International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2012, Vol. 2, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
A Case study of Annual and Semester Systems of
Examination on Government College of Management
Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan
Asfandyar Yousaf
Assistant professor & MS (Management Sciences) Research Scholar at Gandhara University,
Government College of Commerce-II, Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan
Muhammad Hashim
Lecturer & MS (Management Sciences) Research Scholar at Gandhara University,
Government College of Management Sciences, Peshawar, KPK, Pakistan
The Purpose of this study is to pin point as well expose differences between marks scored by the students in
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Research Questions
1- Is Semester system of examination better than Annual system of examination?
2- Can students obtained comparatively better marks in semester system than annual system of examination?
The scope of this study is wide as it is concerned to education and its prevailing examination system. In Pakistan, there are three types of examination systems a) Annual system b) Semester system and c) Term system. These types of examination systems are in practice. A large number of students have engaged as well suffering because we have observed flaws in annual system and semester system of examination.
Statement Of The Problem
The problem that this research will address is the degree of importance of examination system prevailed in Pakistan. How examination system improves its quality on student’s level, and how examination system influences. The study will answer the following research questions
Are the examination systems evaluates the students same?
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
September 2012, Vol. 2, No. 9
ISSN: 2222-6990
Literature Review
Educational system all over the world has never been consistent over the year. Through advancement and exposure to new concepts, Educationists investigate
This practice exam covers a selection of the types of questions that may be asked in the
and types of questions) will be presented at the start of the class prior to the exam. The
While some might enjoy a three-month long summer break, it is in the best interest of the students’ grades to attend school all year long since this leads to a more motivated classroom atmosphere. Also, the students are more likely to remember material covered in class better if they are only gone six weeks instead of twelve weeks for the summer. As a result of retaining the material, students will benefit from better test scores. According to the NAYRE, “of thirteen studies of year-round-education performance since 1985…ten favored the year-round system over traditional schools and of those, seven found statistically significant learning gains by the year-round students” (Harp 2). The world we live in is becoming more of a global market, and American students need to be able to compete in the job market someday with people from all over. Their test scores and skills need to be cutting edge in order to be an active participant in this global market.
In order to accommodate the year round calendar, there are several forms of year round education. The first form follows a single track calendar. This is the most popular type of calendar (Shields, 2000). A single track year is usually implemented to “provide a more balanced and enriched education program or to accommodate the special scheduling needs of a community” (Glines, 2002, 2699). A single track calendar takes on a 45/15 design. This is where students go to school for forty-five days in a row, and then have a fifteen day break. It is a continuous cycle. Schools usually begin in early August, and follow this pattern four times to complete the school year (Glines, 2002). The three week break in between is called an intersession. During this time, students can choose to take additional educational courses through “remedial,
Saint Atticus Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee there is always one constant that the reader can depend upon. As the story progresses, each and every character develops and waivers. However, Atticus Finch always sticks to the moral life. He leads by example the clear minded and respectful way of living life.
It's no secret that majority of people today attend school. The goal of getting an education is to become well rounded and knowledgeable in all subjects, which helps us receive a quality job and have a stable future. But if students are not getting these attributes out of school, then it is time for a change. To solve this problem, I propose year-round schooling. Year-round schooling would improve students' education and schools' functionality.
A teacher who was part of a year round system recounts, “I found myself going through 3 school years without that opportunity for self-assessment and planning for the future of the educational program.” (“The Effect of Year Round Schools” 1999/22 February 2005). With a much shorter summer break, teachers will not have enough time to increase their education, which can benefit the learning of their students. For these reasons, year round schools are not as beneficial as the traditional school year.
It is October 15th. Normally, students would be at school, working for hours on end at math, communication arts, and science. But this year is different. This year your school has now entered into the year-round calendar system. At home, you can enjoy the season of fall with pumpkins, Halloween, and beautiful weather. The idea of year round school has most commonly been pushed aside because of the misconception that it is too much school, or an on-going cycle of learning. However, those who declare this, do not understand the year-round school concept. Year-round school provides the same number of days as the traditional calendar. The difference, which will change our society and the achievement rate of our students in the future, is that the days are reordered into intersessions. The mechanisms of year round school include students attending school for a nine week period, then following this is a three week break. This rotation occurs year-round with a slightly longer summer break. Consequently, Though many people agree with keeping tradition with the popular school calendar, new evidence and testimony proves that year-round school provides the better avenue because the world is evolving, it benefits low income students, and intersessions are more effective than summer break.
The instructor also hints the questions that would be asked in the exam during the class so as to enable them take notes of the same. Trainees who are not able to answer despite all these relaxations are helped by the invigilators during the exam, hence enabling them clear the training process. The examination is treated more as a legal procedure than as an evaluation criterion. The procedure was not changed even after the World Trade Centre attacks and the London bombings.
One major point of this article was that the year round schooling system contributes to economic prosperity. Businesses find it easier to provide jobs for students on a year round basis instead of having to provide jobs for students only in the summer months. This schooling system also allows students to graduate at different times, allowing for a decrease in unemployment compared to students who graduate together and compete for a few open job spots at that time. Many teachers and administration are in favor of this type of schedule because it allows teacher to be able to raise their income by teaching days of class on their vacations.
Testing has felt tremendous influence from the emphasis on efficiency. University examinations have moved from individual testing by professors to nowadays where most exams are machine graded, text-book given multiple choice tests. Thus, with the infiltration of McDonaldization into the educational system, test taking has become extremely efficient for the professor.
In “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Poe is describe as gothic fiction because it sets in a house that looks like haunted house. This story was fill with dark gloomy scenes. Everywhere around this house was scary to the narrator. The lake and the nature that surrounds the house was dark and scary looking. Even the hall of the house was fill with darkness that gave fear to the narrator. Not only Poe’s work is gothic fiction, Hawthorne’s work, “Young Goodman Brown” is gothic fiction. The reason is because it is set in wilderness where Young Goodman Brown sees a devil and a witch influencing him to be like them. Because of these two works from Poe and Hawthorne gives fear and mood of darkness, these stories are classified as gothic fiction.
There are many threats to global health in today’s world but the one that seems to be the greatest threat to the entire world is overpopulation. Overpopulation is a serious problem that is having an extreme effect on the health of every citizen of every country. The problems caused by overpopulation could even prove to be a fatal epidemic to the human population. Oftentimes overpopulation is overlooked due to a lack of knowledge or simply because many government officials have dismissed overpopulation and call it a myth. Overpopulation is an enormous and serious global problem that needs to be taken seriously in order to analyze the issues and create solutions to provide a better way of life and ensure that everyone is able to live a healthy life not only today but in the future as well.
Exams have caused a lack of enthusiasm in the mindset of scholars and encouraged students to have superficial knowledge which doesn’t last long. At the cost of writing exams are many individuals who do not succeed in a certain profession because they performed poorly on a particular exam. A change needs to be made to the system of education by creating a scheme which encourages students to work consistently and enthusiastically, and offers greater opportunity for each and every student to