Research Proposal
Statement of Purpose: Studying abroad has evolved as common phenomenon around the globe. Every year cross border education is becoming more popular and people are travelling around the globe in-search of better education, better living standards and a better future. Everything new comes with new challenges and that applies to international students who travel abroad in search of better education. The research paper will regard and focus on problems that international students generally face at Australian Universities. The research as a whole will also consider various issues such as adjustment issues, cultural shock, language difficulty, understanding the expectation and grading system
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Similarly, understanding international students issues and problems has a global implications and may play a vital role in increment or decrease of enrolment by international students in a particular country.
The desire to expand opportunities to attract international students is motivated by numerous factors, the most significant is economic. “In Australia, education providers raised concern in the past that English language proficiency requirement are being sacrificed to attract much needed revenue from overseas students (Coley, 1999)”. International student supply over US$ 13 billion dollars to the us economy, with majority of the funds originated outside the country( IIE, 2005b). “In addition to being a source of much needed revenue, international students helps to contribute in intercultural learning and create awareness and understanding of diversity and global issue(NAFSA, 2003)”. This clearly demonstrates the importance of cross-border education.
Studying the problems faced by post-grad International students in Australian universities may be essential for various different reasons. Firstly, it will help understand the existing problems faced by the international students. Secondly, it will help universities to plan and roll out action, facilitate international students
The phrase, "it didn't happen over night", applies very well to American Revolution. The colonists wrote many letters and organized several meetings throughout the war to persuade the people to fight for their freedom. There were numerous battles. For example, The Battle of Lexington and Concord, and the Battle of Yorktown. Therefore the American Revolution was an evolution because it took extensive amounts of persuasion for the colonists to become independent, numerous battles, and it took years for the war to end.
Maureen Andrade article, “International students face academic and social transition issues in their first year of university” (P.135), so, students will face hard times at the beginning because they came from different countries which have different traditions and believes so, they will need time to adjust with the new environment depends on the student’s personality if he or she is extroverted or introverted. Accordingly, social adjustment issues present an obstacle for the international student; they face new life style, and sometimes the social support they get is less than what the domestic students get. Language proficiency can be the biggest obstacle for the international students, sometimes they feel shy speaking to native speakers because
Australia has the third highest number of international students in the world. Australia has seven of the top 100 universities in the world. Australia has five of the 30 best cities in the world for students based on student mix, affordability, quality of life, and employer activity – all important elements for students when choosing the best study destination. It’s not surprising there are now more than 2.5 million former international students who have gone on to make a difference after studying in Australia. Some of these students are among the world’s finest
The need for higher education has prompted many students to seek further studies in international colleges outside their countries and Australia has become an academic hub for international students who mostly come from developing nations in Asia and Africa. The students, once they secure a place in this schools, they are subjected to a new environment which comes with different challenges. International students in Australia have become an integral part of the society both social and economical. However the students face a myriad of challenges before fully adopting to the new learning culture. In
In this current modern era of our time, it can be seen that an enormous number of students prefer to study overseas in Australian universities. For the purpose of this essay, “overseas study” refers to the act of travelling beyond your country to receive tertiary education. There are numerous reasons as to why universities in Australia are popular. Students may choose Australia universities for the high quality education system, which leads to better job opportunities. Moreover, the student friendly living conditions within a diverse multi-cultural environment.
Studying abroad, which has become a common phenomenon, can be a fun and meaningful experience. Many university students are interested in studying abroad because it gives them an opportunity to explore different cultures and broaden their horizons. As Mark Sherry, Peter Thomas and Wing Hong Chui argue in “International Students: a Vulnerable Student Population,” the goals that students pursue international study are often to acquire different ways of learning and to improve cross-cultural understanding, which helps them gain self-confidence as well as maturity (33). This experience turns out to be beneficial to those who study abroad. Nevertheless, when students are surrounded by a wholly new environment, many problems that hinder their
When international students study for the first time at a university in the United States, the first challenge almost is study. For instance, students’ communication and writing skills, the grades in each class and so on. When the student decided to study abroad, parents place great hopes on the students. Almost international students were having a bit afraid to talk with native speaker, when they first time at the university in the United States. Also, international students could not write really like the native students writing. At the same time, students must want to get a good grade in each class, but different countries have different education system.
All over most college campuses there is a group of students that commonly get over looked; the international students. International students make up a good majority of a lot of college campuses. Statistics have shown that 1,000,000 international students are enrolled at universities in the United States of America (Migration Policy Institute). I chose to observe a group of international students at universities, because this is a topic that is of interest to me. Since international students are so common at universities, they play a big part in our society. It does seem that possibly at times, international students can get overlooked because at many universities they are in the minority. Even though there are many differences between non international and international students, we all share one purpose; to get an education at a university in the United States of America.
As a result of this, the Australian government is obliged to review its immigration policies to ensure that it allows foreign students to come and study into the universities. This will create room for more programs and expansion of the university and infrastructure. Foreign students also come with a number of knowledge and skills that if well implemented can help in greatly improving the university in terms of infrastructure. Various researches will also be stimulated by the arrival of international students and such will help in
They contribute to the diversity and internationalization of their classrooms, campuses and communities. In this essay we will be looking into the academic, social and cultural challenges international students face when they study here in the US. Follow by why students from different regions (Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, Australia etc.) adapt to US culture differently. Lastly I will look into why International students mostly associated with other international students instead of associating with American students.
I believe that Australian students do not realize to a full extent how difficult it can be for those coming from different cultural environment. One of the symptoms Oberg described was a sense of loss. Conversation with Ben demonstrated that this is one of the first confusion an international student goes through – the world he used to live in and felt comfortable is no longer the same and there is no one to guide him. No wonder that at the beginning the majority feels depressed. The universities do not analyze social aspect of the international students’ problems. Without finding their place first, they are not able to succeed in their learning process. In most cases, culture shock is difficult to avoid especially if these are not just two different countries but two different continents. Each student needs an introduction to this new world, but he faces too make challenges to cope with them on his own. This is often one of the major explanations why they fail courses or even semesters. It should be reminded that social adaptation is vital for further curriculum progress. Otherwise, they feel detached from the environment. Thus, any further studies considering the experience of international students should be devoted to psychological and social aspects of adaptation as these are the key factors of their acculturation. I can select three of the leading trends that require deeper analysis. Firstly, the study of acculturation changes in the behavior of international students. Secondly, the study of acculturation stress - emotional changes the international students go through. And finally, the third area is the study of acculturation attitudes, i.e. attitudes and values that the individual form under the influence of new cultural environment. Thus it can be seen that student’s adaptation is a much more complex issue that it might
The most important driver affecting the health assessment sector as it pertains to obtaining insurance is what will happen to the ACA; unfortunately, as not even experts know what will happen to the ACA, it is impossible to accurately predict the market growth for health assessments at this time.
“In 2006 to 2007, according to the data compiled by the Institute of International Education, 582,984 students from all over the world were enrolled in American colleges and universities in a wide range of fields” (Carter, Paragraph 2, 2008). The United States has the highest number of students who are coming to study abroad than any other countries. Each year, the number of international students coming to the United States to obtain degrees is increasing by thousands, and home countries of these students are primarily India, China and Korea, all located in the whole different continent. But what are the motives of students who are crossing the sea to study? Their goal of studying abroad is to experience diversity and to adapt attitudes
Did you ever wonder if video games should be a sport or not. Here are some of the multiple reasons why video game should be a sport. As long as eSports has the same fan base,video games should be a sport. As I grew older I relized why the people who play video games makes people happy and they inspire people which is the reason why the people who play video games hve the same fan base as the athlets that play sports.
Australia is a popular study country with students from around the world. Particularly, in order to gain a top quality education, many international students study at university, however adjusting at the university life is not easy because of language proficiency, crossing culture and different social norms. For successfully studying at university, they need to understand to Australian culture and they need to adjust to university culture as soon as possible. This essay takes a look in the particular problems of international students at university study, such as language barriers, social supports, culture shocks and time management. Also I will present how to cope with the problems for successful adjustment to university study and life.