
hsc 3047 support use of medication in soical care setting

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HSC3047 1. The main legislation that governs the use of medication is The Medicines Acts 1968. The following is a list of legislations that have a direct impact upon the handling of medication within a social care setting. • The Medicines Act 1968 • The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 • The Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) The Children Act 1989 • The Data Protection Act 1998 • The Care Standards Act 2000 • The Health and Social Care Act 2001 • Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) • The Control of Substances Hazardous to health Regulations (1999-COSHH) • Hazardous Waste Regulations (2005) • Mental Capacity Act (2005) • The Access to health records Act (1990). The Legal Classification system of medication is as follow: As per The Medicines …show more content…

Inhalers *Intramuscular (IM) injection administration – This medicine is injected directly into large muscles in the body. Usually in the legs or bottom. This can only be performed by a doctor or trained nurse. *Intravenous (IV) injection administration – The medicine is administered directly into the veins. Medicines are rapidly absorbed into the body via this route, which is advantageous when a situation is life threatening. *Subcutaneous injection administration – With this injection, the medicine is administered directly under the skin. A common example of a medicine administered via this route is insulin. Medicines are injected in the fat layer beneath the skin. *Instillation administration – With this method, the medicine is in the form of a suspension or liquid that can be instilled in a number of ways; via the eyes, nose or ears. *Rectal administration – Medicines administered into the body by this route are absorbed very quickly. Suppositories are available for this route of administration and are inserted high into the rectum. *Topical application administration - This is where creams, ointments and gels are applied directly to the skin. They can be used to treat skin conditions or can be used as a delivery route for an analgesic (a painkiller) The majority of medicines are formulated for oral administration. This means they are taken via the mouth, in the form of a tablet, capsule, liquid or suspension. These medicines come in a variety of

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