Lucy Switchgear FZE
Dubai, UAE
A Practice School – II station of
Dubai International Academic City, Dubai
(AUGUST 2013– JANUARY 2014)
An overview of waste management
Pandit Harsh 2010A4PS176U Mechanical engineering
Prepared in Partial Fulfillment of the
Practice School – II Course
Lucy Switchgear FZE
Dubai, UAE
A Practice School – II station of
Dubai International Academic City, Dubai
(AUGUST 2013–
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8 3.1.3 Temporary solutions 8 3.1.4 Reducing plastics waste 9 3.1.5 Advantages of recycling plastics 9 3.1.6 Disadvantages of recycling plastics 10 3.1.7 Plastics fact files 10
3.2 Disposal of wooden scraps 11 3.2.1 What is currently being done? 11 3.2.2 Temporary solution 11 3.2.3 Advantages of reducing wooden waste 12
3.3 Disposal of cardboards 12 3.3.1 What is currently being done? 13 3.3.2 Temporary solution 13 3.3.3 Why reduce/reuse cardboards? 14 3.3.4 Why not to recycle cardboards? 14
3.4 Disposal of metal scraps 15 3.4.1 Nesting/punching scrap 15 3.4.2 Copper scrap 15 3.4.3 Others scrap 15 3.4.4 Zinc scrap 16 3.4.5 Stainless steel 16 3.4.6 Brass 16 3.4.7 Metal facts 18 3.4.8 Benefits of using iron/steel 18
3.5 Disposal of general waste 19
3.6 Technical solutions 20 3.6.1 Compactor for GW 20 3.6.2 Bailing machine for cardboards 21 3.6.3 Bailing machine for plastics 22 4. Conclusion 23 4.1 Reduce 23 4.2 Reuse 23
5. Future scope 24
5.1 Drinking water solutions 24
5.2 Forklift magnet 25
* Refused to record expenses necessary to write off the costs of unsuccessful and abandoned landfill development projects,
In the main part of the following paper with the topic “Two Mad Scientists: A Comparison of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Short Stories “The Birthmark” and Rappaccini’s Daughter” I will offer a comparison of selected aspects, since the space is limited. First of all I will concentrate on the comparison between Aylmer, the scientist which is presented in
Infectious waste is stored in yellow clinical bags, sharps are stored in a sharps container and household waste is stored in black bags. Each of these containers can only be filled up until they are 75% full at which point they must be closed and stored in a separate room prior to collection.
People often end up in generating huge tons of trash on completion of their projects. Piling up trash for longer period of time not only throws you in worries but also makes you a source of pollution generation. You have to take an immediate action to wipe off the trash and recycle it an environmental friendly manner. How will you do this? A dumpster hire from a professional rental service provider will make your task of recycling the trash pretty easy.
How will I help our environment? I will be partnering up with Karlie Ramirez, we have decided on the 21st of October to head up to Giant Rock, located in Lucerne Valley. Over the years mankind has polluted our air drastically, consequently we throw trash on the ground and in our oceans. At worst is air pollution. Exhaust fumes, Radiation spill or nuclear accidents It creates an adverse effect on the overall environment. We put fumes and gases in our air on a daily base and How does this affect our environment? As some of us have seen It kills wildlife and is currently putting a hole in our Ozone Layer. Karlie and I will be heading to pick up trash, approximately for about 5 hours. Before we can move forward, there are a few steps we will need to complete before the 23rd of September. Moving Forward to our first step, will need to speak to our parent about purchasing a few items. Such as, trash bags, gloves and water. Moving on to our Second step, discussing where we will be disposing of all trash we pick up. When you make a point of doing everything you can to help your environment by recycling, your actions make you part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Our third step, talk to our parents about transportation and Location in Giant Rock. After these steps, Karlie and I will be ready to help our earth function and breathe, on the 21st of October. (Here we come Giant Rock!) Everyday items such as soda cans and plastic bottles can be deadly for unsuspecting wildlife.
Waste Management, Inc., incorporated in 1968, had become a leader in the industry of waste management services ranging from industrial operations to curbside collection. This company had become synonymous with many different kinds of disposal services that allowed for the company to grow and grow with a solid base over the course of twenty-eight years. Finally in 1996, the company reported total assets of almost $20 billion with net income close to $200 million. However, even with this growth and solid base, the company was feeling competitive pressures and net income was on the decline.
From farm to table getting our food and produce to the consumer is a tricky task. Even with all the planning millions of food ends up wasted a year. Many steps are already taken to reduce the amount of food being wasted but are they enough? In America alone 200 to 250 pounds is wasted per person per year! According the world resources institute “32 percent of the world’s food was never consumed in 2009”.
You must being in a hurry to know how to stop asthma because it has been a great budden to you so as others. but before i go straight to the remedies you will agree with me that we need to know all about asthma and how it works. if you already have ideas of this you can skip the article to the part you need which comes to be the almighty remedies.
Envision the intriguing aromas and aspects of all the delectable, appetizing, and savory foods the world has to offer. Now imagine those foods being taken, scarcely eaten, and then banished to a life in the trash thereafter, where they cannot be consumed anymore. Now proceed to think about all of the resources, time, effort, and money that goes into producing food, it all would have been for nothing. Discarding edible food leads to billions of dollars of food lost, along with creating additional trash. Consumers can do simple things to create less food waste.
2003, p.306). Solid domestic waste is one of the major environmental problems faced by most municipalities in the country particularly in urban areas. The generation rate of waste is 1.0kg/day per person and 80 percent of the 230 landfills in the country have only two years of lifespan left. Despite rigorous campaigns of recycling, the attainment of recycling rate has increased from 1-2 percent in 1997 to merely 5 percent in 2001 (Aini et al. 2002, cited in Said et al. 2003, p.306).
Solid waste management has been a challenging area of public health management for the past two decades in Dhaka metropolis. Unfortunately the traditional waste management system is getting complicated with the addition of plastics and other non-degradable wastes. However, a team of professional engineers who are public health experts, has volunteered and mobilized sufficiently to ameliorate effectively the problem of health hazard from these solid waste. This volunteered support team has developed the action plan for decentralized waste management strategies for segregation of waste at source and many related activities, including monitoring, even business plan for the self-employed young graduates and unskilled women.
Solid waste management involves the storage, collection, transport and disposal of waste which is generated in the home, commercial premises and institutions.
We, humans, are producing waste every day, polluting and destroying our planet. To save the world, many people believe recycling is the obvious solution. It is the process of converting certain waste into a reusable material. Therefore, the recycle motto is “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle”. However, have you ever wondered why the word recycle is placed at the end? Well, it’s because it is not the only way to reduce waste and save the world from global warming. Recycling may have many advantages, but its disadvantages’ list is not a short one either. Recycling may look very simple and easy method, but when there is a need for a new unit of waste recycling, it takes up a lot of space. Not to mention the amount of money the building costs along with paying the staffs, buying new utility vehicles, upgrading the recycling unit and different types of chemical disposals. It is not only expensive but also, unhygienic, unsafe and unsightly with piles of waste materials on every location. These wastes spread infectious diseases putting human health at risk. Aside from recycling
“All men are created equal.” While this fundamental statement represents the ideal judicial system, it is not always true.
According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), food wastage, “food produced and not eaten,” emits enough greenhouse gasses (GHG) to be ranked third amongst global emitters (FAO 2013, 6). In New York City (NYC) it is estimated that businesses “produce more than 650,000 tons of food waste annually” (Turso 2017). This specific food waste is classified as food scrap, cooked food which is still edible, but no longer useful to the business due to a myriad of reasons. Whatever the reason may be for the company, this tonnage of food has the potential and possibility of being recovered for redistribution to food banks, soup kitchens, and other food rescue organizations. For example, two of the largest organizations in NYC, City Harvest and Food Bank NYC, will collect around 59 million and 24 million pounds in 2017 respectively, of unprocessed/non-perishable food. This is equivalent to about 42 thousand tons or 6.5 percent of annual food waste from scraps. Despite having warehouses, fleets of vehicles, and numerous volunteers, two of the largest organizations barely make an impact on the total amount of food rescued versus food wasted.