
personal and professional development

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BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business

Assignment Brief

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Personal and Professional Development

BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business

Unit 13: Personal and Profesional Devlopment

Assignment Cover Sheet

Assignment No: 1 and 2 .............................................

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Next paragraphs will describe the work based problems for achieving the goal, learning styles that can be implemented to solve this problem, time management strategy plus which one is the most suited strategy, and the evaluation of the benefits of self managed learning to the individual and to the organisation.

What is work based learning?
Identify and briefly explain the problems associated with it
Explain 1 problem in detail that is going to affect you the most

For the beginning, the most important problem that can be identified when deciding to be a solicitor is learning how to take the rejections. The experimental Learning Theory of Kolb emphasizes direct experiences, including cognitive, emotional and environmental factors that are present or influence the learning process. It incorporates four models of learning: activist, pragmatist, theorist and reflector. These four stages learning cycle shows that experience is transformed through reflection in concept.
For solving this problem, a mixture between all these kind of learner can help very well. The first one, activist is where the learner wants to plan how to try a model or theory for the forthcoming experience.
The pragmatist is where the learner is doing the experience in an activity such as lab session or any other field work.
The theorist, when learner attempts to conceptualize the theory or the model about the observed thing.

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