Describe the possible signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviors that may cause concern in the context of safeguarding. The responsibility of every practitioner is to safeguard the children under his/her care. Within the definition of safeguarding is also child protection. Protecting the child is very serious responsibility and it means that we must ensure that the child is not a victim of abuse. We can distinguish different kinds of abuse: physical, emotional, sexual abuse or neglect. To notice abused child the practitioner must know possible signs and symptoms visible to eyes or particular patterns of behavior that can be results of abuse. Physical abuse can be spotted on the base of two different kinds of signs. One kind are …show more content…
The last kind of abuse is neglect. The indicators of neglect are any symptoms that may suggest that the child is not taken care of such as dirty or inadequate to age/weather clothing, developmental delays caused by lack of support, interest from the side of carers, repeating skin infections due to poor hygiene, untreated injuries, lack of regular immunizations or being constantly tired or absent/late at the nursery. (Queensland Government Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, 2011)The child will lack love and affection therefore can look for it when socializing with other people. On the other hand they may be aggressive and have anti-social behaviors as they are usually left on their own. When comes the time to go home, the children may not want to go out from the setting, the place they feel comfortable in. It is very hard to distinguish and recognize actual abuse but as the practitioners we must not be afraid to seek for more information from parents or other specialists. If concerned we should contact to social services to prevent/stop the crime from being committed. It is crucial to keep in head how serious consequences of any kind of abuse are and how disturbing they are on development and future of every child. We must not ignore any symptoms especially if they do not stop with the time. Our one action or referral can change whole life of the child for better. Bibliography: 1. NSPCC Cruelty to children must stop. Full
In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of safeguarding adults. You will describe different types of abuse, the signs and symptoms associated with them and what to do if you are aware of or suspect an individual has been abused or you note unsafe practice. You will research failings in care services and explore how best practice can help to keep individuals safe. You will also identify the range of people who may be involved with safeguarding, along with the policies and procedures that govern best safeguarding practice.
Physical: is non-accidental use of force against any person that results in physical pain, injury, impairment or confinement. Signs of physical abuse are, injuries that are consistent with physical abuse, present of several injuries of a variety of ages, Injuries that have not received medical attention, a person being taken to many different places to receive medical attention, Skin infections, unexplained weight changes or medication being lost, behavior that indicates that the person is afraid of the perpetrator, change of behavior or avoiding the perpetrator.
The UK Government has defined the term ‘safeguarding children’ as: ‘The process of protecting children from abuse or neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care that enables children to have optimum life chances and enter adulthood successfully.’
The first signs I would look for are physical signs, such as; bruises, burns, scars and unexplained marks, bite marks for example. Injuries such as bruises are not necessarily an immediate sign of child abuse, however depending on the place in which the bruises were found and the shape and age of them, they could be a sign. For example in protected areas of the body such as inner thighs and the
The indicators of physical abuse can include unexplained bruising, marks or injuries on any part of the body, multiple bruises, broken bones or even multiple burn marks. There can also be a change in behaviour while a child is being physically abused, such as; fear of parents being approached for an explanation, aggressive behaviour, flinching when approached or touched, depression, withdrawn behaviour or even running away from home.
It can be very difficult to recognise signs of abuse in a child or young person. They are some signs, which could alert staff to the fact that the child or young person might be being abused at home, for example constant bruising, or having unusual injuries for the child or young person. This may have an affect on their
Safeguarding is a much broader range of how practitioners working with children and young people should act when dealing with child protection issues. By safeguarding as practitioners we are protecting children and young people from maltreatment, preventing harm to their health and development, making sure children grow up in circumstances accordant with the provisions of safety and care and to act to make sure children and young people have the best possible outcomes in life.
A child who is suffering from child abuse shows signs of depression, their attitudes and emotions change, the appearance of an abused will change, look for weight loss, is the child wearing the same clothes for two or three days, have they bathed, do they appear to be hiding something bruises or marks. Do they look tired or hungry? These are signs to look for. Family members and School officials should be the first the recognize child abuse, and should report it.
Physical abuse includes the smashing of furniture and personal belongings, being pushed or shoved, being held against your will,slapped, bitten, kicked, pinched, punched, choked or ducked under water, threatened or hurt with a weapon, threats of violence, locked in or out of the house, hair pulled …burnt with cigarettes, acid, an iron, hot food or water … Signs: bruising, particularly in well-protected and covered areas, fractures, sprains or dislocations,
Injuries occur on a regular basis with children. People need to look for injuries from accidents while the child is at play. If examinations do not fit the injury and are frequent it is obvious that it was not just an accident, it was physical abuse. (“Child Physical Abuse”) There are many indicators of physical abuse. Physical abuse displays welts, bruises, contusions, burns, cuts, lacerations, fractures, swelling, strap marks, and lost teeth. (Rein 11) These indicators can come about if the caregiver hits the child with their hand, stick, strap, or any other object. It also includes punching, kicking, stabbing, shaking, burning, throwing, or choking the child. (Giarding) If a child is being physically abused there are frequent injuries throughout their bodies. The child is very watchful and on alert as if something bad is going to happen. Injuries sometimes come in patterns from certain caregivers. The children of physical abuse sometimes shy away from touch, flinch at sudden movement, or seem afraid to go home. They also wear inappropriate clothing for the
safeguarding, who a vulnerable adult is, different types of abuse, who may abuse, factors and
Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility, and includes measures to prevent or minimise the potential for abuse occurring. Protection is considered a statutory responsibility in response to individual cases where risk of harm has been identified
The two main ways which you can spot signs of maltreatment is physically and via the child's behaviour. Indicators of maltreatment which would be physical on the children would be constant bruising on their skin, if you see one bruise you can’t automatically assume there is maltreatment going on within their family home as all children at a young age have bruises every now and then from falling over, however if you are constantly seeing bruises that aren’t going and instead getting worse, that can be a indicator of maltreatment. That ties in with any unexplained injuries that may be spotted on the child at any given time. If you happen to see the child has an injury which is considered as unexplained as it may not be a normal everyday injury, that can indicate maltreatment within the child's family home. Soreness in places which shouldn’t be sore can be a big indicator of maltreatment occurring within the family home. If the child seems underweight or may not be the average size for a child of their age can be an indicator of maltreatment within the family home, whereby they aren’t being fed the right amount of food or are going hungry at home from being ignored. With the child having poor personal hygiene, it can be an indicator of maltreatment happening within the family home where they aren’t getting treated how they should be and may have to fend for themselves and at the age they are at they don’t really understand what they
Based on the American Humane Association some indicators of physical abuse are, “swelling and cuts on the child’s face, head, back, genital area, butt, or thighs, and wounds like bite marks, burns, broken bones, puncture marks, or missing hair” (“Child Physical Abuse”). There have been records of parents bringing their kids to the emergency room saying they fell causing breaks and fractures or burned themselves when the burns are too severe to be an accident. Medline Plus encyclopedia advises action must be taken if there is belief “a child is being abused; report it immediately, by calling Child Protective Services or the local police” (Child Abuse-Physical). By getting the local authorities involved countless of children’s lives can be saved and be given a chance to live a better, healthier life.
Physical abuse is the most common form that can be identified this usually involves the child being beaten by hand or objects, the child being thrown, the child being inflicted with bone breaking acts of violence for the parent's pleasure. Most common reasons that people physically abuse children is because of Unwanted responsibility, such as, when a person has child young or was not ready for child, the abuser had improper role models growing, such as, maybe their parents abused them and they think that okay because that's how they were treated as a child, social isolation could be another reason if they don't have the discipline of a child who was not abused the abuser, much like the improper role models, will this is an okay thing to do. Now you're probably looking for signs of abuse. Common signs could be unexplained injury or injuries in places that would not be caused easily by a simple fall or scrape like bruising on the stomach, neck, and upper back; not wanting to go home always not wanting to go home or showing signs of anxiety, nausea, and physical symptoms to going home could be a problem especially if the thought makes child physically sick, drastic changes in weight a child could become