Foundations Of Managing And Organising N0451474 Assessment 2: Discuss which approach to managing and organising Junction Hotel would be most effective for the long –term success of the hotel: personality and motivation 3000 words This essay will be discussing the affects that Junction Hotel would sustain if they were to implement rationalisation as a strategy. Julien Freund (1968) defines rationalisation as "the organization of life through a division and coordination of activities on the basis of exact study of men 's relations with each other, with their tools and their environment, for the purpose of achieving greater efficiency and productivity.” Junction Hotel has recently suffered a fall in …show more content…
Analysing a more humanist approach he argued how treating people as a machine is degrading towards the human spirit. Furthermore Elton mayo (1984) investigated against rationalisation approach using the ‘Hawthorne experiments’ concluding how managers or observers aswell as colleagues can affect how well people work. Morgan (2006) also looked into human minds and behaviour and argued that even though machines have an everyday use in society negative effects can occur such as affecting the ‘human spirit’ in routinized activities. Rationalisation as an approach towards Junction Hotel can show its advantages in efficiency levels however; even efficiency is not always affected in a positive way as Ritzer (2011) explains using the organisation McDonald’s as his focus, constructing social theories in the organisation about how people’s creativity can be restrained in the repetitive workforce. Ritzer (2011) explains his theory upon how individuals in the workplace are affected by a more psychological perspective. Thinking about the rationalisation approach towards the Junction Hotel may not only limit staff member’s creativity, but make the current workplace more repetitive and therefore dull. Increasing managing customers in an efficient time may also create a negative affect by increasing the workload per person
Is Rationalisation a desirable strategy for managing and organising Junction hotel in the current economic climate?
Junction Hotel is currently facing problems within the business and is struggling to keep its identity of a ‘quality hotel’. The problems have arisen from a mix of poor leadership and co-operation of staff within the business and also the external influences of businesses which has led them to compromise on quality of service for profit. In this essay I will delve into whether or not I think rationalization is a good strategy for Junction Hotel to adopt.
Office Space provides many examples of the rationalization of the workforce. According to Weber, Rationalization is the process of replacing the traditional and emotional thought with reason and practicality.Weber believed that most societies throughout history were governed by tradition and that the most significant trend in modern sociology is an increasing rationalization of every
Creating groups and teams with an organisation can be a highly successful way for managers to control their workforce as groups tend to form their own cultures and ‘norms’ (Coghlan) and if management can influence a group to develop positive ‘rules’ and to accept the organisational approach implemented, then they have gained control over that set group of workers. Also, by allowing workers to work within their chosen groups, the social needs of the group can be more easily met and therefore, hopefully, lead to greater efficiency. This approach could work well for Junction Hotel as there are already apparent groups formed and by allowing them to work together, greater efficiency could be the outcome.
Having personally worked and managed a hotel in the past I decided to choose a company for my research assignment in the hospitality industry that has mastered the art of managing employees. That is Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, long known as one of the best places to work. Eric Stoessel begins his article “Winning Corporate Culture for Fairmont” by stating that Fairmont has been on Canada’s top 100 companies to work for 8 straight years and most recently Canada’s 10 most admired corporate cultures. Employees that are happy and motivated are especially crucial in the hospitality industry where they are the first and last points of customer contact. Stoessel chatted with the
Rationalisation is a company strategy that organisations consider because it can be useful in achieving efficiency as organisations grow. Other perspectives exist such as psychological approaches that consider personality and motivation. Both of these approaches will be examined in relation to improving fitness suite discord in Junction Hotel.
Leadership which is not motivating employees. The use of the autocratic leadership style has limited value in the hotel sector and specifically the front desk, as it does not allow employees the discretion they need to deal with different jobs and queries.
In order to engage the employees the Portman must be dedicated to a performance management system. This cannot be the “system of the month” that simply creates hype for a time and then fades away, as they experienced with the 5-Star system. The hotel must set goals, monitor and evaluate these goals, provide feedback and create a reward and recognition program. (Krasner, 244). With the introduction of the 5-Star Program, the Portman relied on the PV’s to participate in the problem solving for the hotel. The Portman should again rely on the employees with the establishment of a performance management system by using a Management by Objectives system. This type of system would incorporate participation from the employees for decision making, goal setting and objective feedback (Kreitner, 246). This program should begin with the strategic plan of the hotel and then set goals for employees that will align with the hotels organizational objective. These goals should be set using the SMART method (Kreitner, 248). Once the goals are set, management must get commitment from the staff that they believe these goals are attainable and that they believe in why they are pursuing these goals. If the Portman uses staff to set these goals, commitment will be easier to
This study will introduce rationalisation, identifying key concepts and introducing early pioneers of the movement, it will then explain how rationalised techniques are utilised in the pursuit of efficiency and control in the workplace through key theories and studies assimilated from a variety of academic resources. Next it will compare and contrast the rationalisation perspective with insights from the leisure and service industries. Finally, both rationalisation and the leisure and service industry insights will be applied in practice to the restaurant at the running case study “Junction Hotel”, evaluating the potential impact of each on both the hotel and the workers, concluding with a summary of the points discussed and finally a
For a long time researchers are trying to find the perfect recipe for success, however it is very hard to predict the response of the market to a new product and its adaptation to the environment. The Ice Hotel and the Travelodge are two ventures established in the end of 20th century both in the travel and hospitality sector but each one with its own unique business strategy. In evaluation of their success the decisions made throughout the development of the above mentioned ventures can be categorized as effectual and causal, as explained by Sarasvathy (2010). G.Sanvikarja suggests that causational logic is more rational and based on prediction where as the effectual strategy is more creative and is control orientated. Each of these approaches implies different strategies and reasoning behind both individual decisions and responsiveness to the environment. Furthermore, most enterprises follow a set of common principles that are key for building a business strategy including defining means, setting affordable loss, leveraging contingencies and forming partnerships (S. et. al, 2010). These four aspects are crucial for understanding how is a business created and what is its approach. However, it should be noted that most of the businesses are not strictly effectual or causal, rather a mixture of both with a tilt towards one. Every business is individual and should be treated like one. This paper will examine the business strategies behind the Ice Hotel and the
As we discussed in class, every business is faced with these issues and they are important to managers making strategic decisions. One of the first things learned about business is that if there is no demand for a good or service, the firm that provides it will not continue to exist. Over time the hotel industry has continued to change with market conditions and make itself attractive to business
Hotels too need to differentiate their services from their competitors in order to attain greater share in the market. Marriot chain of hotels differentiates itself from its competitors by focussing on standardization of the services. International customers often need more consistency in the hotel services when they travel across the world. Standardization has its own benefits, not only does it simplify work but also help attain economies of scale, ultimately cutting costs(Singh et al. 2012). Le Meridian chain of hotels offers exactly the opposite of that, it customizes services for its customer to a very large extent(Kielnhofers 2012).It provides services as per the specification of each customer. This might result in adding operating cost but creates additional satisfaction among its
With the hotel attractive atmosphere, a sophisticated design, is expected to make money, then it is invested, in order for this to happen the manager needs to lead their employees to maximize the potential their business may have.
The main objective of the company is not only to attract but also to retain staff who are interested to work in the hotel business for the five-star level of high service, taking into account the wishes of clients, and which offers an innovative, dynamic environment and reflects the culture of the local country. To achieve this, Hyatt strives to be a company listening to well-informed and concerned people. Hyatt provides plenty of opportunities at all levels for their employees, which are accompanied by numerous development
Nowadays, hospitality is required in the business fields in general such as; hotels. As we know, in the modern life, there are many of international brands and competition between hotels. However, there are some qualities we have to consider before choosing a hotel as a guest or as a job offer to work in it. (Tan, 2008) Firstly, in an ideal world every industry or even every successful person should have a vision and a mission of his or her work. So, the vision is what a person wants to achieve in a real life, the mission means what is the purpose of the business to make money or even to make charity. Following this further, a new business should put a strong vision to motivate the staff to work seriously and to reach the main goal of the industry.