
german economy 2004-2011

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Assessment: Germany 2011 Germany from 2004 until 2011, showed a positive trend with the GDP per capita. From $29,684.33 in 2004, Germany boosted their GDP per capita up to $39,187.01 in 2011, which is approximately a 50% increase. This shows that Germany managed to put its economy in an upward trend, although the Eurozone was struggling with its economic growth, particularly during 2009 and 2010. Similarly, GNI per capita of Germany in 2004 was $29,938.63, yet by 2011, the GNI per capita was $39,943.53. This again shows a positive trend overall, which shows that Germany has been growing gradually as years passed with its economy. One thing which differs GNI from GDP is that GNI involves overseas investments and foreigners ' earns in …show more content…

Moreover, the fact that the government kept its stability of tax revenue even during 2009 and 2010 when Eurozone crisis occurred, shows that Germany 's economic health was still relatively good even when crisis occurred around Europe. We assume that the tax revenue in 2011 was about 37%, seeing the overall trend of tax revenue. As mentioned before, this means that Germany has had a stable economic health throughout the 7 years, considering the fact that the tax revenue has not gone up or down by a great number. Current account balance of payments was positive value throughout the 7 years, showing that the amount of exports from Germany exceeded the amount of imports. That shows that country is making profit overall, by exporting and importing with other countries, yet exporting great amount, enough to keep the country earning profits. Moreover, the fact that the current account balance of payments went up from 4.6% to 5.7% shows that the country managed to widen the difference between the amount of exports and imports even more, to bring more profit into Germany. Germany did a fine job in keeping the unemployment rate low. In fact, Germany managed to cut the unemployment rate by almost a half, from 10.5% in 2004, to 5.9% in 2011. This means that there are more jobs available in Germany now than in 2004. According to the circular flow of income, this means that there is more money going around, prospering the

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