
human resource management

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Evaluation of Recruitment Selection in Emirates Airlines Human Resource is a term which is used for describing the single entity of the individuals who make the entire work force of any company or organization. Along with the organization, it can be applied for any business or for the entire nation. Human Resource can be considered as the function which is used for implementing and charging strategies in the organization. It has the responsibility of making the policies in relation with the student management. Introduction to Recruitment Section Recruitment section in the Human Resource Department is the one which is solely responsible for the recruitment of the employees in the company or the organization. It has the …show more content…

(Realistic) Explanation of Intended Outcome (Time Bound) The HR recruiting process of emirates airlines is somewhat not favourable for the employees that the company recruit because the company is using techniques that have a very selective procedure i.e. the employees that emirates airlines recruit are very highly skilled and experienced persons, but the airlines are not paying enough to them as much as other airlines do, this gives rise to high employee dissatisfaction. One of the most highly satisfied employee team of Emirates Airlines is facing problems which can have an adverse effect on the company’s performance. It is obvious that there are certain changes that the company needs to make to address this malfunctioning. The research looks to critically survey the company and eliminate such drawbacks and make recommendations to improve conditions. (SMART Objectives , 2010) Literature Review HRM helps in improving the working environment of the company and works in benefit of the common employee to increase everyone’s performance to get better results. HR professional’s responsibilities vary from quality recruitment & hiring through

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