CERTIFICATE Candidate report template
(2009 specification)
Student number:
Location Date of review / /
Structure report under the following headings:
Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place:
Date of inspection 14/09/12
As part of my Nebosh NGC3 I carried out a health and safety inspection at my employers premises. Their business is medium to heavy engineering; OEM and repair and overhaul activities take place; with machine and assembly workshops yard, office and welfare areas all being inspected. It was a normal working shift when the inspection was carried out and
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However if drivers arrive on site and ask to use our toilets they are directed through the machine shop with no PPE or ID. These people are unfamiliar with the site or the activities around them and present a danger to themselves whilst “machine watching”
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 section 3 Duty of employers to persons other than employees should be kept in mind.
2. Component transfer between shops
This area presents a number of hazards as follows
a. The plastic curtain/draft excluder is now old and dirty and offers no vision through it; During the inspection the component transfer trailer was parked a few centimetres from the curtain.
b. This route has no physical barrier for pedestrians and is regularly shared with vehicular traffic.
c. The main trailer for moving components is a properly maintained and manufactured device with brakes and a safe working load (20 tonne) clearly marked; however there is a smaller device which is obviously manufactured in house and used for moving long heavy pieces of metal( 2-3 tonne) that has no brakes,swl and quite frankly does not look up to the job.
This risk in this one area is in my opinion unacceptably high with breaches of the HASAWA 1974 and The Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulation 1992 requiring that vehicles and pedestrians can move around safely.
3. Emergency means of escape blocked
The fire exit in the male works locker room was completely inaccessible;
* It is important to have knowledge of the health & safety at work act 1974, because this outlines your responsibilities as an employee, some
Task 4Ensuring health and safety is an important responsibility not only for the Managers but all associated with the premises. Evaluate your organisation’s health and safety policy and procedures in line with legislative requirements and propose recommendations on how health and safety should be managed
Candidates are required to outline the main employee and employer’s responsibilities under the following health and safety legislation:
The risk operates (as a tenant) out of grade level open air yard lot. A walk-through of the vehicle storage area revealed no noteworthy defect hazards. There are (2) total exits in the vehicle storage area. Exit unobstructed. All parts are checked and tested and come without a warranty. In addition to retail sales to the public, they offer special wholesale pricing for automotive professionals. There is no employee exposure at this location.
Under the Health & Safety at work Act I have many responsibilities as an employee. These responsibilities must be obeyed in order to maintain a safe working area and minimize any potential hazards or risks to yourself or others. Some of my responsibilities as an employee are as followed:
Section 2 of the HSW Act deals with employersʹ duties, and states: ʺIt shall be the duty of all employers to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health safety and welfare of all their employees whilst they are at work.ʺ
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974- This act is to protect the employees from any danger or risks, it’s the employers duty to see this threw in the
Work Experience (5N1356) Level 5 – Collection of Work Summary of the basic rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in a particular work, organisational or institutional context Employment Legislation: Employment Legislation is a law or body of laws enacted to protect the rights of the employer and/or the employee. • Health, safety and welfare at work Legislation for the health and safety of people in the workplace are the safety, health and welfare act at work 2005 – 2007. This act refers to all employers, employees both fixed-term and temporary term employees, and self-employed at the workplace. Duties of Employees under this act: Under the Safety, Health and Welfare act 2005 – 2007 employers and employees have rights and responsibilities to each other.
The Health and Safety at Work Act is probably one of the main laws to consider as this not only affects your safety but
Under this act, employers are responsible for reporting certain types of incidents, accidents or illnesses to the Health and Safety Exectutive, or the local authority.
Problems to be solved. Due to neighborhood declarations of covenants and municipality parking restrictions, owners of recreational vehicles and travel trailers require an alternate location to store their vehicles. Furthermore, the cost associated with such a luxury recreational item, makes secure storage a primary concern.
Answer The costs incur for inadequate standard of workplace Health and safety include lost production, time dealing with the subsequent investigations; plant damage and replacement and clean up activities; paying those involved during absences as a result of accident or ill-health, having to recruit and train replacement labour and redeployment and/or rehabilitation costs on return to work; costs by fines from the enforcement authorities or by a civil claim from the injured, rise in insurance premiums, poor staff morale which could lead to industrial unrest and high staff turnover, the damage to the organization’s reputation which could lead to a loss of orders and a subsequent decrease in its profitability.
Systems shall be put in place for the care and proper storage of all lifting equipment. Any defective equipment shall be tagged Out of Service immediately.
Duty of care for the safety of employees : The employer has an obligation to take reasonable precautions for the safety of their employees. ( This obligation customary law and the Law on Safety and Health at Work, 1974 is derived) . The right to a minimum wage of £ 6.31 over 21 years of age under the National Minimum Wage Act 1998 Employers are responsible for the acts of their employees if they are committed in the exercise of their functions. The duty of the employer is often expressed as an obligation to : -
lifting, carrying, pushing and pulling. s Use mechanical devices where possible, e.g. trolleys, pallet movers, FLTs, conveyors, scissor lifts etc. s Train staff in safe lifting techniques. s Consider breaking up loads to make them more manageable or the use of two or more people for certain jobs. s Ensure aisles are of sufficient width and consider raising the height of any working platforms to reduce the need to bend or twist. s Keep passageways, stairs and delivery areas clear. s Dispose of loose packaging and bindings properly. s Clean up spillages immediately and display warning notices. s Fasten cables securely to the floor or re-route overhead if possible