1. How does building new systems produce organizational change?
• Describe each of the four kinds of organizational change that can be promoted with information technology.
1)Automation: improve efficiency and make manual steps not required
2)Rationalization: Streamline standard operating procedures
3)Business process reengineering: Analyze, simplify, and redesign business processes
4)Paradigm shifts: Rethink the nature of the business and the nature of organization.
• Define business process management and describe the steps required to carry it out.
Business process management: use various tools and methodologies to analyze existing processes, design new process, and optimize those processes and it can never be over
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2) Traditional structured approaches:
Traditional structured development methods are process-oriented, focusing primarily on modeling the processes.
It specifies the processes or transformations that occur within each module and the interfaces that exist between them.
4. What are the alternative methods for building information systems?
• Define the traditional systems life cycle.
The life cycle methodology is a phased approach to building a system, dividing systems development into formal stages.
Describe each of its steps and its advantages and disadvantages for systems building.
Steps: System analysis, System design, Programming, Testing, Conversion, Production and maintenance.
Advantages: Activities can be repeated to modify the wrong process
Disadvantages: it can be costly, time-consuming, and inflexible and it is not suitable for many small desktop systems.
• Define information system prototyping
The prototype is a working version of an information system or part of the system, which consists of building an experimental system rapidly and inexpensively for end users to evaluate.
Describe its benefits and limitations. List and describe the steps in the prototyping process.
Prototyping encourages intense end-user involvement throughout the systems development life cycle, it is more likely to produce systems that fulfill user requirements.
Another way of successfully gathering information is by building a prototype or model of the system, so that users can test or get an idea of what the finished product will be like. With this they can determine issues, problems, or inconsistency with the system. Another important part of gathering information is organizing it so that it can be understood and put to proper use. I propose categorizing the requirements into functional requirements, operational requirements, technical requirements, and transitional requirements. The functional requirements define how the user thinks the system is functioning overall, the operational requirements define what background processes need to be executed in order for the system to work optimally over a period of time, the technical requirements define what technical issues that must be addressed in order to successfully implement the system, and the transitional requirements define the processes or steps needed to implement the system smoothly and successfully. ("Mind Tools", 2012).
The system development life cycle is a formal four-step process that can be followed in order to identify a problem and solve it. The first step is
System Analysis is the study where detailed information about the components and requirements of a system, the information needs of an organisation, the characteristics and current components of the systems and the user functional requirements of the systems that is proposed system.
Application configuration will be through the creation of a prototype. Prototyping is the creation of a full functional and configured testing site. Application users will be able to see and interact with the product to provide feedback on the functionality.
The main aim of the lifecycle process is to produce a product which would be cost efficient, effective and also up to the high standard. Once the application is created, the lifecycle determines the proper arrangement and decommissioning of the software once it becomes legacy [5].
If you have any questions in regard to the corporate safety program as it affects our branch or about the suggestion program that is being implemented here at the Denver office at M-Global, please do not hesitate to make your comments known either in memorandum form or by way of telephone response to this
BPM- used to manage the evolution of existing business processes from one version to an improved version. Business process management is a technique used to create new business processes and to manage changes to existing processes (Kroenke & Boyle, 2015, p. 460)
Prototyping also allows for quick system development when there may be a short period of time in which to develop the system.
Bengough, Mike, n.d., Business Process Management (BPM) and Systems, MPM701 Business Process Management, Deakin University, unpublished.
Documentation: A brand new document will be created of how the new system should be used, this is usually in report style format.
The interview session has been done by include an open-ended and closed-ended question which are related to the implemented project. Next, sampling technique is executed by system analyst who does evaluation to the current system or prototype. These processes give feedback in evaluation form that filled after tested the system. Lastly, observation is performed by using questionnaire form. According to Burch (1992), the questionnaire is analyzed and transform into structured form that easy to understand. After all information has been collected, structuring of system requirement takes place. It focused on development process modeling which perform “graphically representing the process, or actions, that capture, manipulate, store, and distribute data between a system and environment” (Hoffer, George, & Valacich, 2012, p. 182). In this step, Data flow diagram (DFD) is structured by system analyst using special tools and techniques to create a decision table. According to Hoffer, George and Valacich (2012), decision table is a “diagram of process logic where the logic is reasonably complicated” (p. 200). This table is useful to help system analyst to make a decision toward the project. Then all information’s gained from this phase are documented in System Analysis Report (SAR) that acts as a guideline or reference to the future system development project (Burch, 1992).
A new system development cycle brings a process of building a good system with quality. A single incorrect step could create a huge mistake in the development process. Steps of developing a system begin with requirement gathering and analysis; basically brainstorm to check ideas to put into action for development. This could be assembled independently through personal documentation, but a lot of them could be acquired with the user participation through interviews of open-ended questions or a structured questionnaire. Next task is the system analysis to improve decision making in order to define in detail. This is broken down into smaller parts to help make it more manageable to develop, design, and test. A system design gathers
This essay is structured in the following way: I start will begin by defining the design problem; then I willshall illustrate sketching and prototyping techniques, what they are, how they can be used to support the design of an interactive system, and their weakness and strengths. The conclusion will highlights how sketching is still an irreplaceable tool for designers, while prototyping helps in simulating reach experiences and technical feasibility. Before proceeding, it is important to define the term designer: Designer is anyone who create sketching or prototyping in order to design, regardless of their job.
The disadvantages of this software are few, though it has been said that it has no telephone support for better customer support. In addition, after the first installation of the software, it will work slowly as the PC has errors and problems.
A life cycle in System Analysis is a term of describing and showing how the Project is analysed. It shows the different stages such as Plan, Design, implementation, Testing, Deployment.