Christina Whalen, Generalization and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Real Life, Real progress.
Generalization and Students with Autism
Huiyen Lo
Middle Tennessee State University
Christina Whalen, Generalization and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Real Life, Real progress.
Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder that includes core deficits in three primary areas: languages and communication, social interaction, and repetitive and restrictive interest and behaviors. Today autism is most commonly referred to as an Autism Spectrum Disorder. In this article authors bring up effective strategies for successful generalization in natural environments.
Simpson (2005) and Simpson (2005) categorized treatments for autism in two ways:
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It is very clear that sign language can reduce negative behavior such as tantrums, aggression or self injury which is often a result of being unable to communicate a want or need.
Some research has shown that teaching sign language to students with autism has helped them become more verbal and may actually help non-verbal people to become verbal. However some have argued that introducing sign language could hinder verbal communication in children with autism. I believe that sign language and verbal communication can be taught simultaneously.
And I believe that using signed words may help them to become more verbal because of the direct correlation with signs and words. Again it is a long process. As a teacher or a parent, you have to do it with consistency. It is all for your child’s benefit in the future.
Even in general education class I love the strategies from the Stokes and Baer article:
1. Use naturally reinforcing and occurring materials-for example, learning colors because the child has a favorite color of Popsicle, M&Ms and ice cream flavor is likely to be more maintained and generalized than learning colors by sorting colored blocks into color bowls. Christina Whalen, Generalization and Autism Spectrum Disorders, Real Life, Real progress.
2. Train Loosely- Adding variety to skills being taught. Studies have shown that the more naturalistic instructions and presentations, students with
Autism- Children with autism, also called autistic disorder, have problems interacting and communicating with others. Autism appears before the third birthday, causing children to act inappropriately, often repeating behaviors over long periods
Augmentative communication is another way to help with their language disorders. This may be using computers or hand help devices. Picture communication can also be used. Augmentative communication is often used with people who have disabilities
Autism is considered a spectrum disorder because symptoms and severity vary from individual to individual. Autistic people express differently from each other. Autistic spectrum describes a range of conditions classified as pervasive developmental disorders.
Autism is a form of neurodevelopment disorder in the autism spectrum disorders. It is characterized by impaired development in social interactions and communication, both verbal and non-verbal. There is an observed lack of spontaneous acts of communication; both receptive and expressed, as well as speech impairments. A person diagnosed with Autism will also show a limited range of activities and interests, as well as forming and maintain peer relationships. The individuals will display limited interests, which are often very focused and repetitive. He or she is likely to be very routine oriented and may show behavioral symptoms such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggressiveness, and self-injurious behaviors.
Autism falls under the ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder which is broad term that categorizes similar disorders. The disorders fall under that umbrella term due to the fact that they allocate similar characteristics/symptoms.
1: Autism has a range of various conditions such as repetitive behavior, troubles with social skills, speech, nonverbal communication, etc.
Autism is described as a neurodevelopmental disorder that inhibits characteristics like impaired social interaction, difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, cognitive disorders and repetitive behavior.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of conditions of the brain development. (Vries, 2015). The main characteristic of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is that they have difficulties to adapt and interact with other people. Also, individuals with Autism have problems with their development of verbal and nonverbal communication. They show a repetitive behavior that is usually recognized during the first three years of life. Approximately one of sixty eight children are affected with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the United States. (Vries, 2015).
Autism can be described in many ways. Autism medically, is a neurological disorder, which can affect the brain from trying to properly function normally. Autism is always a childhood disorder. It
Autism spectrum disorder is a general term for the complex neurological diseases that affect brain development. The common characteristics of the disease are difficulties in social interactions, speech communication and repetitive sounds and movements. In May of 2013, the DSM-5 diagnostic manual placed all autism disorders under one umbrella known as ASD or autism spectrum disorders. This merged all of the sub-types like Asperger syndrome, autistic disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (autism speaks, 2014). Common characteristics of autism are intellectual disability, challenges in motor coordination, attention span
* Language can be spoken written or signed. The age and the pace at which a child reaches each milestone of language development vary greatly among children. Children begin by pointing at objects and saying one word such as ‘’
Autism- is a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before the age of 3, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. Other characteristics often associated with autism are engagement in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements, resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines, and unusual responses to sensory experiences.
Although we are gathering lots of written and recorded evidence for the child`s learning, is right to say that in Early Years , 50% of the information is mentally recorded by the key worker; and this extra information I found to be really appreciated by parents/families as a prove of
“A significant number of children with autism have difficulty acquiring speech. It’s estimated that one third to one half of children with autism lack functional communication.” (National Research Council, 2001.) This shows speech pathology is crucial because every year there are 1 out of 100 children are situated with the autism spectrum (Hallahan, Kauffman, & Pullen, 2012) These autistic children have some sort of speech delay. Even though most of them are be able to make sounds and speak, but there are some mute children. Those children need to learn to use sign language which the only way for them to communicate with others.
Autism is a disorder characterized by significant problems in communication and social functioning. Autism is actually called Autism Spectrum Disorder and encompasses a broad range disabilities such as Asperger syndrome, Rett’s Syndrome, and Pervavasive Development Disorder (Dunlap & Fox, n.d.). There are also varying degrees of the disorder from low-functioning (no communication and no social interaction) to