ADVANCED WELSH BACCALAUREATE INDIVIDUAL INVESTIGATION A Comparative Investigation into Teenage Pregnancy in Wales and England BTEC Level 3 Diploma Public Services CONTENTS PAGE No. Section Page 1. Planning 2. Introduction 3. Methodology 4. Investigation Findings & Analysis Wales Ireland 5. Conclusion 6. Evaluation 7. Bibliography 8. Appendix PLANNING MY INDIVIDUAL INVESTIGATION Title for Investigation Comparative study of teenage pregnancy in Wales and England What do I want to find out about during my investigation? Teenage pregnancy in Wales and England to see which one has the higher rates of teenage pregnancy and comparing …show more content…
Collate & Analyse information from primary research 3 7/12/11 8/12/11 Difficulties with how to analyse the results and information into a conclusion. Start putting the information together to answer the question 1,2,3 14/12/11 16/12/11 II found this interesting gathering all the information Hand in first draft 1 4/1/12 6/1/12 I found this hard to get this in on time due to poor managing skills with trying to put all the valid information together Discuss the draft with your tutor and reflect on your progress 1 25/1/12 26/1/12 I have reflected on my weaknesses throughout this investigation and I have solved these Make any necessary amendments to investigation 1 7/3/12 8/3/12 I have amended any improvements to my investigation Complete and hand in Investigation 1 8/3/12 21/3/12 Handed in later than planned but this enabled me to do more work and effort INTRODUCTION “Teenage pregnancy is "contagious" between sisters” (Researchers in the UK and Norway have claimed) This investigation will compare teenage pregnancy. Focusing on the rising of teenage pregnancies throughout England and Wales. I have chosen to compare Wales and England because both countries have been known for high teenage pregnancy. This will be shown a variety of evidence within this investigation. I will focus on Merthyr Tydfil
Ensuring that the hoist is in full working order before each use, and that the battery is properly charged,
She argues that there used to be a significantly higher amount of unwanted teenage pregnancies compared to now. In particular, in the United States in 1957, there were “more than 97 out of every 1,000 women aged fifteen to nineteen gave birth. Today, only half as many teenagers bear children” (p. 268). Raising children is a very time consuming and expensive part of our lives.
A. There are many potential barriers to communication such as language barriers, it can be hard to communicate with someone who does not understand your language or vice versa. Also cultural differences may be a problem as different communication aids such as touching, eye contact, or tone, which may be acceptable in one culture may not be
C3 As an early years practitioner it is essential for you to develop professional skills in order to plan for the children’s care and learning needs. You will need to be able to communicate effectively with all children, parents and your colleagues. Active listening is vital for when communicating with parents. Through active listening and coherent speech this will show that you are interested in what the parent is saying to you and will help to build up trust.
Poor working conditions is where a member of staff is working in a condition which is unacceptable to work in such as mould on the walls which could cause the service users to become ill another example could be if the rooms were cold, the service users could become severely ill causing pneumonia or death.
Over the year both positive and negative influences have influenced my learning. The skill I have developed for learning is my aspiration is to become a midwife, this influences my learning in the way that it gives me the hunger to learn new things and improve my knowledge and grades. By improving my knowledge I will be able to go onto the next stage of my development. I believe that if I did not have such a desire to be a midwife, it would affect my learning by creating a mental blockage which would stop my ability to take things in and learn as I would become lazy and not interested from the lack of direction in my life. As soon as I realised what I wanted to do as a career, it really highlighted my priorities and I found that I have
| Gestures – using gestures can help to explain the conversation to make sure that the person can understand what you are trying to say and sometimes it helps support your conversation if someone finds it hard to understand.
Give 3 examples of what you can do in your day to day work to support equality and inclusion and reduce discrimination
Stereotyping is when a judgement is made on a group of people because of the actions of a few. Stereotyping happens because of misinformation and other people’s opinions.
Task 1 requires you to submit a written piece of work covering all learning outcomes (LO1s, LO2s & LO3s) with a reflective account embedded in the context of work.
All information which has been acquired by you during or in the course of your employment, or has otherwise been acquired by you in confidence.
I have taken Ten concepts for this conceptual learning project from the modules we have studied so far and see how it will applied to a context related to my life, social context , work place , my community and world around me.
The numbers surrounding teen pregnancy and parenthood need to be examined before exploring any causes, reactions and responses to the phenomenon. The United Kingdom has consistently ranked second among developed countries with highest rates of teenage pregnancy. 15% of British women were found to have given birth before reaching the age of 20 in a 2001 study. The same research reported that 21% of British women reported non-use of contraceptive methods such as condoms at the time of their first sexual intercourse (Darroch et al.,
I have never really focused on the issues that our economy is facing; therefore, I find reading articles like these rather interesting. They provide me with material and questions I would not have looked up before. My favorite quote from the article was, “Monetary policy has been keeping the patient alive, creating the possibility of a lasting cure through fiscal and structural operations,” as stated by BoE Chief. I thought this line to be very funny and blunt. The comparison of the nation to a patient really put into perspective the how tragic our economic system is doing. Also, I have come to belief that people are okay with the monetary policy because it has been providing some relief to our problems, but people must find an actually solution,
Although there is a sizeable decline in birth rates from teenagers between 1990s and 2000s, this trend was actually transpiring even during the middle of the twentieth century. A retrospective study conducted by Chau-Kuang Chen, Cassandra Ward, Karmen Williams, and Amirah Abdullah that moreover involved utilizing data from various organizations to include the Center for