect our lives and if we should ban them completely or is we should only ban them a few certain types of firearms of if …show more content…
If you do not believe me that if the government ban assault rifles that people could still get them then just look at drugs they are illegal but people are still able to buy them and use them. One of the antigun side arguments is that we should out outlaw all assault rifles because they are automatic therefore they are too dangerous and could end up in the wrong hands. Pro-gun side say that if we start banning all assault rifles when does it stop next we will be banning pistols because they are automatic. The pro-gun side is using the “slippery slope agreement” stating that by banning one set of guns will eventually ban all guns. The antigun side making a “benefits argument” stating that if these guns were banned they could not end up in the wrong and less massacres would happen. The pro-gun side argues that the second amendment states that we have the right to bear arms. That if we were to ban guns that we would infringe our rights. The antigun gun side claims that by having limiting guns will not infringe on anyone’s right that it will only make our lives safer. They also say that assault rifles do not belong in civilian hands, that they belong only on the battlefields. These two arguments go back and forth all the time. This is mainly between republicans and democrats, both trying to gain some political advantage. I think
In the U.S. alone there are over 300,000,000 guns, that’s the highest gun ownership in the world, but the U.S. sits at 28th in gun murders. There are 35,000 deaths from guns on average, 24,000 of those are suicides, that mean 11,000 people are killed a year because of gun violence. 1.2 million lives are saved a year because of guns. Studies have shown that when gun ownership went up more than 50%, gun crime decreased to about half of what it was before.The assault rifle ban won’t do much when, 80% of mass shootings are committed with handguns. “Assault weapons” are not machine guns, they are no more powerful than any other
The American society has for long struggle with the debate and issue of private gun ownership. There are the advocates proposing lenient laws to allow more gun possession while the people against it calling for stringent laws to control the situation. For many centuries, since the enactment of the Second Amendment and even during the slavery period, gun ownership remains an issue to debate. The negative effects have been the harassment of the minority and the vulnerable as well as increased crimes. On other hand, it has helped promote the security of the people and ensure there is no violation of people’s rights to own guns as required by the Second Amendment. As such, gun control and ownership remains a controversial and hot topic of discussion
The current legislation in America is pushing for an “Assault Weapon” ban, in the hopes of diminishing and stop, mass shootings and gun crime, although the ban of “Assault Weapons” will have absolutely no effect on gun crimes and mass shootings. We as Americans are in a crossroad, dived in this issue we face today, everyone has different views and opinions on how should we approach these assault weapons, that we are constantly being informed on the daily news, commonly used by portrayers of evil. The majority of Americans, that are not informed with the way current gun laws, and restrictions are normally the ones that agree with an assault weapon bar or stricter gun control laws.
Advocates believe that since it is their right to bear arms in the united states, therefore they believe the government should not have too much control which results in less regulation over a shorter period of time. Supporters believe this is how gun regulation in America should be, opposers believe that this would result in more “loopholes” for people with bad intentions to get a weapon without being looked into further by the government.
Gun control and gun rights are crucial topics that have been debated for years. Some people believe that civilians should not have the right to own a gun while others believe it is our god given right to bear arms. The second amendment of the Bill of Rights states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”(Shermer). This is a right that society has had for years and is one of the main reasons why no solution has been reached yet. There are two main sides to this debate, Gun control advocates focus on the serious negative effects of gun availability on health and safety, while gun-ownership advocates emphasize the lawful use of guns and
This topic of gun control is such a great thing in today's society. People say they want change people say thing need to be done that we need to get rid of assault weapons. This thing of banning assault weapons is just not possible because the AR 15 as they say “ the worst killing machine that has ever been introduced to the public” stated a freshman girl from the parkland shooting, is the worst and most deadly thing and we have to get rid of it. But it is one of the most widely guns used for hunting in the US; in total gun deaths the handgun is the most deadly and bad people will still get the guns they want you will only take away from the good people. So why do we need to ban assault rifles why not just work on making school and workplaces safer. The AR 15 is the gun most under scrutiny now. People don't like it because it looks tactical and deadly. But what people don't know is that it is one of the most used rifles in the US for hunting. this is du to it having such a small round it shoots just a little bigger round than a handgun, but people don’t like this
Over the years the topic of gun control has turned out to be very polemic causing large debates, especially in the United States. A vast majority of people who are against gun control insist that is their right to own a gun mainly for self defense, while others who are for it, point out that it is not necessary to have access to certain guns like the military-style weapons therefore a ban should take place.
One major issue in the United States today is the freedom to bear arms. There are split beliefs on this issue. Some people are against people being permitted to have a firearm because guns kill people. Other people are for being permitted to have a firearm because guns do not kill people on their own. It is the person behind the gun pulling the trigger that kills a person. In this paper, I will discuss both sides of this huge, nationwide issue.
On the one hand, the pro gun control side believe that more lives are taken rather than saved by guns, thus making some form of gun control necessary. Less guns in an area theoretically means less deaths, along
Gun Control has been a controversy for as long as people can remember. This Controversy has increased recently due to the mass shootings taken place all over the United States. Gun control has its pros and cons, Some believe “Gun control laws state that the Second Amendment was intended for militias; that gun violence would be reduced; that gun restrictions have always existed; and that a majority of Americans, including gun owners, support new gun restrictions.”While others say that the Second Amendment “protects an individual’s right to own guns; that guns are needed for self-defense from threats ranging from local criminals to foreign invaders; and that gun ownership deters crime rather than causes more crime.” To be able to pick a side one must look at the argument from both perspectives, that 's what this paper accomplishes. You must go into detail about this issue and conduct research to form your own opinion.
After so many heartbreaking mass shootings all over the world, the debate on gun control is at its boiling point! People are outrageously mad about the topic and demand for guns to be banned, however the other side of people are also just as angry and believe that guns are needed for several reasons. Banning guns is going to help out the United States and stop a lot of the main harm. Both sides of this argument have good points in them, however we’re going to break this topic down to see which side is more valid.
In the past year, I am sure that you have heard about the issue of gun control. Well, do you really know the full story behind the debate? My goal for this essay is to fully explain everything to you behind this issue and why it is such a big deal in our world today. There are many different problems behind why gun control is such a big issue in the world today, and why some people want gun control and others do not. Through these contrasting opinions on gun control, the world will never fully decide what is completely right.
A standout amongst the most warmed and talked-about about issues in this day and age is that of weapon control. In recent past years, there’ve been many cases reported in light of gun use. Since then there are debates going on either there should be gun control bills. There have been high quantities of passing’s including guns in the United States, and individuals are starting to stand firm against the savagery and search for approaches to take care of the issues. Firearm control is exacting stricter and more brutal directions on owning and conveying guns, which numerous individuals accept is the answer. In any case, arguers trust that the privilege to have firearms is a piece of each American 's sacred rights. Gun laws are the reason for much rough wrongdoing in America, and they should be changed to make it less demanding for Americans to buy handguns, convey them as hid weapons, and better protect themselves.
Gun control is a leading concern in America today. Recent shootings and murders today have people scared and pushing forward for gun control acts. In my opinion there should not be gun control acts on any guns besides automatic guns because, automatic guns should strictly be for military use only. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Many people push for gun control, but the effects of gun control are too severe. In this paper I claim to tell about the reasons why someone would push for gun control and the negative effects resulted by gun control.
Gun Control Abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment are all controversial issues in today 's society. Just as important of an issue to many people is gun control. Gun control lobbyists believe that there should be more control over firearms while anti-lobbyists believe there is already enough. Although many people are killed or seriously injured by firearms which are improperly...