
“the Apple-Tree” by John Galsworthy

Decent Essays

The extract under consideration is a piece of a third person narration. However, it is not just a matter-of-fact account of events. You can find not a few pieces of description throughout the story. Thereby the finely wrought delineation of the characters and scenery is gained. Also there are quite a lot of dialogues in the story which are important in revealing a person’s inner state and overall atmosphere.
On the whole, the prevailing tone of the extract appears to be rather romantic and elevated. This effect is caused by the description of the two friends Frank Ashurst and Robert Garton. The former is an idealistic and romantic young man full of absence. And the latter stands in contrast to his friend, being too practical. The author …show more content…

As if opposed to his friend, Robert is matter-of-fact and barren of imagination. There is a remarkable peculiarity about the way Garton’s appearance and actions are depicted. I mean metaphors and similes of which the author is lavish. They are sharp and facetious and can’t but evoke an ironic smile, for example: “Garton queer, round-the-corner, knotted, curly, like some primeval beast”, “Garton's was a kind of dark unfathomed mop”, “Robert was talking through his hat!”
As to Megan, her portrayal is very laconic. She doesn’t appear to be beautiful but her eyes are wonderful. Their delineation is symbolic – they are the reflection of her soul - dewy as if opened for the first time that day. And girl looks at Ashurst without shyness in an open manner, she is inartificial and naïve. Megan feels pity for Ashurst because of his knee, and her attention pleases him. Once again this feeling is recurrent in the story and it definitely has symbolic significance. It creates the mood of the approaching disaster.
And Megan’s aunt seems to forebode it. The author portrays her by several sharp strokes. "Mrs. Narracombe had a quick, dark eye, like a mother wild-duck's, and something of the same snaky turn about her neck.” She appears to be very strict and acute woman and distrusts the strangers but finally Ashurst gains her

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