
joint family

Decent Essays

In India, the land of culture and unity, culture and unity are wellmanifested in the structure of society, indeed in the smaller unit of a society i.e. family. A family is a set of human beings related to each other in a non-professional manner, giving rise to a concrete cohesion within the family. Love, care, and affection are the most prominent human values, which are responsible for maintaining these bonds of relationships withina family. Typically, a nuclear family may be conceived as a unit consisting of acouple, children, and grandparents, and pets. In India however, there exists a special kind of family structure that really is quite vivid in the way it manages to handle and keep intact the human relations. This special kind of …show more content…

pouse with or without unmarried Children

Supplemented Nuclear It includes three types of families
(a) Supplemented Nuclear: Head and spouse with or without unmarried children but with other Relations who are not currently having Spouses(b) Broken Extended Nuclear: Head without spouse But with otherrelations of whom only one is Having spouse(c) Supplemented Broken Nuclear: Head without Spouse with or withoutunmarried children but With other unmarried/separated/ divorced/Widowed relation Joint family It includes both lineally extended and
Collaterally extended families
(a) Lineally extended family -- Head and spouse With marriedson/daughter and their Spouses and parents with or without other Notcurrently married relation (OR) Head Without spouse but with at least twomarried Son/daughter and their spouses and/or Parents with or withoutother not currently Married relation
b) Collaterally extended family -- Head and Spouse with marriedbrother/sister and Their spouses with or without other Relation [including(b) Collaterally extended family -- Head and Spouse with marriedbrother/sister and Their spouses with or without other Relation [including(b) Collaterally extended family -- Head and Spouse with marriedbrother/sister and Their spouses with or without other Relation [including(b) Collaterally extended family -- Head and Spouse with marriedbrother/sister and Their spouses with or without other Relation [includingb) Collaterally extended family -- Head and Spouse with

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