
nebosh certificate ngc3

Decent Essays
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CERTIFICATE Candidate report template
(2009 specification)


Student number:

Location Date of review / /

Structure report under the following headings:

Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place:

Date of inspection 14/09/12

As part of my Nebosh NGC3 I carried out a health and safety inspection at my employers premises. Their business is medium to heavy engineering; OEM and repair and overhaul activities take place; with machine and assembly workshops yard, office and welfare areas all being inspected. It was a normal working shift when the inspection was carried out and …show more content…

However if drivers arrive on site and ask to use our toilets they are directed through the machine shop with no PPE or ID. These people are unfamiliar with the site or the activities around them and present a danger to themselves whilst “machine watching”
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 section 3 Duty of employers to persons other than employees should be kept in mind.

2. Component transfer between shops

This area presents a number of hazards as follows

a. The plastic curtain/draft excluder is now old and dirty and offers no vision through it; During the inspection the component transfer trailer was parked a few centimetres from the curtain.
b. This route has no physical barrier for pedestrians and is regularly shared with vehicular traffic.
c. The main trailer for moving components is a properly maintained and manufactured device with brakes and a safe working load (20 tonne) clearly marked; however there is a smaller device which is obviously manufactured in house and used for moving long heavy pieces of metal( 2-3 tonne) that has no brakes,swl and quite frankly does not look up to the job.
This risk in this one area is in my opinion unacceptably high with breaches of the HASAWA 1974 and The Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulation 1992 requiring that vehicles and pedestrians can move around safely.

3. Emergency means of escape blocked

The fire exit in the male works locker room was completely inaccessible;

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