
generalization and autism

Good Essays

Christina Whalen, Generalization and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Real Life, Real progress.

Generalization and Students with Autism
Huiyen Lo
Middle Tennessee State University

Christina Whalen, Generalization and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Real Life, Real progress.

Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that includes core deficits in three primary areas: languages and communication, social interaction, and repetitive and restrictive interest and behaviors. Today autism is most commonly referred to as an Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this article authors bring up effective strategies for successful generalization in natural environments.
Simpson (2005) and Simpson (2005) categorized treatments for autism in two ways: …show more content…

It is very clear that sign language can reduce negative behavior such as tantrums, aggression or self injury which is often a result of being unable to communicate a want or need.
Some research has shown that teaching sign language to students with autism has helped them become more verbal and may actually help non-verbal people to become verbal. However some have argued that introducing sign language could hinder verbal communication in children with autism. I believe that sign language and verbal communication can be taught simultaneously.
And I believe that using signed words may help them to become more verbal because of the direct correlation with signs and words. Again it is a long process. As a teacher or a parent, you have to do it with consistency. It is all for your child’s benefit in the future.
Even in general education class I love the strategies from the Stokes and Baer article:
1. Use naturally reinforcing and occurring materials-for example, learning colors because the child has a favorite color of Popsicle, M&Ms and ice cream flavor is likely to be more maintained and generalized than learning colors by sorting colored blocks into color bowls. Christina Whalen, Generalization and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Real Life, Real progress.
2. Train Loosely- Adding variety to skills being taught. Studies have shown that the more naturalistic instructions and presentations, students with

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