Support one position on “illegal immigrant workers should be granted legal status” For the past 120 years- “between 1891 and 1920- [America has] received some 18 million men, women and children from other nations” (Bush 554) and causes one of the serious problem in the society. Therefore, immigration reform has been intensely debate among the citizen due to illegal immigrant issues that have become prevalent in United States. However, validating the illegal immigrant workers status should be considered strongly because their strong work ethic and other important American values such as an entrepreneurial spirit that strengthens the economy justify their need for a legal system that protects them from employer’s exploitation. Illegal …show more content…
However, it is definitely not due to the illegal immigrants since they are just taking the “jobs American citizens are not filling” (Bush 554). Hence, it is quite as evident that it does not affect the employment rate of the nation. Secondly, the local citizens have also expressed their thoughts that some of the illegal immigrant work in America and send the wages back home tax-free which leads to the negative sides of the country’s economy. In fact, it is cleared that there are no free things in this world and human needs food and drink to survive. Therefore, it is undoubtedly that the illegal immigrant has spent money in the states for one’s essential and sales tax has included in every single bill. This has shown that the money has not flow out from the country. Meanwhile, the illegal immigrant has never refuse to pay taxes but to work harder and get better wages, grab every single opportunity they can to live a better life. According to CBO forecasts, granting immigrant legal status would “reduce the federal deficit by $685 billion” (Rana Foroohar 24) and “U.S. would add $1.5 trillion to the economy over years”. ”(Rana Foroohar 24) Therefore, Americans can think that the higher wages the illegal immigrant workers earns, the more taxes they have to pay which translates into more tax revenue and increases consumer purchasing power which would certainly benefits the public treasury and the American economy as a whole. In addition, granting illegal
Many people have their own opinions when relating in regard to illegal immigrants hurting the United States economy. There have been numerous of economist say there is no doubt the U.S. benefits from illegal immigrants. All of the undocumented people living in the United States contribute every day in our economy, they contribute as workers, taxpayers and consumers. All immigrants pay sales and property taxes and most pay federal and state income taxes as well. If there was laws like the
The author, Frosty Wooldridge, of The Children of Undocumented Immigrants, 2013 deplores Edwin Rubenstein of the National Research Center reported in 2008 that unlawful immigrants are having an astronomical negative effect in terms of $346 billion annually on the American taxpayers (par. 5). The author, Frosty Wooldridge, argues that the undocumented immigrants are wasting these taxpayers’ money. Also, the author underscores that these undocumented immigrants do not know how much it costs taxpayers every year for them to live here illegally. It may be true that the undocumented immigrants are not paying their taxes. However, the undocumented immigrants are spending money to help stimulate the economy. According to a website article, “DACA Recipients’ Economic and Educational Gains Continue to Grow” from the Center for American Progress website finds “The data illustrate that DACA recipients continue to make positive and significant contributions to the economy, including earning higher wages, which translates into higher tax revenue and economic growth that benefits all Americans. In addition, DACA recipients are buying cars, purchasing their first homes and even creating new businesses” (par. 3). The author establishes that the undocumented immigrants have been making the economy better by earning higher wages. Additionally, these undocumented immigrants are increasing the economy by acquiring essential things like cars and homes. The author implies that because of DACA, these undocumented immigrants, are in fact, benefiting the economy immensely with earning higher wages and purchasing homes and cars. Another powerful illustration of this point again specifying on the Center for American Progress website was concluding that important data is showing that many of the top 25 Fortune 500 companies are hiring DACA individuals accounting for $2.8 trillion annually
Contrary to what most Americans believe, illegal immigrants are not causing our economy to weaken, in fact, they are causing just the opposite. Immigration enforcement has increased greatly in the past few years and undocumented immigrant workers are being deported much more frequently. America refuses to recognize the positive impact these illegal workers have on our economy. Without the surplus of illegal immigrant workers in the U.S. our country’s economy would suffer greatly. Illegal immigrant workers help our economy flourish and they positively influence the American workforce.
“Today's foreign immigrants account for approximately one-third of America's annual population growth, not only because of their large and increasing numbers, but also because of America's low birth rate (16 per 1000) and low fertility rate (1.8)” (Carlson). The current population of the U.S. is 212 million people, if one-third of them will leave, then a country’s economy will crash. The impact of the anti-immigrant laws have is completely negative, because if immigrants will go back home or will move to another country, the state loses workers and consumers who earn and spend money and pay taxes in the state. These taxes are the part of the country’s budget, which is distributed of the benefits for all residents of the country. The absence of immigrants will impact and loss in many different occupations and industries, from construction and landscape to finance and IT. Though some U.S.-born workers could fill some of those jobs, large gaps in several sectors would remain and cause a decline in the economy. The generations of immigrants have helped lay the railroads and build American cities, pioneer new industries and fuel our Information Age, from Google to the iPhone and society cannot just lose these people or not let potential ones of them enter into the country. The consequences of an anti-immigration law will cause to the recession of the
The last 10 years of U.S. economy can be seen by the impact of immigrant reform in different scenarios. In 2013, undocumented immigrants have been granted legal status; citizenship has helped to increase the U.S. GDP and would accumulate by an additional $1.4 trillion compared to the 10 years in between the 2013 to 2022. This earning will give a chance for the Americans some additional earnings of $791 billion at the same period as a personal income, in which the economy would create job opportunities, about 203,000 new jobs per year. In these years the undocumented immigrants will earn about 25.1 percent more than the current earnings of the immigrants. These earnings show that they will be contributing significantly to the federal, local, and state taxes which will add to tax revenue in 10 years with $185 billion to $116 billion for the USA federal government as well as $68 billion to the state and local government (Stuart Anderson,2011).
“We should be able to refuse immigrants. There are a lot of illegal’s that are taking jobs that actual Americans need in the current economic conditions, plus they cause our taxes to go up because we have to pay for their health insurance and they might need welfare so they get all the money taken from our pay so they don’t have to work. They should have to speak English too, if I went to their country, no one would be taking care of me and making sure that I can find the bathroom, or feeding my kids with their money” (Aquino 2016).
Today one of the biggest issues in America is illegal immigration; these people travel from all over the world, and illegally cross national borders onto U.S soil in desperation to find a better life. Immigrants come to America in hopes of fulfilling the American dream, being free and safe from their original home lands. Most immigrants are illegal and come by the millions each year, which lead to many controversial disputes. The overflow of immigrants caused many citizens to question if these illegal immigrants are damaging America in various way and also by bringing in crime, drugs, and terrorists. Others state that immigrants truly aids the economy “Indeed, some sectors of the economy might have a hard time functioning without illegal workers. (Katel 395) Many citizens believe illegal immigrants are taking jobs, and abusing government benefits, however many argue that these immigrants in fact contribute to a stronger economic stimulus, take unwanted jobs, and some even create jobs for Americans.
The US labor force would not survive if it was not for illegal immigrants. If there were no illegal immigrants our labor force would decrease by four percent (Isidore 5). “We could not have grown as much as we did in the 1990s if we did not have immigrants… our growth would have been slower (Isidore 5).” Having illegal immigrants in our labor force increases the amount of resources we have, which increases the amount of production in the country. “Some economists discuss that not only do U.S. consumers benefit from lower prices as an outcome of the low wages most immigrants are paid, but that the convenience of lower-wage labor helps create more work for higher-skilled, higher-paid workers who are generally born in the US (Isidore 14).” Illegal immigrants are opening up higher wage jobs, because they take over the lower wage jobs. Many immigrants take jobs in the field of construction, agriculture
First, the U.S. economy is highly dependent on illegal immigrants. For all the eloquence about illegal immigrants stealing jobs, illegal immigration provides benefits to the national economy. Their importance was highlighted in a report by Texas Comptroller Susan Combs, who states, “Without the undocumented population, Texas’ work force would decrease by 6.3 percent and Texas’ gross state
Recently the United States has experienced a large number of immigrants coming over to the country within the 2000s. In recent studies, there are about 11.5 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. The undocumented immigrant population has grown 27% between 2000 to 2009. Immigrants from Mexico make up 59% of the undocumented immigrants in the United States. These undocumented immigrants can help the economy and country grow. These undocumented immigrants do have some downside to them, which makes people question do they really help this country. Many people question if this is a good or bad thing for the U.S. economy or the country. Immigrants have helped the U.S. economy out a lot and propose more positives then negatives on
12). A 2007 study on immigrants in Arkansas found that the total economic impact of Arkansas’ one hundred thousand, fifty one percent undocumented, on the state economy is nearly three billion dollars (Willis par. 5). Texas comptroller study found that the one million four hundred thousand undocumented immigrants living in Texas in 2005 contributed 17.7 billion dollars to the state economy (Willis par. 5). Illegal immigrants also take low paying jobs. Most Americans do not like to wash dishes, bust tables, and mop floors, but those are jobs that need to be done. Employers always have trouble finding regular employees to do that kind of work, which is also usually low paying. Americans are not willing to work them whereas the illegal immigrants are. When businesses have trouble filling positions of low skill jobs they only have two choices, raise the wage rate high enough to fill jobs or eliminate positions (Gheen par. 14). Businesses must then raise the prices of their items to make up the difference. Higher prices that the customers of those businesses will end up paying for. Illegal immigration also improves the overall image of America. No other country in the world has the diversity of races,
America is a nation of immigration but America also faces the problem of illegal immigration. In America the debate of whether undocumented immigrants should be able to get full amnesty is still a controversy. Even though illegal immigrants did make an illicit action, many see the United States as an opportunity for a better future. In addition, undocumented immigrants should be granted citizenship because it will benefit the United States. Creating an amnesty for the students will help the United States by improving the economy, create more jobs and decrease deportation.
Illegal immigrants help boost the United States economy by paying some taxes. Like American citizens, illegal immigrants may pay local, state, and federal taxes including sales tax that helps support government services that they may not be able to access (Ewing 9). Since more American citizens are becoming aware of the benefits of an education, openings are being created for illegal immigrants in low paying jobs (Nadadur 1037-1052). Americans, unlike illegal immigrants, have more diverse careers. Aliens are more concentrated in specific job areas, resulting in a decrease in immigrant labor cost. This helps boost the United States’ economy (Carter 777-795). Of the approximate eleven million illegal immigrants in the U.S., most work in labor intensive jobs. Careers such as construction and agriculture tend to attract illegal aliens and they account for about twenty-five percent of the work force in these areas (Ewing 9). Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve admits that illegal immigrants help improve the United States economy and does not suggest turning them away (qtd. in Quindlen 90). Anna Quindlen, in her article “Newcomers By Numbers,” agrees with Bernanke and believes that immigrants are the factor that helps keep prices low. She also adds that immigrants are not causing American citizens unemployment, but are simply taking the low wage jobs that citizens are not willing to do and even boosting the economy (90).
There are two immense concerns for the people opposing immigration, which are American tax-payers providing for immigrants and immigrants ransacking all of the citizens’ jobs, however, the evidence demonstrates otherwise. The widespread sense of immigrants being free-loaders, results from a lack of knowledge about their role in the economy, specifically when they pay taxes. According to Nicholson in, The Facts on Immigration Today, “unauthorized immigrants pay an estimated $11.7 billion a year in state and local taxes” (2). Though they do not directly pay taxes, on the account of them not being citizens, they do so through buying commodities in certain states. The money collected is utilized to allocate the benefits they also use, such as safety
The most avidly debated effects of immigration involve the United States’ economy and labor force. It is estimated that there are 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States today, and their impact on the economy can be perceived as positive as well as negative. The overall effect is unclear, and this essay will present both sides of the debate.