
nvq level 3 302

Satisfactory Essays

Assignment 207 Understand person centred approaches in adult social care settings

Assignment composition

Assignment overview In this assignment you will demonstrate your knowledge of person-centred care. You will explore what is meant by the term ‘consent’, define person-centred values, and consider how active participation can be used to best effect. You will consider how risk assessments can support informed choices and examine the factors that contribute to the well being of individuals using the service.

There are three tasks to this assignment.
A Information leaflet
B Short answer questions
C Case studies

Task B Short answer questions

Bi- Describe two ways of finding out about the history, …show more content…

Bx Describe two attitudes or approaches which could promote the well being of an individual using the service.
Service users should all be given the right to choose what they want and how they want it. Just like you or I would like a hot cop of tea with 2 sugars, you wouldn’t forget your own sugar so you shouldn’t forget theirs. Staff should be up to date with their training so they can see and learn the service users wishes and preferences.

Bx Describe two attitudes or approaches which could promote the well being of an individual using the service. Staff need to understand the service users way of life. Whether that is its religion, choice of food, type of clothing. To understand all this it is vital that the staff read the service users care plan.

Bxi Identify two ways of making sure an individual’s physical environment promotes their well being. When it is time for a meal the staff should know how that service user would like there meal. Some could be a vegan or a vegetarian. Some may just not like a kind of meat, veg, or fruit. Involving the service user in making the meal is also a great way in promoting the service users well being as this will make them feel involved in something and know what they are putting in there

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