
health safety at work

Good Essays

Date: 13/05/14
Student Id: 21204647
Corporate briefing paper on the health and safety legislation in relation to employee protection for accidents at work.
Health and safety law at UK
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the primary piece of legislation covering work-related health and safety in the United Kingdom. It sets out employers responsibilities for employee’s health and safety at work. Employers and employees must comply with the duties set out in out which are as follows:
Section 2 places a duty on employers for the health, safety and welfare of employees by consulting with trade union safety representatives on health and safety matters within workplace. Moreover, employers with more than five employees should …show more content…

Likewise every resturant , Macdonalds also has a Hazard Reporting Book ,where any seen hazard must be recorded. And Failure to record the hazard in that book provided will be treated extremely seriously and results in disciplinary action.
Informed about health and safety issue
One of the intregal part of all procedures is Health and Safety.Additional specific training is provided to employees as a part of training courses in line with responsibililties provided.Health and safety manual is provided at each restaurant the gives the details of Additionally specific training in safety matters is included in various training courses in line with your responsibilities. A Health & Safety Manual is provided at each restaurant and gives details of the organization and arrangement for implementing and developing health and safety policy,Risk assestments for various tasks, equipment and chemicals handling, safety bulletins are provided to highligh safety issues in regular interval. Staff and management held safety circle meetings to review the progress and effectivness of safety within the resturant in regular basis.
Macdonalds always involves the participation of crews and managers in the development and operations of health and safety policy. Opportunities are provided to crews and manager to

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