Training and Development
Importance of Training:
1. Optimum Utilization of Human Resources
2. Development of Human Resources
3. Development of skills of employees
4. Productivity
5. Team spirit
6. Organization Culture
7. Organization Climate
9. Quality
10. Healthy work environment
11. Health and Safety
12. Morale
13. Image
14. Profitability
Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e. Organization gets more effective decision making and problem solving. It helps in understanding and carrying out organisational policies
Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that successful workers
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High-speed information technologies are essential for just-in-time production; they also make possible multinational networking and new ways of accessing knowledge. Managers and office personnel need ongoing training in these communication technologies to keep up with the dynamic information flow necessary to compete successfully in business today.
4. Increasing workforce diversity
Carnevale 's seven basic workplace skills (1990, pp. 2-3), employees need training in the organization:
1. Learning how to learn
2. Reading, writing, and mathematics
3. Communicating and listening
4. Problem solving and creative thinking
5. Goal setting and developing their career potential
6. Relating to others and working in teams
7. Sharing leadership roles.
HRD Sub-System :
Performance Appraisal: Performance appraisal is the process of determining how well a worker is performing his job. It provides a mechanism for identification of qualities and deficiencies observed in an employee in relation to his job performance. The object of appraisal is to determine the present state of efficiency of a worker in order to establish the actual need for training. The process of performance appraisal consists of:
· Setting standards for performance
· Communicating the standard to the employees
· Measuring the performance
As part of the HRDNI process, learning development and training opportunities support the organisation achieving the organisations strategies as it can help to improve organisational, team and individual performance ( Armstorng and Baron 2002 cited in Neale 2004).
Training and professional development are key to the maintenance of any company’s growth and culture. Leaders of any strong company should realize that improving skill set, increasing knowledge, and employees’ job satisfaction are important to the positive growth of the company. Providing training and development provides opportunities for workers to gain managerial skills and gain managerial skills and gain upward mobility in the company.
Training and development are important because without it the organization will not move forward due to the employees not moving forward. The training starts as soon as the individual is being interviewed. There are questions, answers maybe a personality test to confirm that the individual has the right vision and ethical background as the organization. If the individual does not match then the organization may not hire that person.
Training and Development is imperative to the organization’s progress. Training helps addressing employee weaknesses and builds a reliable and skilled workforce. This will improve the employees’ performance and boost their self confidence, and innovation. By acquiring the needed knowledge and skills, employees can perform more efficiently and increase the overall productivity of the organization.
Training and development is one of the fields in human resource management. It is concerned with the activity of the organization that is aimed towards bettering the performance of the individual members of the organization as well as groups and teams in the organization. It also has other names such as learning and development and human resource development. It encompasses three main activities. These are training, development and education. Training is the activity which involves focusing on and evaluating the job that is held by the individual. Development refers to the activities which focus on the activities taken by the organization which employs the staff to better the working environment. These activities are next to impossible to evaluate. Education refers to focusing on the jobs that individuals hold in future and it is evaluated against these jobs. When an organization undertakes these training and development activities, they led to increased productivity of the members of staff ADDIN EN.CITE Harrison20051005(Harrison, 2005)100510056Harrison, R.Learning and development2005LondonChartered Institute of Personnel and Development9781843980506 HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_3" o "Harrison, 2005 #1005" Harrison, 2005).
Knowledgeable and well trained employees are needed in every organization. It is important employees are able to perform all the tasks needed in order to reach the organizations needs and achieve the set goals. As times change, employees may stay behind in skills or may even lack training when it comes to new systems, technology or other procedures that the company may need in order to better performance. That is when the importance of training is more evident. An organization has a large responsibility for their success which is why training, development, and career development is
“The purpose of training and management development programs is to improve employee capabilities and organizational capabilities. When the organization invests in improving the knowledge and skills of its employees, the investment
Training and development provide employees the skills and knowledge to keep up with the company’s changes and growth. It can also help to develop and improve the corporate culture, its efficiency and its effectiveness; and helps in creating the learning culture within the company.
Training can be introduced simply as a process of assisting a person for enhancing his efficiency and effectiveness to a particular work area by getting more knowledge and practices. Also training is important to establish specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. For an organization, training and development are important as well as organizational growth, because the organizational growth and profit are also dependent on the training. But the training is not a core of organizational development. It is a function of the organizational development.
training & development of employees can make them productive or competent in their jobs, that
Training and Development is a powerful and cost effective tool for any organization provided it is implemented to match the needs and objectives of the business.
In simple terms, training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. A formal definition of training & development is… it is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the
When the organization invests in training and development to improve the knowledge and skills of its employees, the investment is expected to yield productive and effective employees. The programs could be focused on individual performance or team performance depending on the development need identified by a training needs analysis which helps in the creation and implementation of training and management development programs. In the view of Grobler, Warnich, Carrel, Elbert and Hatfield (2004:345), training needs have to be determined first.
Training in an organization can be defined as providing educational and informational resources to staff in order to prepare them for the roles and responsibilities of their position. “Training is crucial because it:
As we organize the mentor program, we will first want to develop some basic guidelines. Who will be eligible to participate? How long will the mentor relationship last? How will students and professionals be matched? We will have an individual be designated to coordinate the program. This person can hold an office such as mentor coordinator, mentor director, or chairman, mentor programs. A committee also may be formed as needed to assist the coordinator in implementing the program. Enrollment forms should be developed for those interested in participating. Mentors will usually be assigned for a specified amount of time such as one semester or one academic year. The time period should be decided in advance and communicated to potential mentors so they understand what their time commitment will be (