CARE HEALTH AND SOC TH AND SOCIAL CARE H SOCIAL CARE HEALTH A CARE HEALTH AND SOC AND SOCIAL CARE HEA RE QUALIFICATIONS HE ALTH AND SOCIAL CARE EXEMPLAR SOCIAL CARE HEALTH A CANDIDATE WORK CARE HEALTH AND SOC TH AND SOCIAL CARE H UNIT HSC 024 Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Unit HSC 024 2 Unit HSC 024 CONTENTS Introduction Page 4 Unit Purpose Page 5 Evidence for Learning Outcome 1 ACS 1.1 and 1.2 Commentary for Evidence for ACS 1.1 and 1.2 AC 1.3 Commentary for Evidence for AC 1.3 Evidence for Learning Outcome 2 AC 2.1 AC …show more content…
Both old and young people can be physically abused. There are signs or indicators to show physical abuse and there are ways in which victims and abusers act or interact with each other. Physical abuse includes the smashing of furniture and personal belongings, being pushed or shoved, being held against your will, slapped, bitten, kicked, pinched, punched, choked or ducked under water, threatened or hurt with a weapon, threats of violence, locked in or out of the house, hair pulled …burnt with cigarettes, acid, an iron, hot food or water … Signs of physical abuse in adults are: bruising, particularly in well-protected and covered areas, fractures, sprains or dislocations, lacerations, burns - including friction burns and scalds, drowsiness, pressure sores, cowering and flinching, unexplained hair loss, significant weight loss, etc…. Symptoms include feeling low, angry and in pain. 2) Sexual abuse is when a person is forced or tricked into taking part in any kind of sexual activity. When sexual contact is non-consensual, it is an abuse. It can happen to men and women of any age that is both old and young. It can include sexual penetration of any part of the body with a penis, finger or any object, sexual exploitation, making threats about sexual activities, exposure to pornographic material, touching of breast or genitals, kissing, etc. Activities such as showing pornographic material, forcing the
Physical abuse involves the use of force by pinching, punching, slapping, scalding, hitting, kicking, burning or misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate sanctions. It is a form of physical attack on an individual, it can also be a intentional neglect to prevent physical injury.
Physical abuse is non-accidental pain or injury inflicted on a service user by a health or care worker. This can include hitting, shaking, rough treatment or inappropriate use of restraint.
Physical abuse - Punching, Kicking Scratching, Slapping, Biting, Scalding, Pulling hair, Poking Pinching, Pushing, Shoving, Burning, Binding limbs, Tripping over, Choking, Beating, Cutting, Imprisonment, Starvation, Forced feeding, Deliberate dehydration, Twisting arms, Sleep deprivation, Torture, Drowning, Bruising, Scalding.
Physical abuse happen when is involved contact planned to cause bodily harm, feelings of intimidation.
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, not necessarily involving a high level of violence, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including assault by penetration or non-penetrative acts such as masturbation, kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing. They may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse, this also includes via the internet. Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by adult males, Women and other children can also commit acts of sexual abuse. This type of abuse is usually committed by someone known to the victim not just by sexual predators. It is important to remember that boys as well as girls can also be the victim of sexual abuse. The signs of sexual abuse as with emotional abuse may not be outwardly visible, because of the shame and self-blame a child will have if this is happening or has happened to them, makes it very difficult for a child
Physical abuse can be hitting, slapping, pushing, dragging, forcing limbs and putting them into to situations and actions they don’t want to do, this can also know as restraint. Other types of abuse can be medication abuse, force feeding.
Physical abuse involving contact planned to cause bodily harm, feelings of intimidation, other physical suffering or injury
Physical abuse includes the smashing of furniture and personal belongings, being pushed or shoved, being held against your will,slapped, bitten, kicked, pinched, punched, choked or ducked under water, threatened or hurt with a weapon, threats of violence, locked in or out of the house, hair pulled …burnt with cigarettes, acid, an iron, hot food or water … Signs: bruising, particularly in well-protected and covered areas, fractures, sprains or dislocations,
Physical abuse- Physical abuse is possibly the easiest to recognise as it is more often visible,
There are many different types of domestic violence. Physical abuse is the most obvious form, but this is not to say that outsiders always recognize it. Generally, physical violence causes bodily harm, using a variety of methods. Slapping, pushing, throwing, hitting, punching, and strangling are only a few methods. An object or weapon may or may not be used. There is not always physical evidence of physical abuse such as bruising, bleeding, scratches, bumps, etc., therefore, absence of physical marks does not necessarily mean physical abuse had not occurred. Physical abuse sometimes escalates to murder (Morris and Biehl 7, Haley 14-17).
The first type of elderly abuse is physical. Hansen notes that this type is the use of "physical force which may result in bodily injury, physical pain or impairment (2015). Examples of this type of abuse include striking, hitting, beating, pushing, shoving, shaking, slapping, kicking, pinching and burning, just to name a few. The perpetrators of this type of abuse tend to be acquaintances such as sons, daughters, grandchildren, health professionals, or others. In other words, the perpetrators tend to be people in position of trust with whom the victims are quite familiar (National Committee for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, 2008). The infliction of the above forms of assault and battery results in a number of indicators leading to the likelihood of physical abuse. These indicators include physical and behavioral (NCPEA, 2008). While physical indicators include injuries or bruises, behavioral indicators can be traced in the way the
1. Physical abuse – This is causing someone physical harm, for example hitting, pushing, slapping, kicking etc.
Physical abuse is a type of abuse which may be experienced by adults. Physical abuse is when a person aims to harm another person by using physical actions. Examples of physical abuse can include hitting, slapping, kicking and pushing. These can be seen as a form of bullying. Physical abuse may take place in a health and social care by a staff that has suddenly became angry with the person they are looking after due to the person making it extremely difficult for the staff to do their duty. Also, a patient may show physical abuse to the staff if they feel that they want to get revenge. Physical abuse can lead to a person to have either bruises or sore skin. Another type of physical abuse in a health and social care setting may include a staff trying to give a medication to a patient and the patient refuses as they do not like the taste of the medication and when the staff forcing to put the
One form abuse that could be experienced by an adult is physical abuse. Physical abuse is an act of another person involving contact that is intended to cause feelings of physical pain or injury. For example this could be hitting, slapping, pushing, assault and the misuse of medication. Physical abuse was used many times In Winterbourne View as the people living there were constantly being restrained for no reason. Restraining