How did Hitler and Mussolini gain and maintain power?
Hitler and Mussolini both came in to power in the early days when their countries, Germany and Italy were facing problems after the Great War. Even then, both Hitler and Mussolini successfully gain and maintain power and control the country.
In order to gain full control of the country they had to remove or eliminate their political rivals. Hitler used excuses to blame and imprison his political rivals. One good example would be when he used the Reichstag fire as an excuse to imprison many communist leaders, which stopped them from campaigning during the election so that he could win more seats and power. He also used fear and terror by creating a group known as S.S or Black
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This massively improves the timing and trains were always on the right tracks following their schedule.
Hitler was popular because he was the one who stood up and promised change and make Germany as powerful as it used to be. He was also popular because he brought back the strength and spirit of many Germans. He used propaganda to make Germans feel strong about their country using films about great battles that Germans won before. He also restored the spirits of many depressed Germans from the first war through speeches. The fact that Hitler restored the spirits of Germans who were down in the dumps due to the first war, it left the citizens with a positive image of Hitler; that he was a good leader and he was willing to fight for their rights and Germany.
Mussolini, again is similar to Hitler, is popular because he was the one that offered helped when the Italians needed help. People wanted a strong government so that they could restore their former strength. He also succeeds in securing and improving the economy, transportation and job opportunity, which improved a lot of people’s lives.
Fear and terror plays an important role in Hitler’s road to gaining power. He used fear to gain complete control over citizens or people who were against him. The German police were given complete control so that they could arrest or imprison someone for no reason at all. People also feared Hitler’s personal army, the S.S very much because they could
After Germany’s humiliating defeat in World War I, Germans had little faith in their government, and in the early 1930s following the stock market crash in New York, Germany was economically struggling . Millions of people were out of work due to the world wide catastrophe making it an opportune time for Hitler and the Nazis to rise into power. Hitler, who was a powerful and spellbinding speaker, attracted Germans desperate for change. He promised to make Germany a better country and promised the disenchanted, a better life. Nazis appealed especially to the youth, unemployed, and members of the lower to middle class. Hitler’s rise to power seemed instantaneous. Before the economic depression, Nazis were virtually unknown, winning less than 3 percent of the vote to the Reichstag, which was the German Parliament. However, in the 1924 elections, the Nazis won a whopping 33 percent of the votes which was more than any other party. In January of 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor, the head of German Government . The Germans were convinced that they had found a savior for the Nation. The timing of his rise made it very easy for Hitler to gain power in a democratic government because people were hopeless and wanted a fast solution to the deficit. He promised things like a stronger economy, prosperity, and anything that they desired . He focused on first getting noticed and then grew from there. He didn’t say anything but what the people wanted to hear. Getting the people of Germany to trust him was how he started to gain so much control. Unfortunately, Hitler’s charm and persuasion was not the sole reason why Hitler gained so much power in a democratic
There were many ways in which Hitler came to power, those main ways being Hitler's persuasiveness, the things he claimed to fix, and when he presented himself. All of these things painted Hitler as a great and patriotic leader. To start, during Hitler's final speech at his trial for treason (document 6) he was able to use German nationalism to not only recover political standing, but he was able to find something for the German population to support him on this thing being bringing down Marxism. Hitler's persuasion in this small part of one speech shows how well he can manipulate a group and how easy it would be for him to get support from the German people. Another way Hitler rose to power was by claiming that he and the Nazi party would fix
No one took him seriously and people also thought that Benito Mussolini and the fascists were not a threat in Italy either. Fascism was very closely related to communism. In 1922 his followers helped him become the leader of Italy and he became a dictator like Hitler in Germany. Mussolini promised to restore the Roman Empire but started in Africa where there was the least resistance. Another dictator was Adolf Hitler.
Hitler was able to stay in power due to his strategies, propaganda on his people, and his leadership abilities. Hitler's brilliant strategies allowed him to gain power and expand his Nazi party to enhance his status. The ways Hitler improved his power were by enhancing Germany's economy, improving political instabilities, and eliminating opposition. Hitler advanced Germany's economy by building the Autobahn, The Autobahn gave jobs to the unemployed and allowed for unemployment rates to drop as mentioned in Source H. Another way Hitler stayed in power was by recovering the political instability, he presented himself as a strong leader who could restore Germany's greatness. His usage of the Nazi party allowed him to use fear against others, form
Hitler was in many ways a great leader and his influence on the German people was immense; he used his motivational and powerful speaking abilities to gain support and popularity. Hitler knew how to appeal to people's baser instincts and made use of their fears and insecurities. He could do that,
Both of these political leaders took over and used the ideas of fascism as their type of government, the people gravitated towards them especially during times of need. To start, Benito Mussolini who was a newspaper editor and politician who pledged to rescue Italy during their time of desperate need. Fascism was on the rise in Italy, it was fueled by their disappointment and failure to win large territorial gains. People gravitated towards the new and vastly improving idea of Fascism. Italians wanted a leader who would take action and they found their answer in Benito Mussolini. Mussolini had vowed to provide strong leadership to the Italian people during this time. Mussolini had founded the Fascist Party in the year of 1919. When Italy’s economic problems continued to worsen, Mussolini’s power would considerably grow. Mussolini’s number one weapon during his rise to power was fear, he used the fear of people to take control over them. Soon thereafter, Mussolini and 30,000 of his Fascist supporters marched to Rome demanding the King step down and hand over his total power to Mussolini. The King gave in to their demands and gave Benito Mussolini full control over the Italian government. Mussolini became the Il Duce, or leader, and he made fascism the ruling political party in
Comparing The Factors of the Rise of Mussolini to Those of Hitler A. Similarities: Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler Decisions of the Paris Peace Conference Italy joined the First World War in 1915. Yet after the war Britain, France and other victorious allies did not fulfill their territorial promises as stated in the Treaty of London. Italians felt cheated. Since the Italian government failed to fight for the gains, it was deemed incompetent.
Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini achieved status of great power(SOURCE D);both built up armies, navies and air forces to use against their enemies (SOURCE D); both use diplomacy(SOURCE D), and aggression to get want they wanted(SOURCE D); both wanted an empire to distract them from the problems in the economy(SOURCE D). Both their economies were in a poor position at that time (SOURCE G). both Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini used force to take over other areas Both were aggressive right-wing dictators(SOURCE ) who rose to power (SOURCE F)in similar circumstances, shared a similar principles, fought alongside each other in World War Two, and died violently at the end of the conflict in 1945. (SOURCE).
Before in 1923 Hitler and others of Kampfbund tried to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, and Germany. This was known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Ruler of Germany from 1934 to1945 and leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, known as the Nazi Party were trying to take control. Hitler took advantage of Germanys economic hardships and of the citizens after world war I to get followers, then finally just taking control of the country. Hitler had a very useful skill he was a persuasive speaker and his willingness to use violence to get what he wanted. (1)
Throughout all the worlds significant and powerful leaders, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini were two men that similarly abused their powers in ways never seen before.
Hitler had shown unwillingness to tolerate the Jews and once he was appointed Chancellor, he started to take elimination measures like deportation, forced emigration, and isolation to enforce his belief. He took advantage of Germany’s weakness in World War One, then used it as an opportunity to blame the Jews for Germany’s defeat. Hitler’s political party was the largest political party in Germany thus allowing them to draw very large crowds to gatherings. He had very good oratory speeches with hand gestures that easily manipulated people to adhere to his views. Hitler constantly targeted the Jews because he knew people believed in these speeches. People in Germany were already anti-semitic but Hitler made it worse by constantly consuming them in his speeches. From the way he spoke about the Jews, we could clearly see the possibility of genocide. Hitler wanted Germany to be free of any humans that anyone other than his ideal master race so he personally selected bodyguards to be part of a group called the SS. Hitler was responsible for ordering the SS to carry out the extermination of anyone who did not fit this ideal. The SS handled oppositions using force and as a result of which people were forced to give into the idea of violence. Sometimes people purposely went along with this Holocaust ideal due to the fear of getting killed. These terrors allowed the holocaust occur
As a ruler Mussolini's love for italy made him their most favorable dictator. For example (by Britannica article), The new york times in 1923 quoted saying that, “Mussolini is a latin (Teddy) Roosevelt who first acts and then inquires if it's legal. He has been of great service to italy.” (magazine writer Isaac Marcosson). Many loved Mussolini his care for italy, he was described as a calm genuine person.He was a great learner in many things like war, leader and dictator and he never repeated the same thing twice, instead he improved and made italy better. he was always calm when being bombed because being paranoid caused chaos to his people. He was a great listener and cared for problems only to find the solution.
Once in power Hitler quickly established himself as dictator. He started hauling off thousands of anti-Nazis to concentration camps. The economy, the media, and all cultural activities were brought under Nazi authority by making an individual’s livelihood dependent on their political loyalty. His desire was to establish German rule over Europe and other parts of the world. He realized that this would lead to a European conflict and so he started his plan to conquer Europe by invading Poland in 1939 and started World War ll . The war started off good for the Germans but once the United States entered the war they started to lose. As time passed, defeat became more certain, but Hitler refused to give up. Finally with all of Germany overrun by Allied
Fundamentally, both Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler had the same burning desire to each make their nation a respected and economically impregnable Great Power. Mussolini wanted to return Italy to its glory days of the ancient Roman Empire, a domestic policy amongst others which was used as propaganda and to ultimately consolidate his power. A strong economy and a united state were vital for both countries in case of the outbreak of yet another catastrophic war. "Everything in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state", stated Mussolini in need of desperate backup at home. Post WWI left both Germany and Italy with grave problems economically, which further repelled into social problems such as high unemployment and
Considering how harsh Hitler’s dictatorship was, it is hard not to wonder how and why the population accepted his dictatorship. Hitler brought the population to this point mainly by the use of propaganda, the manipulation and brainwashing of German youth, and, most importantly, the use of terror .