Learning is an ongoing process of acquiring knowledge and skills. Mentoring is one main criteria being practiced in clinical setting to facilitate learning process among new learners in hospital. Effective guidance and coaching is important for new nurses to perform efficiently .Within this assignment ,i as a mentor will discuss and emphasize on learning strategies and learning styles that can be used to facilitate my mentees learning in clinical practice.
I am State Registered Nurse (SRN),a diploma holder, working for 5 years. I am working in medical surgical ward with 32 normal beds and 2 vvip beds.Mentor- mentee programme had been practiced in our hospital for newcomers with three months of probationary period.
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I will use cognitive approach to teach nurse A, which she feel comfortable to learn .
Self motivation is important in teaching and learning.Learners should be motivated well to absorb teaching well.I also assess her whether she is motivated or not to learn.I provide some positive reinforcement by praising her for knowledge that
she have in iv fluid..B.F. Skinner (1953) cited that positive reinforcement will induce occurance of the behaviour.I motivate her by giving full support and guidance for her to learn. As a teacher for her,i also maintain a conducive learning environment which facilitate teaching and learning in practice .Lack of motivation can make the learner reluctant to learn.
At last, i decided to teach her in her own style,which is reflective style .Where learn by observation,notes,lectures.She also take longer time to make a decision in learning. Honey, P and Mumford, A (1982) ,define reflective style as learning from observation,listening skills.Based on Honey,P and Mumford ,A theory i will provide my learner best guidelines to achieve her learning outcome.
Planning for learning
Proper planning is essential in teaching.Learner needs proper di. Nurse A has no experience and need more knowledge on iv fluid administration.I decide to teach her with proper teaching plan.I will provide nurse A written notes ,data, discussion,
The Certified Nursing Assistant course is designed to use the Nursing Process to help students grasp critical concepts in nursing so they can provide competent care for their patients. Students will be taught the theoretical and clinical component of the course and will be able to demonstrate relevant in the clinical skills upon graduation. The course prepares students to integrate cultural sensitivity in providing care for their patients and a holistic approach. Theories are combined with hands- on clinical skills. Students are required to participate in face to face classroom discussion. Class participation is essential in progressing through the course to enhance learning.
Anderson, A., & Klemm, P. (2008). The Internet: Friend or foe when providing patient education? Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 12(1), pp. 55–63. doi:10.1188/08.CJON.55-63
Jesse Willie argues in His article “Teaching Kids to Practice” that children are expecting results to show right away. Society today gives children results back right away because of the technology. Practicing music takes a long time but they get bored after a while of practicing and not getting any results. Willie's solution is that teachers should be making learning music a lot easier to do. Children can't process everything fast enough but if there was less work to do the it would be much more easier to do.
(The class will be split into two groups. When you deliver your group presentation for P3, the other group will act as the newly qualified nurses. Your teacher will take on the role of a particularly difficult nurse, who will ask you lots of questions about your strategies. This will lead to a discussion about how you intend to implement your strategies for M2.)
The main purpose of this research project is to build and develop auxiliary knowledge and confidence for enrolled nurses and hence convey better care for the patients and for better nursing practice.
She sees herself as a student who finds the best way to be the best and get my work done. The best way she learns is to have class decisions, repetition of topics, Cornell notes, videos, and a little humor from the teacher.The essential qualities of an effective discussion are having everybody right or wrong discussing together as a class and teacher. She needs to work more on her reading comprehension and looking outside of the box of what is not literal when it comes to reading things that aren't poems. Her strengths outside of English are Clinical Rotation, United States History, and regular math, like Algebra
A review of the relevant research specific to the question of the effectiveness of mentorship programs was conducted (see evidence summary table, Appendix A). The bulk of the published studies evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of mentoring programs for newly registered nurses demonstrated the beneficial effects mentorship has on job satisfaction and retention rates (Edwards, Hawker, Carrier & Rees, 2015; Zhang et al., 2015).
This essay is going to focus on the nursing skills that I developed during a period of placement simulations and in the community, placing emphasis on oral care, communication with a non-engaging patient and bed bath. It will outline the fundamental aspects of clinical nursing skills that I have begun to acquire. This will also highlight the learning processes which took place and how it helped me to enhance my knowledge, and ethical values in order to deliver quality and safety of care. Using other sources of current literature, I will use a reflective model to discuss how I have achieved the necessary level of learning outcome. By utilising this model I hope to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding in relation to these
A survey was performed to identify nurses’ competence with computer databases. Many of the practicing nurses studied claimed they did not feel comfortable navigating a database to locate research information. Many were either not aware of helpful tools such as CIANHL and PubMed or did not utilize these tools due to their inability to access or navigate them. Patient charting and detailed drug information is all computerized, therefore, universities need to place emphasis on computer literacy and familiarize nursing students with computer databases if they are to be
If the patient may become upset or nurse must ask intimate questions, I find an empty room, wait until the patient’s roommate has left for a while, or use an empty treatment room or office. For instance, one-to-one instruction method is one of teaching method that I can use in my teaching because it can be tailored to patient learning needs and focused on a patient's specific self-management plan. For example, patient learns how to inject insulin effectively through one-to-one instruction. It also provides an opportunity for both the nurse and the patient to communicate knowledge, idea, and feelings primarily through oral exchange, although nonverbal messages can be conveyed as well.
The learning during lecture will be passive, but the discussion will allow for interaction of patient and nurse in which the patient can ask questions (Beagley, 2011, p. 336). Instantly a nursing diagnosis was being formed.
Teaching-learning session is almost the same to the nursing process that is used in clinical settings (Habel,2006). In the learning process, the initial step is assessment of the learners understanding towards their health condition, which is then followed by the questions what do they need to learn and what will be the appropriate approach to teach them (Habel, 2006).
Following the successful completion of my pre-registration house officer rotation at the Baptist Medical Centre, Ogbomosho in 2004, I was employed as a medical officer at Emmanuel hospital in Jebba. I have worked very hard in this district hospital and have acquired a wide and varied exposure to the prevailing health problems in the wider community. I have come face to face with the challenging statistics pertaining to the health of people due to non-integrated healthcare services which is significantly attributed to poor health information system. The poor health information system has led to so many medical errors, poor
The nurse should act as a facilitator, creating an environment conducive to learning that motivates individuals to want to learn and makes it possible for them to learn (Musinski, 1999). The assessment of learning needs, the designing of a teaching plan, the implementation of instructional methods and materials, and the evaluation of teaching and learning should include participation by both the educator and the learner. Thus, the emphasis should be on the facilitation of learning from a nondirective rather than a didactic teaching approach (Knowles, Holton, & Swanson, 1998; Musinski, 1999; Mangena & Chabeli, 2005; Donner et al., 2005).
Secondly, it is made the work easily and flexibly which doctors do not need to stay all the time in front of the office due to they can be answered the inquiries by the internet, which takes less time to do it ( Benefits of.net 2011). Next, it is helped the sick people especially who are stayed in hospital to contact with nurses and doctors by using unified communication, which mean allow to hospitals to do one big safe network contain more kinds of communication such as, computers, internet, voice and video (Dr. Sands, D 2008). Then, hospitals use a specific website which allow to sick people to know if they work or not and find all information about the hospital such as, what is the hospital for. Finally, a lot of people use the communication technology to organise their lives such as, some application to add suggestions for their diet (CSC-Star.net 2011).