
unit 13 p1

Decent Essays

Task 1; this task addresses P1

This assignment will show that I have gained an understanding of the way that Tesco and Bsix Sixth Form College plan their recruitment.
Recruitment and selection is the process that organisations use to attract potential employees and then choose the best person for the job.
The recruitment and selection process have different stage that all have to be to follow, to select the right candidates for the job vacancies.


Tesco is the biggest private sector employers and market leader in the UK supermarket sector.
The company has more than 360.000 employees worldwide.

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At first Tesco will look at its internal talent plan to fill a vacancy. Tesco have a list of current employees looking for a move (at the same level or on for promotion).

Tesco advertised the post internally on its intranet for two week and If it does not found any suitable people then their will advertised their job vacancy externally.


External recruitment is when job vacancies is filled by a non-existing employee (a person from outside of the organisation).

The reason why Tesco may decide for external recruitment they couldn’t find any suitable employee for the organisation or because there would like to recruit people with fresh idea who can bring new skill to their organisation There are different methods to recruit a non-existing staff.
One of the easier way for applicant to find out about available job is by Tesco carer website (, applicant can fill up an online application form and submit it directly. Furthermore interested people can see Tesco’s advertisement trough vacancy boards in stores what is more applicant can also send their C.V.

Sometime Tesco can struggle with the “hard-to-fill” or more specialist job, such as bakers and pharmacist, in that case they can also advertised trough offline media, television, radio, Google, agencies, Job centre or in a magazine such as “The

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