
health and social care Essay

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ADVANCED WELSH BACCALAUREATE INDIVIDUAL INVESTIGATION A Comparative Investigation into Teenage Pregnancy in Wales and England BTEC Level 3 Diploma Public Services CONTENTS PAGE No. Section Page 1. Planning 2. Introduction 3. Methodology 4. Investigation Findings & Analysis Wales Ireland 5. Conclusion 6. Evaluation 7. Bibliography 8. Appendix PLANNING MY INDIVIDUAL INVESTIGATION Title for Investigation Comparative study of teenage pregnancy in Wales and England What do I want to find out about during my investigation? Teenage pregnancy in Wales and England to see which one has the higher rates of teenage pregnancy and comparing …show more content…

Collate & Analyse information from primary research 3 7/12/11 8/12/11 Difficulties with how to analyse the results and information into a conclusion. Start putting the information together to answer the question 1,2,3 14/12/11 16/12/11 II found this interesting gathering all the information Hand in first draft 1 4/1/12 6/1/12 I found this hard to get this in on time due to poor managing skills with trying to put all the valid information together Discuss the draft with your tutor and reflect on your progress 1 25/1/12 26/1/12 I have reflected on my weaknesses throughout this investigation and I have solved these Make any necessary amendments to investigation 1 7/3/12 8/3/12 I have amended any improvements to my investigation Complete and hand in Investigation 1 8/3/12 21/3/12 Handed in later than planned but this enabled me to do more work and effort INTRODUCTION “Teenage pregnancy is "contagious" between sisters” (Researchers in the UK and Norway have claimed) This investigation will compare teenage pregnancy. Focusing on the rising of teenage pregnancies throughout England and Wales. I have chosen to compare Wales and England because both countries have been known for high teenage pregnancy. This will be shown a variety of evidence within this investigation. I will focus on Merthyr Tydfil

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