Should a proper Family be small?
Small families or big families are better? there is a big differing 's between small and big families in terms of psychological ,economic and social live , most people in our day live to one or two children 's ' ' compared with three or more back in the early 1960 ' '.(American Academy Of Paediatrics , 2009) . Parent before they got married think to have a lot of kids something nice, but after the first child the understand the difficult of having a lot of children’s When a family have one
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As we know the parents in those day speed a lot of money on the children 's ' ' According to the USDA, a child born in 2011 will cost an average of $234,900 to raise to age 18. If your household income is over $100,000, you can raise that number to about $390,000. Yes, there are some savings after the first child ' ' (willies, The Economic Reason for having just one child, 2013) .so to have only one child is better for the parents because they can save and time, and no more pressure for the parents because they don 't have a lot of kids Some people may still argue that the big family are better than small family because the child need someone from his age or little bigger so he can play with him and stay with him, and learn new things to gather ' 'brothers and sisters, also when the grow up they can become Source of income for the family or helping their parents in work. However, this argument could be easily refuted .those parents who have a lot of children 's got a lot of pressure because the children 's will fight and do some stuff annoying, also the children 's from small families cannot get good education and that’s mean when the graduate they cannot find good jobs , and the cannot help their families, and maybe when the grow up they will get married so if they find a good jobs they will spend the money they make in their own families ,,and they will not go back and give the money to his parents ,because they got responsibility. Also the children 's
This article “One and Done” is an excerpt from her book “One and Only” and the reviews of this book come from extremely credible sources such as the New York Times, therefore establishing her credibility. The author’s purpose for writing this piece is to argue that having one child is not “detrimental” to the child psychologically, and only-children are not different than kids with siblings. This piece was written July 7, 2010 so the research and studies are very up to date. The main points of this article started out with the argument of why Sandler herself decided to have one child, and this is based on how “the economy is sluggish… and raising kids cost a bundle. She describes the effects of the recession on the number of children women bear, and points out that women are having less and less children because of their high costs. Sandler then goes on to discuss why people urge families to have more than one child, and she uses personal experience of a cashier in a store to exemplify the pressure of having more kids. Sandler investigates why there is such an aversion to have only one child, “single children are perceived as spoiled, selfish, solitary misfits,” because this is such a believable stereotype, parents are pressured to have multiple children because they “don’t want to do that to their child.” Sandler uses the study by Granville Stanley Hall to act as a counterargument
(Attention grabbing quote at work). Watership Down by Richard Adams is a timeless tale told from multiple perspectives within a group of rabbits venturing into the unknown in hopes of finding a new home. With great leadership and an unique ability shared between a pair of brothers, the band of rabbits come upon new lands to call home. Hazel, brother of Fiver and leader of the herd of rabbits, goes through many different personal changes as a rabbit, from being a clueless individual momentarily leading the bunch, to having a taste of success and falling arrogant in hopes of impressing the others, and then finally knowing his place and being a trusted and respected leader as Chief Rabbit.
One of the fetuses may be unhealthy and could be harming the wellbeing of the other fetus. Studies show that when having more than one fetus, disability and death rates for the baby is higher. Or having too many babies can affect the health of the mother. Other factors besides health play a factor in choosing to abort one fetus too. Some people cannot afford to raise two children at the same time. According to CNN, the average cost of raising a child is $245,000 a year. This does not include paying for the cost of college for both children at the same time. The Two-For-One procedure also was performed for social reasons. Due to modern technology, mothers can now have babies in their 40s and 50s. These women did not want to deal with raising twin teenagers in their 60s. Woman also get remarried and do not want to have more than two children with their new spouse, especially with other children
The strengths of this family include many generations living together which can help the family unit because the parents are having to work several jobs to pay the bills and the grandparents can provide childcare for the children. In addition, the culture has the belief of familism and this is an important part of who they are and “familism is generally regarded as good because an extended family provides emotional strength at times of
The author references decades of research on family dynamics and childbearing that conclude that families with two to three children tend to prosper, while those families with eight to ten find success much more difficult and usually live in the poorest
He also found that relatives continue to be the main source of informal support in all social classes. The effects of there being more extended families is that in some areas of the world there is an ageing population, which can also mean that there are more empty nest families, these are families where the children have left home and it is just the elderly parents living in the home. An example of extended families can be found in South Asian families, here the family is vertically extended. In one household there is a man, his sons and grandsons, their wives and any unmarried daughters, this would make a family relatively large. Living like this means that kinship ties a strong and it also causes the younger generations to change their behaviour as the family would be quite ‘old fashioned’, which causes them to stay living with their family and increasing family size in Southern Asia.
Families and their specific roles with each other and society and community had evolved, rules for children and their place within the family structure were far more cohesive as they not only relied on each other for economic and social support, but on their communities as well. With new
As Lyndon Baines Johnson says, “The family is the corner stone of our society. More than any other force it shapes the attitude, the hopes, the ambitions, and the values of the child. And when the family collapses it is the children that are usually damaged. When it happens on a massive scale the community itself is crippled. So, unless we work to strengthen the family, to create conditions under which most parents will stay together, all the rest — schools, playgrounds, and public assistance, and private concern — will never be enough” (Danes). He believed that family is the base of the society. The way that family is set up affects children in all ways. Family structure is very important and that no matter what we do,
They believe that having a large family “offers possible economic benefits”, particularly if a
Is there a reason traditional families have lasted for thousands of years? In the argumentative essay “In Defense of Single Of Motherhood” by Katie Roiphe, the author is arguing that a single mother is a significant way to raise children. Roiphe also includes how being a traditional mother and father family is unsuccessful and frustrating. Although being a single mother may work for her, countless numbers of single mothers struggle in many different ways. These struggles affect the mother and the children as well. Being a single mother is harmful for a family because a child needs a father figure, it is too much stress on one person, and it is financially difficult to raise a family on one income.
There are various family backgrounds a child may come from. If they grow up in an extended family circle, in close relationship not only with their parents and siblings but also with their grandparents and cousins, they might feel more protected by the people who surround them and have more opportunities to develop socially through frequent interactions with their relatives. A bigger family tend to give moral values and education to the child that also supports their social and cognitive progress. However, coming from a smaller, nuclear family does not mean that the child is not provided with the same values, and vice versa a child can have negative experiences, e.g. feeling of being lost in a house crowded with their family members. Reconstructed or one-parent families also have the potential to work well if the child is able to accept the changes and see that e.g. their parents are happier separated or with their new partner. Still teaching staff has to give closer attention to those children coming from broken up families because if they are unhappy or cannot deal with the changed circumstances, their academic and social development will be affected negatively.
Many people overlook how hard it is for children that only have one parent. So now people have noticed the problems and are trying to help the kids. First, we have to notice that looking back about 50 years ago, it was unheard of for children to have one parent, now 14% of children have one parent. Joseph Chamie from the Center of Migration in New York says "The
S., 2012). Family size can be important because the more kids in the family, the more toys and games that will most likely be purchased. There is more chance of growth in markets when family size is bigger. When it is less than the parents will buy fewer toys. In addition, each child goes through a cycle, and they would soon get to the stage where they do not play with toys.
Emmeline says “the extensions of the franchise to the men of my country have been preceded by very great violence, by something like a revolution, by something like civil war” (Perry, 218). With this in mind, she was considering the extensions of the vote were needed to be preceded by very great violence. She formed the Women’s Social and Political Union. They were a group dedicated to obtaining equal votes for women. She comes up with the idea of the use of militant direct-action tactics. Increasing members of women’s clubs helped her to decide to use a different method such as militant direct-action tactics in order to obtain the vote. It was kind of the unprecedented tactics. First of all, she stats that “The women did not get it because they were constitutional and law-abiding” (218). Women were considering no violent human beings. She was also by nature a law-abiding person as one hating violence, hating disorder (219). However, she realized that militant direct-action tactics was the only way to obtain equal votes for women because men fought before all men got the vote. She was also proud of in the quest for their own suffrage by using militant direct-action
Social media is defined as the way in which people interact to create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. Social media is different from traditional/industrial media and advertising in many ways such as immediacy, permanence, cost, quality, frequency and reach. (HBR Maersk Line Case Study)