
production and operation management

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Examination Paper of Production and Operations Management

IIBM Institute of Business Management
Examination Paper
Production and Operations Management
Subject Code-B107


Section A: Objective Type & Short Questions (30 marks)

This section consists of multiple choice & Short Notes type questions.
Answer all the questions.
Part one questions carry 1 mark each & Part two questions carry 5 marks each.

Part One:
Multiple choices:
1. Production and Operations Management concerns itself with the conversion of:
a. Outputs in to inputs
b. Inputs in to outputs
c. Outputs in to outputs
d. None of the above
2. Continuous Production is
a. The last operation to the finished product
b. The first operation to the …show more content…

It was estimated that 40 percent of the requested files were these “no hit” files requiring a search. Often these “no hit” files were eventually found stacked in the requester‟s office. The primary “customers” of the file clerks were underwriters and claims attorneys.
Company management and operations analysts were consistently told that the greatest problem in the company was the inability of file clerks to supply files in a speedy fashion. The entire company from top to bottom viewed the productivity and effectiveness of the department as unacceptable. An underwriter used
20-50 files per day. Because of their distrust of the files department, underwriters tended to hoard often used files. A count by operations analysts found that each underwriter kept from 100-200 files in his or her office at any one time. An underwriter would request a file by computer and work on other business until the file was received. Benson employed 25 underwriters.
Management Information System
Upper management was deeply concerned about this problem. The MIS department had suggested using video disks as a possible solution. A video disk system was found that would be sufficient for the companies needs at a cost of about $12 million. It was estimated that the system would take two years to install and make compatible with existing information systems. Another, less attractive was using microfilm. A microfilm system would require underwriters to go to a single

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